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南方科技大学计算机系师资,南方科技大学计算机科学与工程系导师教师师资介绍简介-Xin Yao...


Welcome to Xin Yao's Home Page

I am extremely honoured to be given the 2020 IEEEFrank Rosenblatt Award, an IEEE technical field award. It is a real privilege to be listed with the leading researchers incomputational intelligence.

I am a Chair Professor and Founding Head of Computer Science and Engineering Department at Southern University of Science and Technology, a part-time Professor of Computer Science in the School of Computer Science at the University of Birmingham and the Director of the Centre ofExcellence for Research in Computational Intelligence and Applications(CERCIA).I'm also a Fellow of IEEE, a Distinguished Lecturer, and a Past (2014-15) President of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society.I was a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Nature Inspired Computation and Applications Laboratory (NICAL), USTC-Birmingham Joint Research Institute in Intelligent Computation and ItsApplications, University of Scienceand Technology of China, Hefei, China.

My research interests include evolutionary computation (evolutionary optimization, evolutionary learning, evolutionary design), neural network ensembles and multiple classifiers (especially on the diversity issue), meta-heuristic algorithms, data mining, computational complexity of evolutionary algorithms, and various real-world applications. According toThomson Reuters, I'm one of the Highly Cited Researchers 2016 (http://hcr.stateofinnovation.thomsonreuters.com/), one of the seven from the University of Birmingham.

I received a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award in 2012, and the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Evolutionary Computation Pioneer Awardin 2013.

Prof. Xin Yao, FIEEE

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Southern University of Science and Technology

Tel: +86

Email: xiny@sustech.edu.cn

My CV in PDF

Research Interests


Keynote/Plenary Talks

Awards and Honors

Professional and Management Activities

Job vacancies (New PhD Studentship)

New book on evolutionary computation; another new book on EvolutionaryOptimization

New book series in Advances inNatural Computation. If you are interested in writing/editing a book inthis series, please fill in the book proposal form and send it to me.

Current grants

Research fellows, students and visitors

IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation

Consultancy and Products


Final year and MSc student projects in2016-17

CommercialComputing (2014-15)

Programme Director of MSc in Natural Computation (2007/08, 2008/09, including myinduction slides and BT projects, 2009/10, 2010/11)

Programme Director of MSc in Intelligent Systems Engineering (2007/08,2008/09,2009/10, 2010/11)

Introductionto Natural Computation in 2010/11.

First Year Tutoring for Bioinformatics students (not any more)

Third year module on Evolutionary Computation (06 02411)(2009/10 academic year)

MSc module on Introduction toEvolutionary Computation (06 12414) (2009/10 academic year)

Third year module onNature Inspired Design (A) (06 14410)(Notes for 2003/04)

MSc module on Nature Inspired Design(06 12418)(Notes for 2003/04)

Notes for the lectures I give in Nature Inspired Optimisation and Nature Inspired Learning.

Tutoring for MSc in Natural Computation students

Mini-projects and Projects (mainly fromindustry) for MSc and third year students.

I have multiple vacant positions available at the levels of Research Assistant Professors, Postdoctoral Fellows, PhD and MSc students, and visiting scholars (for a period of more than 12 months). These positions remain open until filled. If you are interested, please send me your CV.
