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最佳Gitter渠道:游戏开发人员 (Best Gitter channels for: Game Developers)

Today we have probably the most fun collection of Gitter communities — those for game developers. No matter if you’ve already spent hours developing and playing games, or if you are looking to get started; no matter if you are into indie fantasy games or tic tac toe — you will find something for yourself. (Our team’s personal favourite is Particle Clicker — game teaching the history of high energy particle physics). Get lost in the open source world of gamers on Gitter, and be prepared to stay there for hours…

今天,我们可能拥有了最有趣的Gitter社区-游戏开发者社区。 无论您是已经花费了数小时来开发和玩游戏,还是正在寻找入门的资源, 无论您是参加独立的幻想游戏还是井字游戏,都可以为自己找到一些东西。 (我们团队个人最喜欢的是“粒子点击器”,该游戏教授高能粒子物理的历史)。 在Gitter上的开源游戏世界中迷路,并准备在这里呆上几个小时……

  • FreeCodeCamp/GameDev FreeCodeCamp’s chat about designing and developing video games.

    FreeCodeCamp / GameDev 关于设计和开发视频游戏的FreeCodeCamp聊天。

  • Cockatrice/CockatriceA cross-platform virtual tabletop for multiplayer card games.

    Cockatrice / Cockatrice 用于多人纸牌游戏的跨平台虚拟桌面。

  • superpowers/dev 2D+3D game making for indies. Free and open source.

    superpowers / dev 独立开发 2D + 3D游戏。 免费和开源。

  • MonoGame One framework for creating powerful cross-platform games. The spiritual successor to XNA with 1000’s of titles shipped across desktop, mobile, and console platforms. MonoGame is a fully managed .NET open source game framework without any black boxes.

    MonoGame 一种用于创建功能强大的跨平台游戏的框架。 XNA的精神继任者,在台式机,移动设备和控制台平台上提供了1000多种产品。 MonoGame是一个完全托管的.NET开源游戏框架,没有任何黑箱。

  • GlowstonePlusPlus The enhanced Glowstone fork with an emphasis on performance, control and compatibility.

    GlowstonePlusPlus 增强的Glowstone叉子,着重于性能,控制和兼容性。

  • flying-squidA minecraft server written in node.js, modularized.

    fly-squid 用node.js编写的模块化的minecraft服务器。

  • craftyjs/CraftyJavaScript Game Engine.

    craftyjs / Crafty - JavaScript游戏引擎。

  • GLBoostGLBoost is a new WebGL library for realtime 3D graphics geeks. It’s a low-level library that takes away the pain of having to deal with routine WebGL API tasks without limiting your expressive power.

    GLBoost GLBoost是用于实时3D图形怪胎的新WebGL库。 这是一个低级库,它消除了必须处理常规WebGL API任务而不会限制您的表达能力的痛苦。

  • Planimeter/grid-sdk The Grid SDK — A 2D game engine built on LÖVE. Grid makes powerful concepts from 3D game engines accessible in a 2D game environment. It’s a lightweight and fast engine, and it provides many abstractions that you would otherwise need to write by hand for your projects or game jams.

    Planimeter / grid-sdk Grid SDK —基于LÖVE构建的2D游戏引擎。 Grid使3D游戏引擎中的强大概念可以在2D游戏环境中访问。 它是一个轻量级且快速的引擎,它提供了许多抽象,否则您将需要手工为项目或游戏阻塞编写这些抽象。

  • SiliconStudio/xenkoXenko is a powerful cross-platform game engine.

    SiliconStudio / xenko Xenko是强大的跨平台游戏引擎。

  • FreezingMoon/AncientBeast Ancient Beast is free and open source turn based strategy indie game project, being developed by Freezing Moon and community. It uses web technologies such as HTML, PHP, JavaScript and Node.js, so that it’s playable from modern browsers without requiring plugins.

    FreezingMoon / AncientBeast - Ancient Beast是一款免费的开源回合制策略独立游戏项目,由Freezing Moon和社区开发。 它使用HTML,PHP,JavaScript和Node.js等网络技术,因此无需插件即可在现代浏览器中播放。

  • Circular-Studios/DashA free and open 3D game engine written in D.

    Circular-Studios / Dash 用D编写的免费开放式3D游戏引擎。

  • JoelOtter/termloop Termloop is a pure Go game engine for the terminal, built on top of the excellent Termbox. It provides a simple render loop for building games in the terminal, and is focused on making terminal game development as easy and as fun as possible.

    JoelOtter / termloop Termloop是用于终端的纯Go游戏引擎,建立在出色的Termbox之上 。 它为在终端中构建游戏提供了一个简单的渲染循环,并致力于使终端游戏的开发尽可能轻松有趣。

  • ebkalderon/amethystAmethyst aims to be a fast, data-oriented, and data-driven game engine suitable for rapid prototyping and iteration. It also tries to push the Rust programming language to its limits, driving further improvement and hopefully attracting more game developers toward the young and vibrant Rust ecosystem.

    ebkalderon / amethyst - Amethyst的目标是成为一种快速的,面向数据的,由数据驱动的游戏引擎,适用于快速原型制作和迭代。 它还试图将Rust编程语言推向极限,推动进一步的改进,并希望吸引更多游戏开发人员朝着年轻而充满活力的Rust生态系统发展。

  • orx/orx Orx is a 2D-oriented, data-driven, portable game engine focused primarily on ease of use and powerful features.

    orx / orx - Orx是面向2D,数据驱动的便携式游戏引擎,主要关注易用性和强大功能。

  • PrismarineJS/prismarine-serverNodeJS Game Server compatible with Minecraft Client.

    PrismarineJS / prismarine-server 与Minecraft客户端兼容的NodeJS游戏服务器。

  • Curvytron/curvytronA web multiplayer Tron game like with curves.

    Curvytron / curvytron 类似于曲线的网络多人Tron游戏。

  • yeahrb/yeahPractical Ruby video game framework.

    yeahrb / yeah 实用的Ruby视频游戏框架。

  • Particle-clicker — An addictive incremental game that teaches players the history of high energy particle physics

    粒子点击器 —一种令人上瘾的增量游戏,可教玩家高能粒子物理学的历史

  • ieee-tic-tac-toeThe CSU IEEE TIC-TAC-TOE game.

    ieee-tic-tac-toe CSU IEEE TIC-TAC-TOE游戏。

Looking for something else? Check out our Explore section or easily start your own channel here.

寻找其他东西? 请查看我们的“ 探索”部分,或在此处轻松创建自己的频道。

Did we miss an channel that you think should be featured? Drop us a line in the Gitter HQ and we will add it to the list.

我们是否错过了您认为应精选的频道? 在Gitter HQ中给我们添加一行,然后将其添加到列表中。

Happy gaming!


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/best-gitter-channels-for-game-developers-49ca45c92351/

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