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by Tiffany Eaton

蒂芙尼·伊顿(Tiffany Eaton)

使用UX设计师为Amazon的Alexa学习会话式UI的基础 (Learning the basics of Conversational UI with a UX Designer for Amazon’s Alexa)

During my internship at Intuit last summer, I was part of a hackathon team that created a conversational UI experience. We interviewed a few people who had experience in this field, and I had the opportunity to interview Angela Nguyen. Angela is a UX designer at Amazon, working on the Alexa Team. You can view her work here.

去年夏天,我在Intuit实习期间,我加入了一个黑客马拉松团队,该团队创造了对话式UI体验。 我们采访了一些在这一领域有经验的人,而我也有机会采访了安吉拉·阮 。 Angela是Amazon的UX设计师,在Alexa团队中工作。 您可以在这里查看她的工作。

您设计会话用户界面的过程是什么? (What is your process for designing conversational user interfaces?)

It depends on the conversation. I work mostly with shopping questions, because I am on shopping team.

这取决于谈话。 我主要处理购物问题,因为我在购物团队中。

My process always starts with the customer and what their needs are.


For example, if they are trying to buy paper towels, then the first thing I do is think about the AI’s response. Is it going to return paper towels based on having already purchased it or the present situation? Where are they making this order, or are they able to make an order via credit card? It depends on the criteria of this person, because every person asking the same question can result in the AI answering a different way.

例如,如果他们试图购买纸巾,那么我要做的第一件事就是思考AI的React。 是否会根据已购买的纸巾或现在的状态退还纸巾? 他们在哪里下订单,或者可以通过信用卡下订单? 这取决于此人的标准,因为每个人提出相同的问题都可能导致AI以不同的方式回答。

Every situation is different for every person.


Let’s say a given person always buys paper towels, and maybe it’s the same towels. I like to create a tree of answers (“mind mapping”). It starts with that one question, depending on the circumstance of this person. This person bought this towel many times, so Alexa might respond with: “Do you want to buy paper towels again? If you never bought a towel, the AI might recommend a brand.

假设某人总是购买纸巾,也许是同一条毛巾。 我喜欢创建答案树(“思维导图”)。 从这个问题开始,取决于这个人的情况。 这个人多次购买了这条毛巾,因此Alexa可能会回答:“您是否要再次购买纸巾? 如果你从来没有买过一条毛巾,人工智能可能会建议一个品牌。

您如何设计为语音或聊天机器人设计的UI? (How do you design a UI designed for voice or chatbots?)

There are headless devices, voice products that don’t have a face or UI. This is completely voice UX. Then there are “face devices” which have a screen, kind of like Siri.

有无头设备,没有面部或UI的语音产品。 这完全是语音UX。 然后是带有屏幕的“面部设备”,有点像Siri。

When designing for products with a face, it is good to consider the question, “Do you want to show the same graphics as the voice is saying?” If a voice says, I have paper towels that are $10 and delivered in 2 hours, will it have the image, price, etc or just the image? It is just good to consider if a person is viewing something.

在设计带有面部的产品时,最好考虑以下问题:“您要显示与声音一样的图形吗?” 如果有声音说,我有10美元的纸巾并在2个小时内交付,它会显示图像,价格等,还是仅显示图像? 考虑一个人是否正在查看某物是很好的选择。

我们可以简化图形或声音吗? (Can we simplify the graphics or voices?)

A good example of this is YouTube. If you ever watch a video and you land on the page, the video starts playing, but you can still scroll down to the videos while watching the main one.

YouTube就是一个很好的例子。 如果您曾经观看过某个视频并且登陆了该页面,则该视频将开始播放,但是在观看主要视频时仍可以向下滚动到这些视频。

While your brain is comprehending the audio, your eyes are taking in other information. The human brain can multi-task, so when we hear audio and are given visuals, they don’t have to match. You can be listening and looking at comments at the same time. You can consider this when designing UI and voice. You don’t have to show the things you are saying.

当您的大脑正在理解音频时,您的眼睛正在吸收其他信息。 人脑可以完成多项任务,因此当我们听到音频并获得视觉效果时,它们就不必匹配。 您可以同时收听和查看评论。 您可以在设计UI和语音时考虑这一点。 您不必显示您在说的话。

对于您一直在使用的某些产品,您会说文本的视觉表示是什么样的? (What would you say the visual representation of text looks like with some of the products you have been working on?)

The UI might be a picture of a paper towel whereas the voice would say, “This is Amazon’s choice for paper towels. This is the top result, most highly rated, it costs $10. You can get it at noon.” The voice would explain in more detail, whereas graphics are what you would look at.

用户界面可能是一张纸巾的图片,而声音会说:“这是亚马逊对纸巾的选择。 这是最受好评的最高结果,价格为10美元。 您可以在中午得到它。” 声音会更详细地说明,而图形则是您所要看的。

您如何使用会话UI进行原型设计? (How do you prototype with conversational UI?)

The most basic way is to do a graphic prototype, such as an app or website. It is exactly the same process as UX design, but you add voice on top of the animation. When testing it with people, you can ask them, “How would you speak with the device?”, along with having them touch and play with it.

最基本的方法是制作图形原型,例如应用程序或网站。 它与UX设计完全相同,但是您要在动画之上添加声音。 与人进行测试时,您可以问他们:“您将如何使用该设备说话?”,以及让他们触摸并玩耍它。

You can get insights through how people react or talk about something. An example is asking about the weather. They could ask, “What is the weather?” versus “What is the temperature?” Once they communicate with the AI, you can play back the animation you have prototyped, and you can look at their reactions and interactions with the prototype.

您可以通过人们如何React或谈论某些事情来获得见解。 一个例子是询问天气。 他们可能会问:“天气如何?” 与“温度是多少?” 他们与AI通信后,您可以播放原型的动画,还可以查看他们与原型的React和交互。

There are a lot of things to keep in mind. For example, what should the user say? Do they need to raise their voice? What if they only use gestures, or just voice and no gestures? Is the information too much, too little, too short?

有很多事情要牢记。 例如,用户应该怎么说? 他们需要提高声音吗? 如果他们仅使用手势,或者仅使用语音而不使用手势,该怎么办? 信息是否太多,太少,太短?

There is also response speed. With voice, there are so many things to consider. If you are dealing with tech, you need to account for things like latency. How long does it take for the AI to respond before there is something wrong with it?

也有响应速度。 有了声音,有很多事情要考虑。 如果您与技术打交道,则需要考虑延迟等问题。 出现问题之前,AI需要多长时间做出响应?

您看到在哪些地方使用了会话UI,这些选择背后的含义是什么? (What places do you see conversational UI being used, and what are the implications behind those choices?)

Right now, conversational UI is very new. People are still afraid to talk to devices. I talked to someone today about their experience with their Echo for the first time. She was explaining her first reactions to it. She thought it was strange talking about something that wasn’t there.

目前,对话式用户界面非常新。 人们仍然不敢与设备交谈。 今天,我第一次与某人谈论了他们使用Echo的经历。 她正在解释对此的最初React。 她认为谈论不存在的东西很奇怪。

In a recent article about Alexa and the Home Pod, it is going to be awkward talking to the Home Pod because you have to say “Siri”. It is a robot and it is golden utterance to talk to this device. Alexa is more conversational as if you are talking to a person.

在有关Alexa和Home Pod的最新文章中,与Home Pod交谈很尴尬,因为您必须说“ Siri”。 这是一个机器人,与该设备通话真是千篇一律。 Alexa更具对话性,就好像您在与人交谈一样。

The goal is to try to make people forget the a device is a robot, but rather a human. This is because people are scared of tech. For example, when the computer came out, people were like “What, you don’t have to go to the library anymore?”. We didn’t have these things for centuries, kind of like when Uber came out. You are basically calling a person from the internet and they show up.

目的是试图使人们忘记设备是机器人,而是人。 这是因为人们害怕技术。 例如,当计算机问世时,人们就像“什么,您不必再去图书馆了吗?”。 几个世纪以来我们没有这些东西,就像Uber出来时一样。 您基本上是从互联网上打电话给别人,他们出现了。

Change in tech freaks people out.


As a designer, if we can make that transition for people a lot easier, then people will have an easier time responding to AI and adopting new technology. In terms of usage, it is for convenience. Like being able to ask a device about a schedule or cooking, or if there a way to set a table or ask about measurements (from cups to millimeters).

作为设计师,如果我们能够使人们的过渡变得容易得多,那么人们响应AI和采用新技术的时间就会更短。 在使用方面,这是为了方便。 就像能够向设备询问日程安排或烹饪,或者是否有办法设置桌子或询问尺寸(从杯子到毫米)。

您如何看待对话式UI的未来,对此有何想法? (Where do you see the future of conversational UI going and what are your thoughts behind this?)

Conversational UI will be as if a human is following you.


Quite honestly, I think it will start to become part of everyday life. So when you asked where do you see conversational UI now, I said it was placed in areas of convenience and in hubs where people put the AI, such as in the kitchen. Conversational UI will be wherever you are. The moment you wake up, the moment you get into the car. It will be the same moment. It will start to be seamless when we move from location to location.

老实说,我认为它将开始成为日常生活的一部分。 因此,当您问到您现在在哪里看到对话式UI时,我说过它被放置在人们方便放置AI的便利区域和枢纽中,例如在厨房中。 无论您身在何处,都可以使用会话式用户界面。 醒来的那一刻,上车的那一刻。 将会是同一刻。 当我们从一个位置移动到另一个位置时,它将开始变得无缝。

Check out my Skillshare Course on UX research and learn something new!


To help you get started on owning your design career, here are some amazing tools from Rookieup, a site I used to get mentorship from senior designers. If you use the links I provided below, you get a discount:

为了帮助您开始拥有自己的设计事业,这里有一些Rookieup的出色工具,我曾经从该网站获得高级设计师的指导。 如果您使用我在下面提供的链接,您将获得折扣:

Links to some other cool reads:


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/learning-the-basics-of-conversational-ui-with-a-ux-designer-for-amazons-alexa-c76c1908454b/

