function getCarData() { return [ {car: "Mercedes A 160", year: 2017, price_usd: 7000, price_eur: 7000}, {car: "Citroen C4 Coupe", year: 2018, price_usd: 8330, price_eur: 8330}, {car: "Audi A4 Avant", year: 2019, price_usd: 33900, price_eur: 33900}, {car: "Opel Astra", year: 2020, price_usd: 5000, price_eur: 5000}, {car: "BMW 320i Coupe", year: 2021, price_usd: 30500, price_eur: 30500} ]; }Edit this page
By default, Handsontable treats all cell values as string
type. This is because <textarea>
returns a string as its value. In many cases you will prefer cell values to be treated as number
This allows to format displayed numbers nicely and sort them correctly.
To trigger the Numeric cell type, use the option type: 'numeric'
in columns
or cells
function. Make sure your cell values are numbers and not strings as Handsontable will not parse strings to numbers.
You can input float-typed values in the numeric editor only using a dot or a comma as a decimal separator.
For example, both 500000.5
, 500000,5
will be accepted. You are not able to use thousands separator in the editor.
You can format the displayed values of the entered numbers. It can be done using the numericFormat option. Please keep in mind that it have no influence on the way you enter data.
Note that all the positive and negative integers whose magnitude is no greater than 253 (+/- 9007199254740991) are representable in the Number
type (safe integer). Any calculations
that are performed on bigger numbers won't be calculated precisely due to JavaScript limitation (more at w3schools).
var container = document.getElementById('example1'), hot; hot = new Handsontable(container, { data: getCarData(), colHeaders: ['Car', 'Year', 'Price ($)', 'Price (€)'], columnSorting : true, columns: [ { data: 'car' // 1nd column is simple text, no special options here }, { data: 'year', type: 'numeric' }, { data: 'price_usd', type: 'numeric', numericFormat: { pattern: '$0,0.00', culture: 'en-US' // this is the default culture, set up for USD }, allowEmpty: false }, { data: 'price_eur', type: 'numeric', numericFormat: { pattern: '0,0.00 $', culture: 'de-DE' // use this for EUR (German), // more cultures available on } } ] });