An back-end server for chat application built using express, moongodb & for Frontend Reposiroty.
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uni-app的API一部分是基于ECMA的还有一部分是由uniapp自己扩展的api, 其中websocket就是由uniapp自己扩展的api。 从创建一个 WebSocket (opens new window)连接,监听,发送等都跟传统的websocket有点不同。 这里跟大家分享的是web端进行通信的样例,其中小程序端通信需要按照官网的协议样例进行wss://
MERN: Full-stack Chat Application Introduction The MERN stack which consists of Mongo DB, Express.js, Node.js, and React.js is a popular stack for building full-stack web-based applications because of
MEAN Chat App A small chat application built using the MEAN stack Warning: this project was built a few years back so it uses old versions of libraries and does not guarantee security. Also it might n
mean-angular4-chat-app This source code is part of tutorial Building Chat Application using MEAN Stack (Angular 4) and Step to run: Prepare Node.js and Angular CLI Clone this repo Run 'npm i
simple-websockets-chat-app This is the code and template for the simple-websocket-chat-app. There are three functions contained within the directories and a SAM template that wires them up to a Dynamo
NFC是一个用JMS实现,稳定可靠,分布式的聊天服务器与客户端。它的特点包括:内置负载平衡和HTTP Tunneling支持。利用负载平衡这个特点能够形成一个分布式的服务器网络,类似于一个IRC网络。
workerman-chat是一个以workerman作为服务器容器,使用PHP开发的基于Websocket协议的一个可分布式部署的聊天室框架。 workerman-chat采用gateway workers 进程模型。gateway只负责网络IO,全异步非阻塞,每个gateway进程都可以同时接受上万客户端连接。 workers采用的是PHP开发者所熟悉的同步模型,并提供了开发者基本的接口 on