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25 自动化测试



Clojure里面主要的主要自动化测试框架是clojure core里面自带的。下面的代码演示了它的一些主要特性:

(use 'clojure.test)

; Tests can be written in separate functions.
(deftest add-test
  ; The "is" macro takes a predicate, arguments to it,
  ; and an optional message.
  (is (= 4 (+ 2 2)))
  (is (= 2 (+ 2 0)) "adding zero doesn't change value"))

(deftest reverse-test
  (is (= [3 2 1] (reverse [1 2 3]))))

; Tests can verify that a specific exception is thrown.
(deftest division-test
  (is (thrown? ArithmeticException (/ 3.0 0))))

; The with-test macro can be used to add tests
; to the functions they test as metadata.
  (defn my-add [n1 n2] (+ n1 n2))
  (is (= 4 (my-add 2 2)))
  (is (= 2 (my-add 2 0)) "adding zero doesn't change value"))

; The "are" macro takes a predicate template and
; multiple sets of arguments to it, but no message.
; Each set of arguments are substituted one at a time
; into the predicate template and evaluated.
(deftest multiplication
  (are [n1 n2 result]
    (= (* n1 n2) result) ; a template
    1 1 1,
    1 2 2,
    2 3 6))

; Run all the tests in the current namespace.
; This includes tests that were added as function metadata using with-test.
; Other namespaces can be specified as quoted arguments.

为了限制运行一个test的时候抛出来的异常的深度,bind一个数字到special symbol: *stack-trace-depth*

当你要把Clojure代码编译成bytecode以部署到生成环境的时候, 你可以给 *load-tests* symbol bind一个 false 值,以避免把测试代码编译进去。

虽然和自动化测试不是同一个层面的东西,还是值得一提的是Clojure提供一个宏: assert 。它测试一个表达式, 如果这个表达式的值为false的话,他们它会抛出异常。这可以警告我们这种情况从来都不应该发生。看例子:

(assert (>= dow 7000))

自动化测试的另外一个重要的特性是fixtures。fixture其实就是JUnit里面的setup和tearDown方法。fixture分为两种,一种是在每个测试方法的开始,结束的时候 执行。一种是在整个测试(好几个测试方法)的开始和结束的时候执行。


(defn fixture-name [test-function]
  ; Perform setup here.
  ; Perform teardown here.

这个fixture函数会在执行每个测试方法的时候执行一次。这里这个 test-function 及时要被执行的测试方法。


(use-fixtures :each fixture-1 fixture-2 ...)


  1. fixture-1 setup
  2. fixture-2 setup
  3. ONE test function
  4. fixture-2 teardown
  5. fixture-1 teardown


(use-fixtures  nce fixture-1 fixture-2 ...)


  1. fixture-1 setup
  2. fixture-2 setup
  3. ALL test functions
  4. fixture-2 teardown
  5. fixture-1 teardown

Clojure本身的测试在 test 子目录里面. 要想运行他们的话, cd到包含 srctest 的目录下面去,然后执行: " ant test "。