我在用Java和SVG Salamander玩弄,但还不太了解如何将简单的SVG文件渲染为JPanel
安装Apache Maven。
mkdir -p $HOME/dev/java/
cd $HOME/dev/java
git clone https://github.com/blackears/svgSalamander
cd svgSalamander/svg-core
vi pom.xml
使用Maven生成JAR文件: mvn package
dependencies {
// SVG
implementation fileTree(include: ['**/*.jar'], dir: 'libs')
如果您使用其他构建系统,则必须相应地更改依赖关系。从那里开始,这是一个使用SVG Salamander缩放和光栅化矢量图形资源文件的类:
import com.kitfox.svg.SVGDiagram;
import com.kitfox.svg.SVGException;
import com.kitfox.svg.SVGUniverse;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Map;
import static java.awt.RenderingHints.*;
import static java.awt.image.BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB;
* Responsible for converting SVG images into rasterized PNG images.
public class SvgRasterizer {
public final static Map<Object, Object> RENDERING_HINTS = Map.of(
private final static SVGUniverse sRenderer = new SVGUniverse();
* Rasterizes a vector graphic to a given size using a {@link BufferedImage}.
* The rendering hints are set to produce high quality output.
* @param path Fully qualified path to the image resource to rasterize.
* @param dstDim The output image dimensions.
* @return The rasterized {@link Image}.
* @throws SVGException Could not open, read, parse, or render SVG data.
public Image rasterize( final String path, final Dimension dstDim )
throws SVGException {
final var diagram = loadDiagram( path );
final var wDiagram = diagram.getWidth();
final var hDiagram = diagram.getHeight();
final var srcDim = new Dimension( (int) wDiagram, (int) hDiagram );
final var scaled = fit( srcDim, dstDim );
final var wScaled = (int) scaled.getWidth();
final var hScaled = (int) scaled.getHeight();
final var image = new BufferedImage( wScaled, hScaled, TYPE_INT_ARGB );
final var g = image.createGraphics();
g.setRenderingHints( RENDERING_HINTS );
final var transform = g.getTransform();
transform.setToScale( wScaled / wDiagram, hScaled / hDiagram );
g.setTransform( transform );
diagram.render( g );
return image;
* Gets an instance of {@link URL} that references a file in the
* application's resources.
* @param path The full path (starting at the root), relative to the
* application or JAR file's resources directory.
* @return A {@link URL} to the file or {@code null} if the path does not
* point to a resource.
private URL getResourceUrl( final String path ) {
return SvgRasterizer.class.getResource( path );
* Loads the resource specified by the given path into an instance of
* {@link SVGDiagram} that can be rasterized into a bitmap format. The
* {@link SVGUniverse} class will
* @param path The full path (starting at the root), relative to the
* application or JAR file's resources directory.
* @return An {@link SVGDiagram} that can be rasterized onto a
* {@link BufferedImage}.
private SVGDiagram loadDiagram( final String path ) {
final var url = getResourceUrl( path );
final var uri = sRenderer.loadSVG( url );
final var diagram = sRenderer.getDiagram( uri );
return applySettings( diagram );
* Instructs the SVG renderer to rasterize the image even if it would be
* clipped.
* @param diagram The {@link SVGDiagram} to render.
* @return The same instance with ignore clip heuristics set to {@code true}.
private SVGDiagram applySettings( final SVGDiagram diagram ) {
diagram.setIgnoringClipHeuristic( true );
return diagram;
* Scales the given source {@link Dimension} to the destination
* {@link Dimension}, maintaining the aspect ratio with respect to
* the best fit.
* @param src The original vector graphic dimensions to change.
* @param dst The desired image dimensions to scale.
* @return The given source dimensions scaled to the destination dimensions,
* maintaining the aspect ratio.
private Dimension fit( final Dimension src, final Dimension dst ) {
final var srcWidth = src.getWidth();
final var srcHeight = src.getHeight();
// Determine the ratio that will have the best fit.
final var ratio = Math.min(
dst.getWidth() / srcWidth, dst.getHeight() / srcHeight
// Scale both dimensions with respect to the best fit ratio.
return new Dimension( (int) (srcWidth * ratio), (int) (srcHeight * ratio) );
final var rasterizer = new SvgRasterizer();
final var image = rasterizer.rasterize( "/images/icon.svg", new Dimension( 200, 200 ) );
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
* Responsible for drawing an image, which can be changed at any time.
public class ImageComponent extends JComponent {
* Mutable image.
private Image mImage;
ImageComponent( final Image image ) {
mImage = image;
public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
// Race-condition guard.
final var image = mImage;
return new Dimension(
image.getWidth( null ), image.getHeight( null )
protected void paintComponent( final Graphics graphics ) {
super.paintComponent( graphics );
final var g = (Graphics2D) graphics.create();
g.drawImage( mImage, 0, 0, this );
* Repaints this component using the given image. This is a mutable
* operation that changes the internal {@link Image} instance.
* @param image The new image to use for painting.
public void redraw( final Image image ) {
mImage = image;
Composite Images watermark(['/img/shepherd.jpg', '/img/logo.png']) .image(watermark.image.lowerRight()) .then(function (img) { document.getElementById('composite-image').appendChild(img); }); Al
示例的Python源代码或者交互界面都可以使用标准reST模块实现.在正常段落后面跟着 :: 开始,再加上适当缩进. 交互界面需包含提示及Python代码的输出. 交互界面没有特别的标记. 在最后一行输入或输出之后,不应出现空的提示; 这是一个什么都不做的例子: >>> 1 + 1 2 >>> 语法高亮显示由 Pygments (如果安装) 优雅的显示: 每个源文件都有高亮语言”highlight
Redux 源码 中同时包含了一些示例。这些示例中的大多数也在CodeSandbox上,这是一个在线编辑器,可让您在线测试示例。 原生版 Counter 运行 Counter Vanilla 示例: git clone https://github.com/reactjs/redux.git cd redux/examples/counter-vanilla open index.html 该示
这是一些 Mithril 的示例: Animation DBMonster Markdown Editor SVG: Clock, Ring, Tiger ThreadItJS TodoMVC
已经有超过50,000本图书使用GitBook.com发布。 文档 DuckDuckHack 文档 by DuckDuckGo Loomio Handbook and guide to using Loomio both by Loomio Enspiral Handbook by Enspiral Webmagic开发文档 by https://github.com/code4craft/web
这里列出了所有示例: adc_vol_sample.c dynmem_sample.c event_sample.c httpclient_sample.c hwtimer_sample.c i2c_aht10_sample.c idlehook_sample.c interrupt_sample.c iwdg_sample.c led_blink_sample.c mailbox_sample.
下面的例子说明了部署描述文件模式中列出的定义的用法。 一个简单的例子 CODE EXAMPLE 14-1 Basic Deployment Descriptor Example <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee" xmlns:xsi="http://
计算变量 首先,让我们从一些必要的代码开始。 这个例子的目的是如果条件满足,将 a 和 b 计算后的值绑定到 c 上。 下面就是必要的代码示例: // this is standard imperative code var c: String var a = 1 // this will only assign the value `1` to `a` once var b = 2