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[2018北京ICPC网络赛G] HihoCoder - 1834 The Mole 随机数据、分块、计算几何





时间限制: 3000ms
单点时限: 3000ms
内存限制: 256MB


Mr. Mole has built some tunnels in his little manor. For convenience, you can regard one tunnel as a segment on 2d plane. One tunnel can be described by its two endpoint P1 = (x1, y1) and P2 = (x2, y2).

One day, Mr. Mole comes up with an interesting problem -- if he stands on the point (x, y), which tunnel is the nearest tunnel ?

Notice : the distance between one tunnel T and a point P is defined as dist(T, P) = minP'∈T dist(P', P), which means the distance is exactly the distance between P and the nearest point on the tunnel.


Only one test case.

The first line contains two integers n, m.

n denotes that there are n tunnels in Mr.Mole's manor.

m denotes that there are m queries from Mr. Mole.

In the following n lines, the (i+1)-th line contains information of the i-th tunnel. There are 4 integers x1, y1, x2, y2 in each line which denote a tunnel P1 (x1, y1) - P2 (x2, y2).

In the following m lines, there are 2 integers x, y in each line which denote a query point P(x, y).

Input data ensures that n ≤ 104, m ≤ 105 and all coordinates are betwee 0 and 216-1 .

The data is randomly generated. Feel free to try any method !


For every query point, output the nearest tunnel ID(starting from 1)  in one line. If there are multiple options, output the minimum ID.


In the first query, tunnel 1 and tunnel 2 have the same distance from the query point. So we choose tunnel 1 as the output.

In the second query, the query point locates exactly on the tunnel 2. So 2 is the output.

In the third query, tunnel 3 has the minimum distance from the query point.

样例输入 3 3
0 0 0 6
0 5 6 5
0 0 6 6
1 4
1 5
4 2
样例输出 1


n n n条线段, m m m次询问。每次询问包含一个点的坐标,然后要求输出距离这个点最近的直线的位置下标(即输入次序)。
注意所有数据均为随机数据The data is randomly generated. Feel free to try any method !(来自题干)


感性的去想,对于某一个固定的点,距离他最近的直线一定不会离的很远,并且距离该点比较远的大部分直线我们都可以直接不去考虑。那么,我们就可以把一个 n ∗ n n*n nn的大矩形,分成 n ∗ n \sqrt{n} * \sqrt{n} n n n ∗ n \sqrt{n} * \sqrt{n} n n 的小矩形。我们用 ( x , y ) (x,y) (x,y)代表第 x x x行,第 y y y列的小矩形。如果某个点位于 ( x , y ) (x,y) (x,y)的小矩形中,那么,按照刚刚对随机数据的分析,我们可以假设,距离该点最近的线段一定会经过(不是起点或者终点在这个小矩形中)
( x , y ) , ( x , y − 1 ) , ( x , y + 1 ) , ( x − 1 , y − 1 ) , ( x − 1 , y ) (x,y),(x,y-1),(x,y+1),(x-1,y-1),(x-1,y) (x,y)(x,y1)(x,y+1)(x1,y1)(x1,y)
( x − 1 , y + 1 ) , ( x + 1 , y − 1 ) , ( x + 1 , y ) , ( x + 1 , y + 1 ) (x-1,y+1),(x+1,y-1),(x+1,y),(x+1,y+1) (x1,y+1)(x+1,y1)(x+1,y)(x+1,y+1)
还有一个问题就是我们怎么知道每一条线段经过了哪些个矩形呢?易知每一条直线最多经过 n \sqrt{n} n 个小矩形,对于每一条直线,我们可以让起点的 x x x坐标加上 n \sqrt{n} n ,然后去计算相应的 y y y坐标。循环往复,知道标记完当前直线经过的所有格子。具体实现见代码。


#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;
const int STEP = (1 << 8) + 1;
const double eps = 1e-12;
const int MAXN = 1e6 + 100, MAXV = STEP * STEP;

struct Point {
    double x{}, y{};

    Point() = default;

    Point(double _x, double _y) {
        x = _x;
        y = _y;

    Point operator-(const Point &b) const {
        return {x - b.x, y - b.y};

    Point operator+(const Point &b) const {
        return {x + b.x, y + b.y};

    Point operator/(const double &b) const {
        return {x / b, y / b};

    Point operator*(const double &b) const { return {x * b, y * b}; }

    double operator^(const Point &b) const { return x * b.y - y * b.x; }

    double operator*(const Point &b) const { return x * b.x + y * b.y; }

    void input() { scanf("%lf %lf", &x, &y); }

    double distance(Point p) {
        return sqrt((x - p.x) * (x - p.x) + (y - p.y) * (y - p.y));

struct Line {
    Point s, e;

    Line() = default;

    double length() { return s.distance(e); }

    void input() {
} line[MAXN];

vector<int> v[MAXV];

int sgn(double x) {
    if (fabs(x) < eps)return 0;
    if (x < 0)return -1;
    return 1;

double pointToLineDis(Line l, Point p) {
    return fabs((p - l.s) ^ (l.e - l.s)) / l.length();

double pointToSegDis(Line l, Point p) {
    if (sgn(l.length()) == 0)
        return p.distance(l.s);
    if (sgn((p - l.s) * (l.e - l.s)) < 0 || sgn((p - l.e) * (l.s - l.e)) < 0)
        return min(p.distance(l.s), p.distance(l.e));
    return pointToLineDis(l, p);

int getID(double x, double y) {
    int tx = int(round(x)), ty = int(round(y));
    return ((tx >> 8) * (1 << 8)) + (ty >> 8);

pair<double, int> getAns(Point tPoint, int ID) {
    pair<double, int> ans = make_pair(1e18, 0);
    double tDis;
    for (auto tPos:v[ID]) {
        tDis = pointToSegDis(line[tPos], tPoint);
        if (sgn(ans.first - tDis) > 0) {
            ans.first = tDis;
            ans.second = tPos + 1;
        } else if (sgn(ans.first - tDis) == 0 && ans.second > tPos + 1) {
            ans.second = tPos + 1;
    return ans;

void solve(double &ans, int &ansPos, Point tPoint, int tID) {
    pair<double, int> tAns;
    tAns = getAns(tPoint, tID);
    if (sgn(ans - tAns.first) > 0)
        ans = tAns.first, ansPos = tAns.second;
    else if (sgn(ans - tAns.first) == 0 && ansPos > tAns.second)
        ansPos = tAns.second;

int main() {
    int n, m, tID, preID, ansPos, tempID;
    scanf("%d %d", &n, &m);
    Point tPoint, vec;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        tPoint = line[i].s;
        vec = line[i].e - line[i].s;
        vec = vec / 256.0;
        preID = -1;
        for (int j = 0; j <= 256; j++) {
            tPoint = line[i].s + vec * j;
            tID = getID(tPoint.x, tPoint.y);
            if (0 <= tID && tID < MAXV) {
                if (preID != tID)
                preID = tID;
            } else
    double ans, tDis;
    if (n <= 500) {
        for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
            ans = 1e18, ansPos = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                tDis = pointToSegDis(line[j], tPoint);
                if (ans > tDis) {
                    ans = tDis;
                    ansPos = j + 1;
            printf("%d\n", ansPos);
        return 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
        ans = 1e18, ansPos = 0;
        tID = getID(tPoint.x, tPoint.y);
        solve(ans, ansPos, tPoint, tID);

        tempID = tID + (1 << 8);
        if (0 <= tempID && tempID < MAXV)
            solve(ans, ansPos, tPoint, tempID);

        tempID = tID + (1 << 8) + 1;
        if (0 <= tempID && tempID < MAXV)
            solve(ans, ansPos, tPoint, tempID);

        tempID = tID + (1 << 8) - 1;
        if (0 <= tempID && tempID < MAXV)
            solve(ans, ansPos, tPoint, tempID);

        tempID = tID - (1 << 8);
        if (0 <= tempID && tempID < MAXV)
            solve(ans, ansPos, tPoint, tempID);

        tempID = tID - (1 << 8) + 1;
        if (0 <= tempID && tempID < MAXV)
            solve(ans, ansPos, tPoint, tempID);

        tempID = tID - (1 << 8) - 1;
        if (0 <= tempID && tempID < MAXV)
            solve(ans, ansPos, tPoint, tempID);

        tempID = tID + 1;
        if (0 <= tempID && tempID < MAXV)
            solve(ans, ansPos, tPoint, tempID);

        tempID = tID - 1;
        if (0 <= tempID && tempID < MAXV)
            solve(ans, ansPos, tPoint, tempID);

        printf("%d\n", ansPos);
    return 0;