这个例子的目的是如果条件满足,将 a
和 b
计算后的值绑定到 c
// this is standard imperative code
var c: String
var a = 1 // this will only assign the value `1` to `a` once
var b = 2 // this will only assign the value `2` to `b` once
if a + b >= 0 {
c = "\(a + b) is positive" // this will only assign the value to `c` once
现在的值是 3 is positive
。然而,如果我们改变了 a
的值为 4
, c
a = 4 // `c` will still be equal to "3 is positive" which is not good
// we want `c` to be equal to "6 is positive" since 4 + 2 = 6
下面是使用 RxSwift 改进逻辑后的代码:
let a /*: Observable<Int>*/ = Variable(1) // a = 1
let b /*: Observable<Int>*/ = Variable(2) // b = 2
// combines latest values of variables `a` and `b` using `+`
let c = Observable.combineLatest(a.asObservable(), b.asObservable()) { $0 + $1 }
.filter { $0 >= 0 } // if `a + b >= 0` is true, `a + b` is passed to the map operator
.map { "\($0) is positive" } // maps `a + b` to "\(a + b) is positive"
// Since the initial values are a = 1 and b = 2
// 1 + 2 = 3 which is >= 0, so `c` is initially equal to "3 is positive"
// To pull values out of the Rx `Observable` `c`, subscribe to values from `c`.
// `subscribeNext` means subscribe to the next (fresh) values of `c`.
// That also includes the initial value "3 is positive".
c.subscribeNext { print($0) } // prints: "3 is positive"
// Now, let's increase the value of `a`
a.value = 4 // prints: 6 is positive
// The sum of the latest values, `4` and `2`, is now `6`.
// Since this is `>= 0`, the `map` operator produces "6 is positive"
// and that result is "assigned" to `c`.
// Since the value of `c` changed, `{ print($0) }` will get called,
// and "6 is positive" will be printed.
// Now, let's change the value of `b`
b.value = -8 // doesn't print anything
// The sum of the latest values, `4 + (-8)`, is `-4`.
// Since this is not `>= 0`, `map` doesn't get executed.
// This means that `c` still contains "6 is positive"
// Since `c` hasn't been updated, a new "next" value hasn't been produced,
// and `{ print($0) }` won't be called.
简单 UI 绑定
- 不绑定数值,让我们用
绑定数值 - 然后,使用
并且使用异步 API 判断这个数字是否是素数 - 如果文本在异步调用完成之前改变了,一个新的异步调用会通过
代替他 - 将结果绑定到
let subscription/*: Disposable */ = primeTextField.rx_text // type is Observable<String>
.map { WolframAlphaIsPrime(Int($0) ?? 0) } // type is Observable<Observable<Prime>>
.concat() // type is Observable<Prime>
.map { "number \($0.n) is prime? \($0.isPrime)" } // type is Observable<String>
.bindTo(resultLabel.rx_text) // return Disposable that can be used to unbind everything
// This will set `resultLabel.text` to "number 43 is prime? true" after
// server call completes.
primeTextField.text = "43"
// ...
// to unbind everything, just call
如果你是 Rx 的新手,那幺下面的例子在一开始可能会有一点点难以应对。但是这被用来展示 RxSwift 的代码在真实世界如何被看待。
这个例子包含复杂的异步 UI 进度通知验证逻辑。当 disposeBag
// bind UI control values directly
// use username from `usernameOutlet` as username values source
.map { username in
// synchronous validation, nothing special here
if username.isEmpty {
// Convenience for constructing synchronous result.
// In case there is mixed synchronous and asynchronous code inside the same
// method, this will construct an async result that is resolved immediately.
return Observable.just((valid: false, message: "Username can't be empty."))
// ...
// User interfaces should probably show some state while async operations
// are executing.
// Let's assume that we want to show "Checking availability" while waiting for a result.
// Valid parameters can be:
// * true - is valid
// * false - is not valid
// * nil - validation pending
typealias LoadingInfo = (valid: String?, message: String?)
let loadingValue : LoadingInfo = (valid: nil, message: "Checking availability ...")
// This will fire a server call to check if the username already exists.
// Its type is `Observable<ValidationResult>`
return API.usernameAvailable(username)
.map { available in
if available {
return (true, "Username available")
else {
return (false, "Username already taken")
// use `loadingValue` until server responds
// Since we now have `Observable<Observable<ValidationResult>>`
// we need to somehow return to a simple `Observable<ValidationResult>`.
// We could use the `concat` operator from the second example, but we really
// want to cancel pending asynchronous operations if a new username is provided.
// That's what `switchLatest` does.
// Now we need to bind that to the user interface somehow.
// Good old `subscribeNext` can do that.
// That's the end of `Observable` chain.
.subscribeNext { valid in
errorLabel.textColor = validationColor(valid)
errorLabel.text = valid.message
// This will produce a `Disposable` object that can unbind everything and cancel
// pending async operations.
// Instead of doing it manually, which is tedious,
// let's dispose everything automagically upon view controller dealloc.
这些例子包含如何使用 Rx 在 MVVM 设计模式的上下文,或者没有 MVVM。