
授权协议 AGPL-3.0 License
所属分类 企业应用、 LaTeX排版系统
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 陈昂熙
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

⚠️ This repository has been migrated into overleaf/overleaf. See the monorepo announcement for more info. ⚠️


overleaf/web is the front-end web service of the open-source web-based collaborative LaTeX editor,Overleaf.It serves all the HTML pages, CSS and javascript to the client. overleaf/web also containsa lot of logic around creating and editing projects, and account management.

The rest of the Overleaf stack, along with information about contributing can be found in theoverleaf/overleaf repository.

Build process

overleaf/web uses Grunt to build its front-end related assets.

Image processing tasks are commented out in the gruntfile and the needed packages aren't presently in the project's package.json. If the images need to be processed again (minified and sprited), start by fetching the packages (npm install grunt-contrib-imagemin grunt-sprity), then decomment the tasks in Gruntfile.coffee. After this, the tasks can be called (explicitly, via grunt imagemin and grunt sprity).

New Docker-based build process

Note that the Grunt workflow from above should still work, but we are transitioning to aDocker based testing workflow, which is documented below:

Running the app

The app runs natively using npm and Node on the local system:

$ npm install
$ npm run start

Ideally the app would run in Docker like the tests below, but with host networking not supported in OS X, we need to run it natively until all services are Dockerised.

Running Tests

To run all tests run:

make test

To run both unit and acceptance tests for a module run:

make test_module MODULE=overleaf-integration

Unit Tests

The test suites run in Docker.

Unit tests can be run in the test_unit container defined in docker-compose.tests.yml.

The makefile contains a short cut to run these:

make test_unit

During development it is often useful to only run a subset of tests, which can be configured with arguments to the mocha CLI:

make test_unit MOCHA_GREP='AuthorizationManager'

To run only the unit tests for a single module do:

make test_unit_module MODULE=overleaf-integration

Module tests can also use a MOCHA_GREP argument:

make test_unit_module MODULE=overleaf-integration MOCHA_GREP=SSO

Acceptance Tests

Acceptance tests are run against a live service, which runs in the acceptance_test container defined in docker-compose.tests.yml.

To run the tests out-of-the-box, the makefile defines:

make test_acceptance

However, during development it is often useful to leave the service running for rapid iteration on the acceptance tests. This can be done with:

make test_acceptance_app_start_service
make test_acceptance_app_run # Run as many times as needed during development
make test_acceptance_app_stop_service

make test_acceptance just runs these three commands in sequence and then runs make test_acceptance_modules which performs the tests for each module in the modules directory. (Note that there is not currently an equivalent to the -start / -run x n / -stop series for modules.)

During development it is often useful to only run a subset of tests, which can be configured with arguments to the mocha CLI:

make test_acceptance_run MOCHA_GREP='AuthorizationManager'

To run only the acceptance tests for a single module do:

make test_acceptance_module MODULE=overleaf-integration

Module tests can also use a MOCHA_GREP argument:

make test_acceptance_module MODULE=overleaf-integration MOCHA_GREP=SSO


Run bin/routes to print out all routes in the project.

License and Credits

This project is licensed under the AGPLv3 license


Overleaf is based on Bootstrap, which is licensed under theMIT license.All modifications (*.less files in public/stylesheets) are also licensedunder the MIT license.


Silk icon set 1.3

We gratefully acknowledge Mark James forreleasing his Silk icon set under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license. Someof these icons are used within Overleaf inside the public/img/silk andpublic/brand/icons directories.

IconShock icons

We gratefully acknowledge IconShock for use of the iconsin the public/img/iconshock directory found viafindicons.com

  • 转自:微点阅读   https://www.weidianyuedu.com/content/5517339261757.html 简单的说Web就是为用户提供的一种在互联网上浏览信息的服务,Web服务是动态的、可交互的、跨平台的和图形化的。 Web服务为用户打开了一扇获取互联网服务的大门,这些服务不仅仅包括信息浏览服务,也包括各种交互式服务,包括聊天、购物、学习等等内容,可以说Web的出现释放了

  • Web2.0 指的是如今众所周知的互联网版本。Web 3.0,第三代互联网,意思是由 DLT(分布式账本技术)支援,基于区块链的去中心化网络世界,也将是驱动元宇宙的基础建设技术。将数据的所有权归还给用户、允许用户自主控制数据,并且在保障安全性的前提下实现数据的互操作性是 Web3.0 的核心理念。Web2.0 与 Web3.0 的区别是什么? ............... Web2.0 和 We

  • 问题内容: 我正在使用Websphere Portal 7.0并使用RAD 8.0创建一个portlet。我的portlet试图建立到远程服务器的db2连接。我在本地编写了一个Java程序来与服务器建立基本的JDBC连接,并从表中获取记录。代码工作正常;但是,当我将代码以及db2jcc4.jar添加到我的portlet时,连接不起作用。我正在使用基本的: 我认为使用Websphere数据源是正确的

  • 问题内容: 我希望能够以不同于web.xml的方式修改/配置过滤器。这是2个过滤器的静态配置。我希望能够静态配置一个过滤器,并允许该过滤器加载其他过滤器。我只是想知道是否有人知道lib已有此功能。 使用Servlet API 2.5 我已经在Guice的GuiceFilter中完成了此操作,其中在运行时配置了过滤器。 问题答案: 只需执行与容器已完成的相同的工作即可。即,按照servlet过滤器所

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  • 问题内容: 我是完美主义者,我已经使Web API调用与Google Places API配合得很好(仅作为示例),但是我感觉有时速度很慢,或者我做得不好。一些博客说我应该使用AndroidHttpClient,但不是,应该吗? Web API调用我正在使用return json,并且我不在UI线程上运行它们,因此使用AsyncTask(AsyncTask是在后台线程上运行的最有效方法,还是我应该

  • 问题内容: 我在一次采访中遇到了这个问题,所以能否请您说一下SOAP Web服务是否仅支持“ POST” http方法,或者在服务器端是否有某种方法可以接受其他方法? 问题答案: 我一直使用POST,但是根据W3C标准,SOAP支持POST和GET方法。 编辑:经过一些研究,似乎并不完全正确。这是 理论上 可能使用GET因为POST和GET是可用于通过HTTP传输协议和SOAP的HTTP方法。 但

  • 问题内容: 我想创建具有低负载的简单服务器。目标是使一些javascript客户端可以通过WebSocket访问以Java实现的某些功能。我正在寻找最佳的库来使用- 它应该简单,健壮等。现在我考虑3个替代方案-jWebSocket-jetty-netty最好的是什么?还是其他呢? 提前致谢 问题答案: jWebSocket现在包括Jetty8.0引擎,该引擎包括SSL,并且在其之上还包括许多功能。

  • 问题内容: 我正在研究 Spring MVC ,所以我有一些疑问 因此,我有这个配置类,用于配置处理用户请求的 DispatcherServlet : 我很清楚 DispatcherServlet的 工作方式。我的怀疑与 上下文 概念有关。 1)确切表示 上下文 ?我认为这就像一组具有特定用途的豆类,可以在环境中工作。但是我绝对不正确。 2) 根上下文 和 调度程序servlet上下文有 什么区别