Blockchain Reactor


The Blockchain Reactor's high level responsibility is to enable peers who are far behind the current state of the consensus to quickly catch up by downloading many blocks in parallel, verifying their commits, and executing them against the ABCI application.

Tendermint full nodes run the Blockchain Reactor as a service to provide blocks to new nodes. New nodes run the Blockchain Reactor in "fast_sync" mode, where they actively make requests for more blocks until they sync up. Once caught up, "fast_sync" mode is disabled and the node switches to using (and turns on) the Consensus Reactor.

Message Types

const (
    msgTypeBlockRequest    = byte(0x10)
    msgTypeBlockResponse   = byte(0x11)
    msgTypeNoBlockResponse = byte(0x12)
    msgTypeStatusResponse  = byte(0x20)
    msgTypeStatusRequest   = byte(0x21)
type bcBlockRequestMessage struct {
    Height int64

type bcNoBlockResponseMessage struct {
    Height int64

type bcBlockResponseMessage struct {
    Block Block

type bcStatusRequestMessage struct {
    Height int64

type bcStatusResponseMessage struct {
    Height int64

Architecture and algorithm

The Blockchain reactor is organised as a set of concurrent tasks:

  • Receive routine of Blockchain Reactor
  • Task for creating Requesters
  • Set of Requesters tasks and - Controller task.

Data structures

These are the core data structures necessarily to provide the Blockchain Reactor logic.

Requester data structure is used to track assignment of request for block at position height to a peer with id equals to peerID.

type Requester {
  mtx          Mutex
  block        Block
  height       int64
 peerID       p2p.ID
  redoChannel  chan p2p.ID //redo may send multi-time; peerId is used to identify repeat

Pool is a core data structure that stores last executed block (height), assignment of requests to peers (requesters), current height for each peer and number of pending requests for each peer (peers), maximum peer height, etc.

type Pool {
  mtx                Mutex
  requesters         map[int64]*Requester
  height             int64
  peers              map[p2p.ID]*Peer
  maxPeerHeight      int64
  numPending         int32
  store              BlockStore
  requestsChannel    chan<- BlockRequest
  errorsChannel      chan<- peerError

Peer data structure stores for each peer current height and number of pending requests sent to the peer (numPending), etc.

type Peer struct {
  id           p2p.ID
  height       int64
  numPending   int32
  timeout      *time.Timer
  didTimeout   bool

BlockRequest is internal data structure used to denote current mapping of request for a block at some height to a peer (PeerID).

type BlockRequest {
  Height int64
  PeerID p2p.ID

Receive routine of Blockchain Reactor

It is executed upon message reception on the BlockchainChannel inside p2p receive routine. There is a separate p2p receive routine (and therefore receive routine of the Blockchain Reactor) executed for each peer. Note that try to send will not block (returns immediately) if outgoing buffer is full.

handleMsg(pool, m):
    upon receiving bcBlockRequestMessage m from peer p:
      block = load block for height m.Height from
      if block != nil then
        try to send BlockResponseMessage(block) to p
        try to send bcNoBlockResponseMessage(m.Height) to p

    upon receiving bcBlockResponseMessage m from peer p:
      requester = pool.requesters[m.Height]
      if requester == nil then
        error("peer sent us a block we didn't expect")

      if requester.block == nil and requester.peerID == p then
        requester.block = m
        pool.numPending -= 1  // atomic decrement
        peer = pool.peers[p]
        if peer != nil then
          if peer.numPending == 0 then
            // NOTE: we don't send Quit signal to the corresponding requester task!
          trigger peer timeout to expire after peerTimeout

    upon receiving bcStatusRequestMessage m from peer p:
      try to send bcStatusResponseMessage(

    upon receiving bcStatusResponseMessage m from peer p:
      peer = pool.peers[p]
      if peer != nil then
        peer.height = m.height
        peer = create new Peer data structure with id = p and height = m.Height
        pool.peers[p] = peer

      if m.Height > pool.maxPeerHeight then
        pool.maxPeerHeight = m.Height

  send error message to pool error channel
  peer = pool.peers[p]
  peer.didTimeout = true

Requester tasks

Requester task is responsible for fetching a single block at position height.

fetchBlock(height, pool):
  while true do {
    peerID = nil
    block = nil
    peer = pickAvailablePeer(height)
    peerID =

    enqueue BlockRequest(height, peerID) to pool.requestsChannel
    redo = false
    while !redo do
      select {
        upon receiving Quit message do
        upon receiving redo message with id on redoChannel do
          if peerID == id {
            redo = true

  selectedPeer = nil
  while selectedPeer = nil do
    for each peer in pool.peers do
      if !peer.didTimeout and peer.numPending < maxPendingRequestsPerPeer and peer.height >= height then
        selectedPeer = peer

    if selectedPeer = nil then
      sleep requestIntervalMS

  return selectedPeer

sleep for requestIntervalMS

Task for creating Requesters

This task is responsible for continuously creating and starting Requester tasks.

  while true do
    if !pool.isRunning then break
    if pool.numPending < maxPendingRequests or size(pool.requesters) < maxTotalRequesters then
      nextHeight = pool.height + size(pool.requesters)
      requester = create new requester for height nextHeight
      pool.requesters[nextHeight] = requester
      pool.numPending += 1 // atomic increment
      start requester task
      sleep requestIntervalMS
      for each peer in pool.peers do
        if !peer.didTimeout && peer.numPending > 0 && peer.curRate < minRecvRate then
          send error on pool error channel
          peer.didTimeout = true
        if peer.didTimeout then
          for each requester in pool.requesters do
            if requester.getPeerID() == peer then
              enqueue msg on requestor's redoChannel
          delete(pool.peers, peerID)

Main blockchain reactor controller task

  create trySyncTicker with interval trySyncIntervalMS
  create statusUpdateTicker with interval statusUpdateIntervalSeconds
  create switchToConsensusTicker with interval switchToConsensusIntervalSeconds

  while true do
    select {
	  upon receiving BlockRequest(Height, Peer) on pool.requestsChannel:
	    try to send bcBlockRequestMessage(Height) to Peer

	  upon receiving error(peer) on errorsChannel:
	    stop peer for error

	  upon receiving message on statusUpdateTickerChannel:
	    broadcast bcStatusRequestMessage( // message sent in a separate routine

	  upon receiving message on switchToConsensusTickerChannel:
	    receivedBlockOrTimedOut = pool.height > 0 || (time.Now() - pool.startTime) > 5 Seconds
	    ourChainIsLongestAmongPeers = pool.maxPeerHeight == 0 || pool.height >= pool.maxPeerHeight
	    haveSomePeers = size of pool.peers > 0
	    if haveSomePeers && receivedBlockOrTimedOut && ourChainIsLongestAmongPeers then
	      switch to consensus mode

          upon receiving message on trySyncTickerChannel:
            for i = 0; i < 10; i++ do
              firstBlock = pool.requesters[pool.height].block
              secondBlock = pool.requesters[pool.height].block
              if firstBlock == nil or secondBlock == nil then continue
              verify firstBlock using LastCommit from secondBlock
              if verification failed
                peerID = pool.requesters[pool.height].peerID
                delete(pool.peers, peerID)
                stop peer peerID for error
                delete(pool.requesters, pool.height)
                save firstBlock to store
                execute firstBlock

redoRequestsForPeer(pool, peerId):
  for each requester in pool.requesters do
    if requester.getPeerID() == peerID
  	  enqueue msg on redoChannel for requester


Defines maxMsgSize for the maximum size of incoming messages, SendQueueCapacity and RecvBufferCapacity for maximum sending and receiving buffers respectively. These are supposed to prevent amplification attacks by setting up the upper limit on how much data we can receive & send to a peer.

Sending incorrectly encoded data will result in stopping the peer.