Copy & Paste


Copy & Cut

Copy & Cut actions allows exporting data from Handsontable into the system clipboard. The CopyPaste plugin copies and cuts data as a text/plain and a text/html mime-type.

End-user usage

Available keyboard shortcuts:

  • CTRL/CMD + C - copies the content of the last selected cells range
  • CTRL/CMD + X - cuts the content of the last selected cells range

Available options in the browser's toolbar:

  • Edit > Copy - copies the content of the last selected cells range
  • Edit > Cut - cuts the content of the last selected cells range

Context menu

When the context menu is enabled, it includes default items among which you will find copy and cut options.

  • Copy - as a predefined key copy
  • Cut - as a predefined key cut

You can use them in the same way as the rest of the predefined items. These operations are executed by document.execCommand().

var container2 = document.getElementById('example2');
var hot2 = new Handsontable(container2, {
  data: Handsontable.helper.createSpreadsheetData(5, 5),
  rowHeaders: true,
  colHeaders: true,
  contextMenu: ['copy', 'cut'],

Trigger copy & cut programmatically

Firstly, you need to select a cell range to copy or cut.

hot.selectCell(1, 1);

Then you can use one of the following commands:

  • document.execCommand('copy')
  • document.execCommand('cut')

The CopyPaste plugin listens to the browser's cop and cut events, so if they are triggered, our implementation will copy or cut the selected data into the system clipboard.

var container = document.getElementById('example1');
var copyBtn = document.getElementById('copy');
var cutBtn = document.getElementById('cut');

var hot = new Handsontable(container, {
  rowHeaders: true,
  colHeaders: true,
  data: Handsontable.helper.createSpreadsheetData(5, 5),
  outsideClickDeselects: false,

Handsontable.dom.addEvent(copyBtn, 'mousedown', function () {
  hot.selectCell(1, 1);

Handsontable.dom.addEvent(copyBtn, 'click', function () {

Handsontable.dom.addEvent(cutBtn, 'mousedown', function () {
  hot.selectCell(1, 1);

Handsontable.dom.addEvent(cutBtn, 'click', function () {


The CopyPaste plugin exposes following hooks to manipulate data during copy or cut operations:

  • beforeCopy
  • afterCopy
  • beforeCut
  • afterCut

In their descriptions, you can find examples of how to use them.


Paste action allows importing data from external sources using the user's system clipboard. The CopyPaste firstly looks for text/html in the system clipboard, otherwise it looks for text/plain.

End-user usage

Available keyboard shortcuts:

  • CTRL/CMD + V - paste the content into the last selected cell range

Available options in the browser's toolbar:

  • Edit > Paste - paste the content into the last selected cell range

Context menu

Due to security reason, modern browsers disallow to read from the system clipboard.

Trigger paste programmatically

Due to security reason, modern browsers disallow to read from the system clipboard.


The CopyPaste plugin exposes following hooks to manipulate data during the pasting operation:

  • beforePaste
  • afterPaste

In their descriptions, you can find examples of how to use them.


  1. The CopyPaste plugin doesn't copy, cut or paste cells' appearance.
  2. The data copied from Handsontable will always be kept as plain text. For instance, if you copy a checked checkbox, the input will be kept as a value of "true".
  3. document.execCommand can be called only during an immediate-execute event, such as a MouseEvent or a KeyboardEvent.
  4. Internet Explorer supports only Text mime-type - what is an equivalent of text/plain.
  5. Internet Explorer prompts a confirm window to allow/disallow at the first time user tries to call document.execCommand. Unfortunately, if user disallows access to the system clipboard, no exceptions will be thrown and copy and cut actions will be disabled for end-user. You can read more about this behavior of the browser here