当前位置: 首页 > 工具软件 > LAPACK > 使用案例 >



1、调用lapack包的方式,写一个头文件 my_lapack.h (Linux如何安装lapack包?

#ifndef MY_LAPACK_H
#define MY_LAPACK_H

extern "C"
	#include "lapacke.h"
	extern void dgesv_(int*,int*,double*,int*,int*,double*,int*,int*);
	extern void sgesv_(int*,int*,float*,int*,int*,float*,int*,int*);

#endif //MY_LAPACK_H


#ifndef MY_MATRIX_H
#define MY_MATRIX_H

#include <iostream>
#include "my_lapack.h"
#include <string>

template <typename T>
class my_matrix{

  int num_rows;
  int num_columns;
  T** ptr;
  std::string name;


  // 自定义的构造函数
  my_matrix(int Nrows, int Ncols, std::string mat_name);

  // 拷贝构造函数
  my_matrix(const my_matrix<T>& mat);

  // my_matrix类的公共成员函数display()
  void display();

  // my_matrix类的析构函数

  // =运算符重载函数
  my_matrix<T>& operator=(const my_matrix<T>& mat);

  T& operator()(int row, int col);

  my_matrix<T> operator+(const my_matrix<T>& mat);

  my_matrix<T> operator|(const my_matrix<T>& B);


template <typename T>
  num_rows = 2;
  num_columns = 2;
  name = "default";
  ptr = new T*[num_columns];
  ptr[0] = new T[num_columns * num_rows];
  for (int jj = 1; jj < num_columns; jj++){
    ptr[jj] = ptr[0] + num_rows * jj;

// user constructor
template <typename T>
my_matrix<T>::my_matrix(int Nrows, int Ncols, std::string mat_name){
    if (Nrows < 1 || Ncols < 1){
      throw "matrix dimensions do not make sense.";
    else {
        num_rows = Nrows;
        num_columns = Ncols;
        name = mat_name;
        ptr = new T*[num_columns];
        ptr[0] = new T[num_columns * num_rows];
        for (int jj = 1; jj < num_columns; jj++){
            ptr[jj] = ptr[0] + num_rows * jj;
  catch (const char* problem){
    std::cout << "exception encountered: " << problem << std::endl;
    ptr = new T*[1];
    ptr[0] = new T[1];

// copy constructor
template <typename T>
my_matrix<T>::my_matrix(const my_matrix<T>& mat){
  num_rows = mat.num_rows;
  num_columns = mat.num_columns;
  name = mat.name;
  // initialize with column major format
  ptr = new T*[num_columns];
  ptr[0] = new T[num_columns * num_rows];
  for (int ii = 1; ii < num_columns; ii++){
    ptr[ii] = ptr[0] + num_rows * ii;
  for (int jj = 0; jj < num_columns; jj++){
    for (int ii = 0; ii < num_rows; ii++){
      ptr[jj][ii] = mat.ptr[jj][ii];

// destructor
template <typename T>
  delete[] ptr[0];
  delete[] ptr;

// for printing out elements
template <typename T>
void my_matrix<T>::display(){
  std::cout << this->name << " = \n";
  for (int ii = 0; ii < this->num_rows; ii++){
    for (int jj = 0; jj < this->num_columns; jj++){
      std::cout << this->ptr[jj][ii] << " ";
      //std::cout << (*this)(ii,jj) << " ";
    std::cout << "\n";
  std::cout << "\n";

// implementation of operators
template <typename T>
my_matrix<T>& my_matrix<T>::operator=(const my_matrix<T>& mat){
  if (this != &mat){
    // deallocate memory
    for (int jj = 0; jj < num_columns; jj++){
      delete[] ptr[jj];
    delete[] ptr;

    // reallocate memory
    this->num_rows = mat.num_rows;
    this->num_columns = mat.num_columns;
    this->name = mat.name;
    // initialize with column major format
    ptr = new T*[this->num_columns];
    ptr[0] = new T[this->num_columns * this->num_rows];
    for (int jj = 1; jj < this->num_columns; jj++){
        ptr[jj] = ptr[0] + this->num_rows * jj;
    // copy elements
    for (int jj = 0; jj < this->num_columns; jj++){
        for (int ii = 0; ii < this->num_rows; ii++){
            ptr[jj][ii] = mat.ptr[jj][ii];

  return *this;

template <typename T>
T& my_matrix<T>::operator()(int row, int col)
    return ptr[row][col];

template <typename T>
my_matrix<T> my_matrix<T>::operator+(const my_matrix<T>& mat){
  my_matrix<T> sum(this->num_rows, this->num_columns, "sum");
   for (int jj = 0; jj < this->num_columns; jj++){
        for (int ii = 0; ii < this->num_rows; ii++){
            sum.ptr[jj][ii] = ptr[jj][ii] + mat.ptr[jj][ii];
  return sum;

//|来实现二维矩阵的逆矩阵! 采用的是科学计算包lapack来实现的!~
template <>
my_matrix<double> my_matrix<double>::operator|(const my_matrix<double>& B){

  int N = this->num_rows;
  int NRHS = B.num_columns;
  my_matrix<double> A_copy(*this);
  my_matrix<double> B_copy(B);
  int LDA = this->num_rows;
  int* IPIV = new int[N];
  int LDB = B.num_rows;
  int INFO = 0;

  dgesv_(&N, &NRHS, A_copy.ptr[0], &LDA, IPIV, B_copy.ptr[0], &LDB, &INFO);

  std::cout << "INFO = " << INFO << std::endl;

  delete[] IPIV;
  return B_copy;

template <>
my_matrix<float> my_matrix<float>::operator|(const my_matrix<float>& B){

  //continue here for sgesv_
  int N = this->num_rows;
  int NRHS = B.num_columns;
  my_matrix<float> A_copy(*this);
  my_matrix<float> B_copy(B);
  int LDA = this->num_rows;
  int* IPIV = new int[N];
  int LDB = B.num_rows;
  int INFO = 0;

  sgesv_(&N, &NRHS, A_copy.ptr[0], &LDA, IPIV, B_copy.ptr[0], &LDB, &INFO);

  std::cout << "INFO = " << INFO << std::endl;

  delete[] IPIV;
  return B_copy;



#include "my_matrix.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "my_lapack.h"
#include <string>

void test_Operators_function(void)
	my_matrix<double> testA(2, 2, "A");
	my_matrix<double> testB(2, 2, "B");
	testA(0,0) = 1;
    testA(0,1) = 1;
    testA(1,0) = 1;
    testA(1,1) = 1;

    testB(0,0) = 2;
    testB(0,1) = 2;
	testB(1,0) = 2;
    testB(1,1) = 2;
	my_matrix<double> testsum = testA + testB;
int main(void){
  return 0;


cflags=-llapacke -llapack -lrefblas -lgfortran -lm -w

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main.o:main.cpp lapack_prototypes.h my_matrix.h
	$(cc)   -c  $<   -o  $@ 

	rm $(obj)  $(target)
