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Generate forms from a JSON schema, with AngularJS!
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开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 Web框架
软件类型 开源软件
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Angular Schema Form

Generate forms from JSON schemas using AngularJS!

Why not many changes lately?

Much of the new development is being done in Assimilate, a standardised validator for JSON Schema to help ensure changing validators is never as painful as escaping tv4 is, as well as a new core library to allow for a more predictable upgrade from AngularJS to Angular.

The Blog / The Web Site / The Twitter / The Movie

medium.com/@SchemaFormIO / website / @SchemaFormIO / Movie

If you use ASF in your project/company please let us know! We'd love to feature you on the site.

There has been some recent developments in this project that you might want to read about.

Demo Time!

Try out the example page. Try editing the schema or form definition and see what comes out!

Hint: By pressing the 'Save to gist' button (top left), you can save your example into a shareable link.


You can find all documentation here, it covers all the different field typesand their options.

It also covers how to extend angular schema form with your own field types.

Before filing an issue, please read our issue support instructions or you may be ignored.

What is it?

Schema Form is a set of AngularJS directives (and a couple of services). It can do two things tomake life easier:

  1. Create a form directly from a JSON schema.
  2. Validate form fields against that same JSON schema.

Schema Form uses convention over configuration, so it comes packaged with some sensible defaults.But you can always customize it by changing the order and types of form fields.


Schema Form is inspired by the nice JSON Form library andaims to be roughly compatible with it, especially its form definition. So what sets Schema Formapart from JSON Form?

  1. Schema Form integrates deeply with AngularJS and uses AngularJS conventions to handle forms.
  2. Schema Form uses tv4 for validation, making it compatiblewith version 4 of the JSON schema standard.
  3. By default, Schema Form generates Bootstrap 3-friendly HTML.

Migration Guide

If you already use the library factories in an app or an add-on or plan to upgrade versions, please read themigration guide for any items that may need consideration.

Basic Usage

First, expose your schema, form, and model to the $scope.

angular.module('myModule', ['schemaForm'])
       .controller('FormController', function($scope) {
  $scope.schema = {
    type: "object",
    properties: {
      name: { type: "string", minLength: 2, title: "Name", description: "Name or alias" },
      title: {
        type: "string",
        enum: ['dr','jr','sir','mrs','mr','NaN','dj']

  $scope.form = [
      type: "submit",
      title: "Save"

  $scope.model = {};

Then load them into Schema Form using the sfSchema, sfForm, and sfModel directives.

<div ng-controller="FormController">
    <form sf-schema="schema" sf-form="form" sf-model="model"></form>



npm i angular-schema-form@latest

For the latest pre-release (alpha)

npm i angular-schema-form@pre-release


It's simplest to install Schema Form using Bower.If you use the bootstrap decorator use the one from the angular-schema-form-bootstrap repo

bower install angular-schema-form angular-schema-form-bootstrap
bower install angular-schema-form angular-schema-form-bootstrap

This will install the latest release and basic dependencies. Seedependencies section below.

You can also load the files via cdnjs.com.


You can also just download the contents of the dist/ folder and add dependencies manually.


Schema form has a lot of dependencies, most of which are optional. Schema Form depends on:

  1. AngularJS version 1.3.x is recommended. Version 1.2.xhas some limitation. See known limitations.
  2. angular-sanitize
  3. tv4
  4. bootstrap 3

If you install via bower you get all of the above except bootstrap since wedon't want to push a certain version or flavor on you. Also makesure you got the angular version you actually want.

Additional dependencies

  1. If you'd like to use drag-and-drop reordering of arrays, you'll also need ui-sortable and its jQueryUI dependencies. See the ui-sortable documentation for details about which parts of jQueryUI are needed. You can safely ignore these if you don't need reordering.
  2. Schema Form provides tabbed arrays through the form type tabarray. Tab arrays default to tabs on the left side. For these to work, you'll need to include the CSS from bootstrap-vertical-tabs. However, you won't need Bootstrap Vertical Tabs for horizontal tabs (the tabType: "top" option).

The minified files include templates - no need to load additional HTML files.

Script Loading

Schema form is split into two main files, dist/schema-form.min.js anddist/bootstrap-decorator.min.js and they need be loaded in that order. AngularJS,tv4 and objectpathalso needs to be loaded before Schema Form.

<script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/angular/angular.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/angular-sanitize/angular-sanitize.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/tv4/tv4.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/objectpath/lib/ObjectPath.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/angular-schema-form/dist/schema-form.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/angular-schema-form/dist/bootstrap-decorator.min.js"></script>

Module loading

Don't forget to load the schemaForm module or nothing will happen.

angular.module('myModule', ['schemaForm']);


There are several add-ons available, for a full list see the web page.Your can also create your own add-ons!


Contributions are welcome! Please see Contributing.md for more info.


The new Webpack compilation has made it easier to manage files and code and run buildscripts, but it is still not easy enough for users unfamiliar with it... yet.

NOTE in order to build simultaneously with json-schema-form-core you must have it clonedas a sibling directory to this one OR npm install the version you wish to build with.

Webpack now generates a header to indicate version and date of build. Do not create PR with the DIST folder.

Branch Status & New Add-On

This branch will be the next version of Angular Schema Form, currently please usethe examples/example.html file as the best example to get the framework working.

The example uses angular-schema-form.js and angular-schema-form-bootstrap.js for theversion of the code it executes, if you want your page to behave the same youobviously need the same version!


To see how to make an add-on work I have now included the calculate add-on file within the examples/add-on directory.


Unit tests are run with karma and written usingmocha, chai andsinon

To run the tests:

  1. Install all dependencies via NPM.
  2. Install dev dependencies with bower.
  3. Install the Karma CLI.
  4. Run the tests using npm test.
$ npm install
$ bower install
$ npm test
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