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python kivy游戏引擎_KivEnt是一个用于Kivy基于实体的游戏引擎


KivEnt 3.0

KivEnt is a framework for building performant, dynamic real-time scenes in Kivy for Python2 and Python3. At the moment it is 2d oriented. The only dependency for the kivent_core module is Kivy itself. Additional modules may have other requirements, such as kivent_cymunk module being based on Chipmunk2d and its cymunk wrapper.

An entity-component architecture is used to control game object state and the logic of processing the game objects. This means that your game objects will be made up of collections of independent components that stricly hold data; each component corresponds to a GameSystem that will perform all data processing on the components, in the update loop each frame, and as a result of user interaction or other programmaticaly generated events. All memory for the built-in components is allocated statically: if you would like learn more about memory management, read here.

KivEnt is built with a modular architecture and designed to have both a python api and a c-level cython api that allows more performant access to your game data. This makes it suitable for quickly prototyping a mechanic completely in python, and relatively trivial to then deeply cythonize that GameSystem if you find it to be performance sensitive. This process has already been done for the built-in components meaning they are ready for you to build new, performant game systems on top of them.

Project Website:

Mailing List:


Getting Started

Read the introduction on the github wiki.


KivEnt is split into modules, the core module, 'kivent_core', is dependent only on Kivy.

Other modules may have other dependecies, listed here:







first install all dependencies then:

cd .../KivEnt/modules/core

python setup.py build_ext install


cd .../KivEnt/modules/cymunk

python setup.py build_ext install

If you want to install into a system python on something like ubuntu you may need to:

sudo python setup.py build_ext install

If you would like to instead build the modules in place and use PYTHONPATH to find them:

cd .../KivEnt/modules/core

python setup.py build_ext --inplace

export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/KivEnt/modules/core:$PYTHONPATH


cd .../KivEnt/modules/cymunk

python setup.py build_ext --inplace

export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/KivEnt/modules/cymunk:$PYTHONPATH

Windows Kivy Portable Package Installation:

Open the kivy-2.7.bat (kivy-3.4.bat if using the py3 portable package) command console and type:

pip install https://github.com/tito/cymunk/archive/master.zip

Now either download and extract or git clone the KivEnt source:

git clone https://github.com/Kovak/KivEnt.git

Assuming you have KivEnt in the root folder for the portable package, in the kivy-2.7.bat console:

cd KivEnt/modules/core

python setup.py build_ext install

#check core install

cd ../../examples/2_basic_app

python main.py

cd ../../modules/cymunk

python setup.py build_ext install

#check that cymunk install

cd ../../examples/6_controlling_the_viewing_area

python main.py

Tested On:

Tested with master branch. Python 2.7 and Python 3.4.

Tested on Android, Ubuntu, Windows, OSX; iOS coming soon!


If you need assistance, you can ask for help on our mailing list:

We also have an IRC channel:

Server : irc.freenode.net

Port : 6667, 6697 (SSL only)

Channel : #kivy


We love pull requests and discussing novel ideas. Check out our contribution guide and feel free to improve KivEnt.

The following mailing list and IRC channel are used exclusively for discussions about developing the Kivy framework and its sister projects:

IRC channel:

Server : irc.freenode.net

Port : 6667, 6697 (SSL only)

Channel : #kivy-dev


KivEnt aims to be a full MIT licensed project. At the moment every module is MIT, however this could change in the future. To be sure of the licensing for a module refer to the LICENSE file inside that module.
