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Structural design patterns deal with the relationships between the entities (such as classes and objects) of a system. A structural design pattern focuses on providing a simple way of composing objects for creating new functionality [GOF95, page 155], [j.mp/structpat].


Adapter is a structural design pattern that helps us make two incompatible interfaces compatible. First, let's answer what incompatible interfaces really mean. If we have an old component and we want to use it in a new system, or a new component that we want to use in an old system, the two can rarely communicate without requiring any code changes. But changing the code is not always possible, either because we don't have access to it (for example, the component is provided as an external library) or because it is impractical. In such cases, we can write an extra layer that makes all the required modi cations for enabling the communication between the two interfaces. This layer is called the Adapter.


E-commerce systems are known examples. Assume that we use an e-commerce system that contains a calculate_total(order) function. The function calculates the total amount of an order, but only in Danish Kroner (DKK). It is reasonable for our customers to ask us to add support for more popular currencies, such as United States Dollars (USD) and Euros (EUR). If we own the source code of the system we can extend it by adding new functions for doing the conversions from DKK to USD and from DKK to EUR. But what if we don't have access to the source code of the application because it is provided to us only as an external library? In this case, we can still use the library (for example, call its methods), but we cannot modify/extend it. The solution is to write a wrapper (also known as Adapter) that converts the data from the given DKK format to the expected USD or EUR format.


The Adapter pattern is not useful only for data conversions. In general, if you want to use an interface that expects function_a() but you only have function_b(), you can use an Adapter to convert (adapt) function_b() to function_a() [Eckel08, page 207], [j.mp/adapterpat]. This is not only true for functions but also for function parameters. An example is a function that expects the parameters x, y, and z but you only have a function that works with the parameters x and y at hand. We will see how to use the Adapter pattern in the implementation section.


A real-life example 真实事例

Probably all of us use the Adapter pattern every day, but in hardware instead of software. If you have a smartphone or a tablet, you need to use something (for example, the lightning connector of an iPhone) with a USB adapter for connecting it to your computer. If you are traveling from most European countries to the UK, you need to use a plug adapter for charging your laptop. The same is true if you are traveling from Europe to USA, or the other way around. Adapters are everywhere!


The following image, courtesy of sourcemaking.com, shows several examples of hardware adapters [j.mp/adapterpat]:


A software example 软件示例

Grok is a Python framework that runs on top of Zope 3 and focuses on agile development. The Grok framework uses Adapters for making it possible for existing objects to conform to speci c APIs without the need to modify them [j.mp/grokada].

Grok是一个运行在Zope 3基础支行的Python框架,它旨在于进行敏捷开发。Grok框架为了让现有项目是适应特定API而不对API修改,而使用了适配器。

The Python Traits package also uses the Adapter pattern for transforming an object that does not implement of a speci c interface (or set of interfaces) to an object that does [j.mp/pytraitsad].


Use cases 用法案例

The Adapter pattern is used for making things work after they have been implemented [j.mp/adapterpat]. Usually one of the two incompatible interfaces is either foreign or old/legacy. If the interface is foreign, it means that we have no access to the source code. If it is old it is usually impractical to refactor it. We can take it even further and argue that altering the implementation of a legacy component to meet our needs is not only impractical, but it also violates the open/close principle [j.mp/adaptsimp]. The open/close principle is one of the fundamental principles of Object-Oriented design (the O of SOLID). It states that a software entity should be open for extension, but closed for modi cation. That basically means that we should be able to extend the behavior of an entity without making source code modi cations. Adapter respects the open/closed principle [j.mp/openclosedp].


Therefore, using an Adapter for making things work after they have been implemented is a better approach because it:


  • Does not require access to the source code of the foreign interface
  • Does not violate the open/closed principle

  • 不要求访问外部接口的源代码

  • 不违反开放/关闭原则

Implementation 实现

There are many ways of implementing the Adapter design pattern in Python [Eckel08, page 207]. All the techniques demonstrated by Bruce Eckel use inheritance, but Python provides an alternative, and in my opinion, a more idiomatic way of implementing an Adapter. The alternative technique should be familiar to you, since it uses the internal dictionary of a class, and we have seen how to do that in Chapter 3, The Prototype Pattern.


Let's begin with the what we have part. Our application has a Computer class that shows basic information about a computer. All the classes of this example, including the Computer class are very primitive, because we want to focus on the Adapter pattern and not on how to make a class as complete as possible.


class Computer:
   def __init__(self, name):
       self.name = name
   def __str__(self):
       return 'the {} computer'.format(self.name)
   def execute(self):
       return 'executes a program'

In this case, the execute() method is the main action that the computer can perform. This method is called by the client code.


Now we move to the what we want part. We decide to enrich our application with more functionality, and luckily, we nd two interesting classes implemented in two different libraries that are unrelated with our application: Synthesizer and Human. In the Synthesizer class, the main action is performed by the play() method. In the Human class, it is performed by the speak() method. To indicate that the two classes are external, we place them in a separate module, as shown:

现在,进入我们我们想要使用的代码。我们决定使用更多的功能扩展我们的应用,幸运的是,我们找到了两个有趣的使用不同和我们的应用无关的库实现的类:Synthesizer 和 Human。在Synthesizer,主要的行为是由play()方法执行的。在Human类中,主要是由speak()执行的。为了表明这两个类是来自外部的,我们把它放到一个独立的模块中,一如下所示:

   class Synthesizer:
       def __init__(self, name):
           self.name = name

       def __str__(self):
           return 'the {} synthesizer'.format(self.name)

       def play(self):
           return 'is playing an electronic song'

   class Human:
       def __init__(self, name):
           self.name = name

       def __str__(self):
           return '{} the human'.format(self.name)

       def speak(self):
           return 'says hello'

So far so good. But, we have a problem. The client only knows how to call the execute() method, and it has no idea about play() or speak(). How can we make the code work without changing the Synthesizer and Human classes? Adapters to the rescue! We create a generic Adapter class that allows us to adapt a number of objects with different interfaces, into one uni ed interface. The obj argument of the __init__() method is the object that we want to adapt, and adapted_methods is a dictionary containing key/value pairs of method the client calls/method that should be called.


   class Adapter:
       def __init__(self, obj, adapted_methods):
           self.obj = obj

       def __str__(self):
           return str(self.obj)

Let's see how we can use the Adapter pattern. An objects list holds all the objects. The compatible objects that belong to the Computer class need no adaptation. We can add them directly to the list. The incompatible objects are not added directly. They are adapted using the Adapter class. The result is that the client code can continue using the known execute() method on all objects without the need to be aware of any interface differences between the used classes.

让我们来看看如何使用适配器模式。一个对象列表拥有多个对象。属于Computer类的合适对象不需要去适配。我们直接把它们加入到列表。不合适的对象不会直接添加。它们要使用Adapter类进行适配。其结果是客户端代码可以继续在所有对象上使用 execute() 方法,而不需要关心所使用类之间任何接口上的不同。

   def main():
       objects = [Computer('Asus')]
       synth = Synthesizer('moog')
       objects.append(Adapter(synth, dict(execute=synth.play)))
       human = Human('Bob')
       objects.append(Adapter(human, dict(execute=human.speak)))
       for i in objects:
           print('{} {}'.format(str(i), i.execute()))

Let's see the complete code of the Adapter pattern example (files external.py and adapter.py) as follows:


   class Synthesizer:
       def __init__(self, name):
           self.name = name

       def __str__(self):
           return 'the {} synthesizer'.format(self.name)

       def play(self):
           return 'is playing an electronic song'

   class Human:
       def __init__(self, name):
           self.name = name

       def __str__(self):
           return '{} the human'.format(self.name)

       def speak(self):
           return 'says hello'

   from external import Synthesizer, Human

   class Computer:
       def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

       def __str__(self):
           return 'the {} computer'.format(self.name)

       def execute(self):
           return 'executes a program'

   class Adapter:
       def __init__(self, obj, adapted_methods):
           self.obj = obj

       def __str__(self):
           return str(self.obj)

   def main():
       objects = [Computer('Asus')]
       synth = Synthesizer('moog')
       objects.append(Adapter(synth, dict(execute=synth.play)))
       human = Human('Bob')
       objects.append(Adapter(human, dict(execute=human.speak)))
       for i in objects:
           print('{} {}'.format(str(i), i.execute()))

   if __name__ == "__main__":

The output when executing the example is:


>>> python3 adapter.py
the Asus computer executes a program
the moog synthesizer is playing an electronic song
Bob the human says hello

We managed to make the Human and Synthesizer classes compatible with the interface expected by the client, without changing their source code. This is nice. Here's a challenging exercise for you. There is a problem with this implementation. While all classes have a name attribute, the following code fails:


 for i in objects:

First of all, why does this code fail? Although this makes sense from a coding point of view, it does not make sense at all for the client code which should not be aware of details such as what is adapted and what is not adapted. We just want to provide a uniform interface. How can we make this code work?



Hint: Think of how you can delegate the non-adapted parts to the object contained in the Adapter class.



Summary 总结

This chapter covered the Adapter design pattern. We use the Adapter pattern for making two (or more) incompatible interfaces compatible. As a motivation, an e-commerce system that should support multiple currencies was mentioned. We use adapters every day for interconnecting devices, charging them, and so on.


Adapter makes things work after they have been implemented. The Grok Python framework and the Traits package use the Adapter pattern for achieving API conformance and interface compatibility, respectively. The open/close principle is strongly connected with these aspects.


In the implementation section, we saw how to achieve interface conformance using the Adapter pattern without modifying the source code of the incompatible model. This is achieved through a generic Adapter class that does the work for us. Although we could use sub-classing (inheritance) to implement the Adapter pattern in the traditional way in Python, this technique is a great alternative.


In the next chapter, we will see how we can use the Decorator pattern to extend the behavior of an object without using sub-classing.
