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Whenever we want to add extra functionality to an object, we have a number of different options. We can:


  • Add the functionality directly to the class the object belongs to, if it makes sense (for example, add a new method)
  • Use composition
  • Use inheritance

  • 直接对类的对象添加功能,如果可行的话(例如,添加一个新方法)

  • 合成
  • 继承

Composition should generally be preferred over inheritance, because inheritance makes code reuse harder, it's static, and applies to an entire class and all instances of it [GOF95, page 31], [j.mp/decopat].


Design patterns offer us a fourth option that supports extending the functionality of an object dynamically (in runtime): Decorators. A Decorator pattern can add responsibilities to an object dynamically, and in a transparent manner (without affecting other objects) [GOF95, page 196].


In many programming languages, the Decorator pattern is implemented using sub-classing (inheritance) [GOF95, page 198]. In Python, we can (and should) use the built-in decorator feature. A Python decorator is a specific change to the syntax of Python that is used for extending the behavior of a class, method, or function without using inheritance. In terms of implementation, a Python decorator is a callable (function, method, class) that accepts a function object fin as input, and returns another function object fout [j.mp/conqdec]. This means that any callable that has these properties can be treated as a decorator. We have already seen how to use the built-in property decorator that makes a method appear as a variable in Chapter 1, The Factory Pattern and Chapter 2, The Builder Pattern. In the implementation section, we will learn how to implement and use our own decorators.


There is no one-to-one relationship between the Decorator pattern and Python decorators. Python decorators can actually do much more than the Decorator pattern. One of the things they can be used for, is to implement the Decorator pattern [Eckel08, page 59], [j.mp/moinpydec].

Python的装饰器和装饰器模式之间不存在一对一的关系。Python装饰器实际上能做的事情比装饰器模式多得多。使用Python装饰器的其中一个目的就是实现装饰器模式[Eckel08, 59页]。


The fact that the pattern is called Decorator does not mean that it should be used only for making things look prettier. The Decorator pattern is generally used for extending the functionality of an object. Real examples of such extensions are: adding a silencer to a gun, using different camera lenses (in cameras with removable lenses), and so on.


The following gure, provided by sourcemaking.com, shows how we can decorate a gun with special accessories to make it silent, more accurate, and devastating [j.mp/ decopat]. Note that the gure uses sub-classing, but in Python, this is not necessary because we can use the built-in decorator feature of the language.




The Django framework uses decorators to a great extent. An example is the View decorator. Django's View decorators can be used for [j.mp/djangodec]:


  • Restricting access to views based on the HTTP request
  • Controlling the caching behavior on speci c views
  • Controlling compression on a per-view basis
  • Controlling caching based on speci c HTTP request headers

  • 限制基于HTTP请求的视图

  • 控制特定视图的缓存行为
  • 控制每个视图基础的压缩
  • 控制依据特定HTTP请求偷渡的缓存

The Grok framework also uses decorators for achieving different goals such as [j.mp/grokdeco]:


  • Registering a function as an event subscriber
  • Protecting a method with a speci c permission
  • Implementing the Adapter pattern

  • 函数注册为一个时间订阅器

  • 对方法应用一个特定的权限
  • 实现适配器模式


The Decorator pattern shines when used for implementing cross-cutting concerns [Lott14, page 223], [j.mp/wikicrosscut]. Examples of cross-cutting concerns are:


  • Data validation
  • Transaction processing (A transaction in this case is similar to a database transaction, in the sense that either all steps should be completed successfully, or the transaction should fail.)
  • Caching
  • Logging
  • Monitoring
  • Debugging
  • Business rules
  • Compression
  • Encryption

  • 数据验证

  • 事物处理(这种场景下的事物类似于数据库事物,感觉上所有的步骤要么都应该是成功,要么事物应该失败。)
  • 缓存
  • 登录
  • 监控
  • 调试
  • 业务规则
  • 压缩
  • 加密

In general, all parts of an application that are generic and can be applied to many other parts of it, are considered cross-cutting concerns.


Another popular example of using the Decorator pattern is Graphical User Interface (GUI) toolkits. In a GUI toolkit, we want to be able to add features such as borders, shadows, colors, and scrolling to individual components/widgets [GOF95, page 196].



Python decorators are generic and very powerful. You can nd many examples of how they can be used at the decorator library of python.org [j.mp/pydeclib]. In this section, we will see how we can implement a memoization decorator [j.mp/ memoi]. All recursive functions can bene t from memoization, so let's pick the popular Fibonacci sequence example. Implementing the recursive algorithm of Fibonacci is straight forward, but it has major performance issues, even for small values. First, let's see the naive implementation ( le fibonacci_naive.py).


 def fibonacci(n):
       assert(n >= 0), 'n must be >= 0'
       return n if n in (0, 1) else fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)
   if __name__ == '__main__':
       from timeit import Timer
       t = Timer('fibonacci(8)', 'from __main__ import fibonacci')

A sample execution of this example shows how slow this implementation is. It takes 17 seconds to calculate the eighth Fibonacci number. The same execution gives the following output:


>>> python3 fibonacci_naive.py

Let's use memoization to see if it helps. In the following code, we use a dict for caching the already computed values of the Fibonacci sequence. We also change the parameter passed to the fibonacci() function. We want to calculate the hundredth Fibonacci number instead of the eighth.


known = {0:0, 1:1}

def fibonacci(n):
   assert(n >= 0), 'n must be >= 0'
   if n in known:
       return known[n]
   res = fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)
   known[n] = res
    return res

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from timeit import Timer
    t = Timer('fibonacci(100)', 'from __main__ import fibonacci') print(t.timeit())

Executing the memoization-based code shows that performance improves dramatically, and is acceptable even for computing large values. A sample execution is as follows:


>>> python3 fibonacci.py

But there are already a few problems with this approach. While the performance is not an issue any longer, the code is not as clean as it is when not using memoization. And what happens if we decide to extend the code with more math functions and turn it into a module? Let's assume that the next function we decide to add is nsum(), which returns the sum of the rst n numbers. Note that this function is already available in the math module as fsum(), but we can easily think of other functions that are not available in the standard library and would be useful for our module (for example Pascal's triangle, the sieve of Eratosthenes, and so on). The code of the nsum() function using memoization ( le mymath.py) is given as follows:


   known_sum = {0:0}
   def nsum(n):
       assert(n >= 0), 'n must be >= 0'
       if n in known_sum:
           return known_sum[n]
       res = n + nsum(n-1)
       known_sum[n] = res
       return res

Do you notice the problem already? We ended up with a new dict called known_sum which acts as our cache for nsum, and a function that is more complex than it would be without using memoization. Our module is becoming unnecessarily complex. Is it possible to keep the recursive functions as simple as the naive versions, but achieve a performance similar to the performance of the functions that use memoization? Fortunately, it is, and the solution is to use the Decorator pattern.


First, we create a memoize() decorator as shown in the following example. Our decorator accepts the function fn that needs to be memoized, as an input. It uses a dict named known as the cache. The functools.wraps() function is a function that is used for convenience when creating decorators. It is not mandatory but a good practice to use since it makes sure that the documentation and the signature of the function that is decorated, are preserved [j.mp/funcwraps]. The argument list *args, is required in this case because the functions that we want to decorate accept input arguments. It would be redundant to use it if fibonacci() and nsum() didn't require any arguments, but they require n.


   import functools
   def memoize(fn):
       known = dict()
       def memoizer(*args):
           if args not in known:
               known[args] = fn(*args)
           return known[args]
       return memoizer

Now, we can use our memoize() decorator with the naive version of our functions. This has the benefit of readable code without performance impacts. We apply a decorator using what is known as decoration (or decoration line). A decoration uses the @name syntax, where name is the name of the decorator that we want to use. It is nothing more than syntactic sugar for simplifying the usage of decorators. We can even bypass this syntax and execute our decorator manually, but that is left as an exercise for you. Let's see how the memoize() decorator is used with our recursive functions in the following example:


   def nsum(n):
       '''Returns the sum of the first n numbers'''
       assert(n >= 0), 'n must be >= 0'
       return 0 if n == 0 else n + nsum(n-1)

   def fibonacci(n):
       '''Returns the nth number of the Fibonacci sequence'''
       assert(n >= 0), 'n must be >= 0'
       return n if n in (0, 1) else fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)

The last part of the code shows how to use the decorated functions and measure their performance. measure is a list of dict used to avoid code repetition. Note how __name__ and __doc__ show the proper function names and documentation values, respectively. Try removing the @functools.wraps(fn) decoration from memoize(), and see if this is still the case:


   if __name__ == '__main__':
       from timeit import Timer
       measure = [ {'exec':'fibonacci(100)', 'import':'fibonacci',
       'func':fibonacci},{'exec':'nsum(200)', 'import':'nsum',
       'func':nsum} ]
       for m in measure:
           t = Timer('{}'.format(m['exec']), 'from __main__ import {}'.format(m['import']))
           print('name: {}, doc: {}, executing: {}, time: {}'.format(m['func'].__name__, m['func'].__doc__,
           m['exec'], t.timeit()))

Let's see the complete code of our math module ( le mymath.py) and a sample output when executing it.


   import functools

   def memoize(fn):
       known = dict()
       def memoizer(*args):
           if args not in known:
               known[args] = fn(*args)
           return known[args]
       return memoizer

   def nsum(n):
       '''Returns the sum of the first n numbers'''
       assert(n >= 0), 'n must be >= 0'
       return 0 if n == 0 else n + nsum(n-1)

   def fibonacci(n):
       '''Returns the nth number of the Fibonacci sequence'''
       assert(n >= 0), 'n must be >= 0'
       return n if n in (0, 1) else fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)

if __name__ == '__main__':
       from timeit import Timer
       measure = [ {'exec':'fibonacci(100)', 'import':'fibonacci',
       'func':fibonacci}, {'exec':'nsum(200)', 'import':'nsum',
       'func':nsum} ]
       for m in measure:
           t = Timer('{}'.format(m['exec']), 'from __main__ import{}'.format(m['import']))
           print('name: {}, doc: {}, executing: {}, time: {}'.format(m['func'].__name__, m['func'].__doc__,
           m['exec'], t.timeit()))

Note that the execution times might differ in your case.


>>> python3 mymath.py
name: fibonacci, doc: Returns the nth number of the Fibonacci
sequence, executing: fibonacci(100), time: 0.4169441329995607
name: nsum, doc: Returns the sum of the first n numbers,
executing: nsum(200), time: 0.4160157349997462

Nice. Readable code and acceptable performance. Now, you might argue that this is not the Decorator pattern, since we don't apply it in runtime. The truth is that a decorated function cannot be undecorated; but you can still decide in runtime if the decorator will be executed or not. That's an interesting exercise left for you.



Hint: Use a decorator that acts as a wrapper which decides whether or not the real decorator is executed based on some condition.



Another interesting property of decorators that is not covered in this chapter is that, you can decorate a function with more than one decorator. So here's another exercise: create a decorator that helps you to debug recursive functions, and apply it on nsum() and fibonacci(). In what order are the multiple decorators executed?

装饰器的另外一个有趣的属性并不在本章讨论范围之内,即,你可以对一个函数应用不止一个装饰器。所以这里还有另外一个练习:创建一个帮助你调试递归函数的装饰器,并把它运用到nsum() 和 fibonacci()。其中多个装饰器的执行顺序是什么?

If you have not had enough with decorators, I have one last exercise for you. The memoize() decorator does not work with functions that accept more than one argument. How can we verify that? After verifying it, try nding a way of fixing this issue.



This chapter covered the Decorator pattern and its relation to the Python programming language. We use the Decorator pattern as a convenient way of extending the behavior of an object without using inheritance. Python extends the Decorator concept even more, by allowing us to extend the behavior of any callable (function, method, or class) without using inheritance or composition. We can use the built-in decorator feature of Python.


We have seen a few examples of objects that are decorated in reality, like guns and cameras. From a software point of view, both Django and Grok use decorators for achieving different goals, such as controlling HTTP compression and caching.


The Decorator pattern is a great solution for implementing cross-cutting concerns, because they are generic and do not fit well into the OOP paradigm. We mentioned many categories of cross-cutting concerns in the Use cases section. In fact, in the Implementation section a cross-cutting concern was demonstrated: memoization. We saw how decorators can help us to keep our functions clean, without sacrificing performance.


The recommended exercises in this chapter can help you understand decorators even better, so that you can use this very powerful tool for solving many common (and perhaps less common) programming problems. The next chapter covers the Facade pattern, which is a convenient way of simplifying access to a complex system.
