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Something i lean in matlab. One sentence per day…..

IM2BW Convert image to binary image by thresholding.

IM2BW produces binary images from indexed, intensity, or RGB images. To do

this, it converts the input image to grayscale format (if it is not already

an intensity image), and then converts this grayscale image to binary by

thresholding(阀值控制在0-1之间,如果输入的是uint8类图像,则自动将所有像素点除以255,然后使用用户自定义的阀值或者是默认阀值0.5).                               The output binary image BW has values of 1 (white) for all

pixels in the input image with luminance greater than LEVEL and 0 (black)

for all other pixels. (Note that you specify LEVEL in the range [0,1],

regardless of the class of the input image.)

BW = IM2BW(I,LEVEL) converts the intensity image I to black and white.

BW = IM2BW(X,MAP,LEVEL) converts the indexed image X with colormap MAP to black and white.

BW = IM2BW(RGB,LEVEL) converts the RGB image RGB to black and white.

Note that the function GRAYTHRESH can be used to compute LEVEL


Class Support


The input image can be uint8, uint16, single, int16, or double and it

must be nonsparse. The output image BW is logical. I and X must be 2-D.

RGB images are M-by-N-by-3.


im2uint8:将输入转化为uint8,有效的输入图像数据类型包括logical, uint8, uint16, double


mat2gray:将输入转化为double,但是输出的double数据都在[0, 1]范围内,有效的输入只有double

im2double:如果输入的不是double类型图像,在输出都是在[0, 1]范围,如uint8则输出为uint8/255。但如果是double类型,则原样输出

