Mempool Configuration


Here we describe configuration options around mempool. For the purposes of this document, they are described as command-line flags, but they can also be passed in as environmental variables or in the config.toml file. The following are all equivalent:

Flag: --mempool.recheck=false

Environment: TM_MEMPOOL_RECHECK=false


recheck = false


--mempool.recheck=false (default: true)

Recheck determines if the mempool rechecks all pending transactions after a block was committed. Once a block is committed, the mempool removes all valid transactions that were successfully included in the block.

If recheck is true, then it will rerun CheckTx on all remaining transactions with the new block state.


--mempool.broadcast=false (default: true)

Determines whether this node gossips any valid transactions that arrive in mempool. Default is to gossip anything that passes checktx. If this is disabled, transactions are not gossiped, but instead stored locally and added to the next block this node is the proposer.


--mempool.wal_dir=/tmp/gaia/mempool.wal (default: $TM_HOME/data/mempool.wal)

This defines the directory where mempool writes the write-ahead logs. These files can be used to reload unbroadcasted transactions if the node crashes.

If the directory passed in is an absolute path, the wal file is created there. If the directory is a relative path, the path is appended to home directory of the tendermint process to generate an absolute path to the wal directory (default $HOME/.tendermint or set via TM_HOME or `--home``)