首先调用 Linkify.addLinks 方法解析 autolink 的相关属性
判断是否 mLinksClickable mLinksClickable && !textCanBeSelected() ,若返回 true, 设置 setMovementMethod
我们先来看一下 Linkify 类, 里面定义了几个常量, 分别对应 web , email ,phone ,map,他们的值是位上错开的,这样定义的好处是
组合值之后不会丢失状态,即可以获取是否含有某种状态, web, email, phone , map
public class Linkify {
public static final int WEB_URLS = 0x01;
public static final int EMAIL_ADDRESSES = 0x02;
public static final int PHONE_NUMBERS = 0x04;
public static final int MAP_ADDRESSES = 0x08;
看一下 linkify 的 addLinks 方法
根据 mask 的标志位,进行相应的正则表达式进行匹配,找到 text 里面的相应的 WEB_URLS, EMAIL_ADDRESSES, PHONE_NUMBERS, MAP_ADDRESSES. 并将相应的文本从 text 里面移除,封装成 LinkSpec,并添加到 links 里面
遍历 links,设置相应的 URLSpan
【docs.qq.com/doc/DSkNLaERkbnFoS0ZF】 完整内容开源分享
vate static boolean addLinks(@NonNull Spannable text, @LinkifyMask int mask,
@Nullable Context context) {
if (mask == 0) {
return false;
URLSpan[] old = text.getSpans(0, text.length(), URLSpan.class);
for (int i = old.length - 1; i >= 0; i–) {
ArrayList links = new ArrayList();
/ / 根据正则表达式提取 text 里面相应的 WEB_URLS,并且从 text 移除
if ((mask & WEB_URLS) != 0) {
gatherLinks(links, text, Patterns.AUTOLINK_WEB_URL,
new String[] { “http://”, “https://”, “rtsp://” },
sUrlMatchFilter, null);
if ((mask & EMAIL_ADDRESSES) != 0) {
gatherLinks(links, text, Patterns.AUTOLINK_EMAIL_ADDRESS,
new String[] { “mailto:” },
null, null);
if ((mask & PHONE_NUMBERS) != 0) {
gatherTelLinks(links, text, context);
if ((mask & MAP_ADDRESSES) != 0) {
gatherMapLinks(links, text);
if (links.size() == 0) {
return false;
// 遍历 links,设置相应的 URLSpan
for (LinkSpec link: links) {
applyLink(link.url, link.start, link.end, text);
return true;
private static final void applyLink(String url, int start, int end, Spannable text) {
URLSpan span = new URLSpan(url);
text.setSpan(span, start, end, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
接下来我们一起来看一下这个 URLSpan 是何方神圣,它继承了 ClickableSpan(注意下文会用到它),并且重写了 onClick 方法,我们可以看到在 onClick 方法里面,他通过相应的 intent 取启动相应的 activity。因此,我们可以断定 autolink 的自动跳转是在这里处理的。
public class URLSpan extends ClickableSpan implements ParcelableSpan {
private final String mURL;
Constructs a {@link URLSpan} from a url string.
@param url the url string
public URLSpan(String url) {
mURL = url;
public URLSpan(@NonNull Parcel src) {
mURL = src.readString();
public int getSpanTypeId() {
return getSpanTypeIdInternal();
public void onClick(View widget) {
Uri uri = Uri.parse(getURL());
Context context = widget.getContext();
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri);
intent.putExtra(Browser.EXTRA_APPLICATION_ID, context.getPackageName());
try {
} catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) {
Log.w(“URLSpan”, "Actvity was not found for intent, " + intent.toString());
解决了 autolink 属性点击事件在哪里响应了,接下来我们一起看一下 URLSpan 的 onClick 方法是在哪里调用的。
我们先来复习一下 View 的事件分发机制:
dispatchTouchEvent ,这个方法主要是用来分发事件的
onInterceptTouchEvent,这个方法主要是用来拦截事件的(需要注意的是ViewGroup才有这个方法,- View没有onInterceptTouchEvent这个方法
onTouchEvent 这个方法主要是用来处理事件的
requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true),这个方法能够影响父View是否拦截事件,true 表示父 View 不拦截事件,false 表示父 View 拦截事件
因此我们猜测 URLSpan 的 onClick 事件是在 TextView 的 onTouchEvent 事件里面调用的。下面让我们一起来看一下 TextView 的 onTouchEvent 方法
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
final int action = event.getActionMasked();
if (mEditor != null) {
if (mEditor.mSelectionModifierCursorController != null
&& mEditor.mSelectionModifierCursorController.isDragAcceleratorActive()) {
return true;
final boolean superResult = super.onTouchEvent(event);
Don’t handle the release after a long press, because it will move the selection away from
whatever the menu action was trying to affect. If the long press should have triggered an
insertion action mode, we can now actually show it.
if (mEditor != null && mEditor.mDiscardNextActionUp && action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
mEditor.mDiscardNextActionUp = false;
if (mEditor.mIsInsertionActionModeStartPending) {
mEditor.mIsInsertionActionModeStartPending = false;
return superResult;
final boolean touchIsFinished = (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP)
&& (mEditor == null || !mEditor.mIgnoreActionUpEvent) && isFocused();
if ((mMovement != null || onCheckIsTextEditor()) && isEnabled()
&& mText instanceof Spannable && mLayout != null) {
boolean handled = false;
if (mMovement != null) {
handled |= mMovement.onTouchEvent(this, mSpannable, event);
final boolean textIsSelectable = isTextSelectable();
if (touchIsFinished && mLinksClickable && mAutoLinkMask != 0 && textIsSelectable) {
// The LinkMovementMethod which should handle taps on links has not been installed
// on non editable text that support text selection.
// We reproduce its behavior here to open links for these.
ClickableSpan[] links = mSpannable.getSpans(getSelectionStart(),
getSelectionEnd(), ClickableSpan.class);
if (links.length > 0) {
handled = true;
if (touchIsFinished && (isTextEditable() || textIsSelectable)) {
// Show the IME, except when selecting in read-only text.
final InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance();
if (isTextEditable() && mEditor.mShowSoftInputOnFocus && imm != null) {
imm.showSoftInput(this, 0);
// The above condition ensures that the mEditor is not null
handled = true;
if (handled) {
return true;
return superResult;
首先如果 mEditor != null 会将touch事件交给mEditor处理,这个 mEditor 其实是和 EditText 有关系的,没有使用 EditText 这里应该是不会被创建的。
去除 mEditor != null 的相关逻辑之后,剩下的相关代码主要如下:
final boolean touchIsFinished = (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP)
&& (mEditor == null || !mEditor.mIgnoreActionUpEvent) && isFocused();
if ((mMovement != null || onCheckIsTextEditor()) && isEnabled()
&& mText instanceof Spannable && mLayout != null) {
boolean handled = false;
if (mMovement != null) {
handled |= mMovement.onTouchEvent(this, mSpannable, event);
final boolean textIsSelectable = isTextSelectable();
if (touchIsFinished && mLinksClickable && mAutoLinkMask != 0 && textIsSelectable) {
// The LinkMovementMethod which should handle taps on links has not been installed
// on non editable text that support text selection.
// We reproduce its behavior here to open links for these.
ClickableSpan[] links = mSpannable.getSpans(getSelectionStart(),
getSelectionEnd(), ClickableSpan.class);
if (links.length > 0) {
handled = true;
if (touchIsFinished && (isTextEditable() || textIsSelectable)) {
// Show the IME, except when selecting in read-only text.
final InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance();
if (isTextEditable() && mEditor.mShowSoftInputOnFocus && imm != null) {
imm.showSoftInput(this, 0);
// The above condition ensures that the mEditor is not null
handled = true;
if (handled) {
return true;
首先我们先来看一下, mMovement 是否可能为 null,若不为 null,则会调用 handled |= mMovement.onTouchEvent(this, mSpannable, event) 方法。
找啊找,发现在 setText 里面有调用这一段代码,setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()); 即 mLinksClickable && !textCanBeSelected() 为 true 的时候给 TextView 设置 MovementMethod。
查看 TextView 的源码我们容易得知 mLinksClickable 的值默认为 true, 而 textCanBeSelected 方法会返回 false,即 mLinksClickable && !textCanBeSelected() 为 true,这个时候会给 TextView 设置 setMovementMethod。 因此在 TextView 的 onTouchEvent 方法中,若 autoLink 等于 true,并且 text 含有 email,phone, webAddress 等的时候,会调用 mMovement.onTouchEvent(this, mSpannable, event) 方法。
if (Linkify.addLinks(s2, mAutoLinkMask)) {
text = s2;
type = (type == BufferType.EDITABLE) ? BufferType.EDITABLE : BufferType.SPANNABLE;
We must go ahead and set the text before changing the
movement method, because setMovementMethod() may call
setText() again to try to upgrade the buffer type.
// Do not change the movement method for text that support text selection as it
// would prevent an arbitrary cursor displacement.
if (mLinksClickable && !textCanBeSelected()) {
boolean textCanBeSelected() {
// prepareCursorController() relies on this method.
// If you change this condition, make sure prepareCursorController is called anywhere
// the value of this condition might be changed.
// 默认 mMovement 为 null
if (mMovement == null || !mMovement.canSelectArbitrarily()) return false;
return isTextEditable()
|| (isTextSelectable() && mText instanceof Spannable && isEnabled());
ok ,我们一起在来看一下 mMovement 的 onTouchEvent 方法
MovementMethod 是一个借口,实现子类有 ArrowKeyMovementMethod, LinkMovementMethod, ScrollingMovementMethod 。
这里我们先来看一下 LinkMovementMethod 的 onTouchEvent 方法
public boolean onTouchEvent(TextView widget, Spannable buffer,
MotionEvent event) {
int action = event.getAction();
if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP || action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
int x = (int) event.getX();
int y = (int) event.getY();
x -= widget.getTotalPaddingLeft();
y -= widget.getTotalPaddingTop();
x += widget.getScrollX();
y += widget.getScrollY();
Layout layout = widget.getLayout();
int line = layout.getLineForVertical(y);
int off = layout.getOffsetForHorizontal(line, x);
// 重点关注下面几行
ClickableSpan[] links = buffer.getSpans(off, off, ClickableSpan.class);
if (links.length != 0) {
ClickableSpan link = links[0];
if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
if (link instanceof TextLinkSpan) {
((TextLinkSpan) link).onClick(
} else {
这里我们重点关注代码 20 - 31 行,可以看到,他会先取出所有的 ClickableSpan,而我们的 URLSpan 正是 ClickableSpan 的子类,接着判断是否是 ACTION_UP 事件,然后调用 onClick 事件。因此,ClickableSpan 的 onClick 方法是在 ACTION_UP 事件中调用的,跟我们的长按事件没半毛钱关系。
ClickableSpan 的 onClick 方法是在 ACTION_UP 事件中调用的
ClickableSpan 的 onClick 方法是在 ACTION_UP 事件中调用的
ClickableSpan 的 onClick 方法是在 ACTION_UP 事件中调用的
知道了 ClickableSpan 的 onClick 方法是在 ACTION_UP 事件中调用的,下面让我们一起来看一下怎样解决 TextView 中 autolink 与 clickableSpan 与长按事件的冲突。