1,剑桥大学。DSpace@Cambridge is the institutional repository of the University of Cambridge. The repository was established in 2003 to facilitate the deposit of digital content of a scholarly or heritage nature, allowing academics and their departments at the University to share and preserve this content in a managed environment.
2,格拉斯哥大学。The Glasgow DSpace Service is a repository for digital content including working papers, technical reports, theses and pre-prints by members of the University of Glasgow.
3,卡尔加里大学。The University of Calgary's Institutional Repository, DSpace, is a digital archive comprised of the University's intellectual output. DSpace manages, preserves and makes available the academic works of faculty, graduate students, and research groups.
4,Open Universiteit(荷兰的一个远程教育机构)。Welcome to the digital repository of Research, Technology Development and Valorisation outcomes of the Open Universiteit.
7,纽约州立大学。Welcome to our digital repository of The State University of New York!
8,澳大利亚国立大学。Demetrius* is the name of ANU's Institutional Repository. It provides a stable, secure and accessible repository for the long-term preservation of digital resources created by members of the ANU community.
10,马萨诸塞州州立图书馆。Welcome to the State Library's electronic repository. This collection includes state documents that have either been digitized or created in electronic form. Documents are arranged in collections arranged by agency name。
11,印度科泽科德管理学院。dspace@iimk can be accessed by anybody, submission of documents to this archive is limited to the IIMK research community.
12,马来亚大学(马来西亚)。The DSpace@UM Project has the objective of developing a system that will preserve and disseminate digital materials created by or associated with the University of Malaya.
This service, being maintained by the Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology, increases the visibility of UM's research; can help with time-consuming research reporting exercises and begins the process of digitally preserving the University's intellectual output.
13,鲁尔克拉国家工程学院(印度)。Dspace@nitr collects,preserves and dissiminates the intellectual ouput of NITR to the global audience. Presently, it archives journal articles, pre-prints and conference papers authored by NITR researchers.
This website is using Manakin, a new front end for DSpace created by Texas A&M University Libraries. The interface can be extensively modified through Manakin Aspects and XSL based Themes. For more information visit http://di.tamu.edu and http://dspace.orgo
15,香港城市大学。CityU Institutional Repository is part of CityU Library Digital Initiatives.
16,莱顿大学(荷兰)。The Leiden IR is live since April 26 2004.
18,印度理工学院。Digital repository of IIT Bombay is a research produced at IITB. Here we present a selection of our best research including full-text of book chapters, conference/proceeding papers,technical reports, journal pre-prints & post-prints, working papers, Patents and others like annual reports etc.
19,维多利亚大学。UVicDSpace, our institutional repository, preserves and provides access to the digital scholarly works of UVic faculty, students, and staff. From articles and conference reports to electronic theses and dissertations, UVicDSpace is a quick, easy, and innovative way to increase the visibility and impact of your research.