MailEclipse is a mailable editor package for your Laravel applications to create and manage mailables using a web UI. You can use this package to develop mailables without using the command line, and edit templates associated with mailables using a WYSIWYG editor, among other features.
Please note that this package is still under active development. We encourage everyone to try it and give feedback.
For Laravel 5.6 to 7 support please see version v2.2 branch
Via Composer
$ composer require qoraiche/laravel-mail-editor
The package will automatically register itself.
Publish configuration file and public assets:
php artisan laravel-mail-editor:install
Documentation for Maileclipse can be found on the Official website.
You can reach us at:
Please see the changelog for more information on what has changed recently.
If you discover any security related issues, please email author email instead of using the issue tracker.
MIT license. Please see the license file for more information.
Contributions are welcome
If you benefit from and/or like using MailEclipse then please help drive the future development of the project by
Thank You!
- 3 November 2020You did a great job on MailEclipse! Thank you for providing this to everyone for free. I look forward to watching your project grow! Thanks Again, James S.
- 19 December 2019Keep up the good work!
- 19 June 2019Being used by one of our teams at Snapt!
- 11 April 2019Donation made with love by BuiltByPanda. com from Australia who support developers and their excellent work
- 28 March 2019#teamcookie says HELLOO ���� Thanks for this really helpful Package (MailEclipse) bro. ������
- 12 March 2019We {teamcookie:github. com/flavius-constantin} �� love to support good developers and their awesome work! ����
- 13 March 2019 ![]() |
Laravel SendCloud 发送邮件 composer 安装 composer require naux/sendcloud 修改 config/app.php,添加服务提供者 'providers' => [ // 添加这行 Naux\Mail\SendCloudServiceProvider::class, ]; 在 .env 中配置你的密钥, 并修改邮件驱动为 sendc
[PDOException] SQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user ‘homestead’@’localhost’ (using password: YES) looks like same error different is not showing any file line number. The reason of Access den
一、laravel的安装 1、composer 作用:主要管理php中的依赖关系(类似于yum源) 可以安装的软件: curl //主要用到微信开发中 upload //文本操作 excel //表格 mail //邮件 log //日志
A mail driver to quickly preview mail This package can display a small overlay whenever a mail is sent. The overlay contains a link to the mail that was just sent. This can be handy when testing out e
基于Web的应用程序通常需要具有向用户/客户端发送邮件的功能。 Flask-Mail扩展使得与任何电子邮件服务器建立简单的界面变得非常容易。 首先,应该在pip实用程序的帮助下安装Flask-Mail扩展。 pip install Flask-Mail 然后需要通过设置以下应用程序参数的值来配置Flask-Mail。 Sr.No 参数和描述 1 MAIL_SERVER 电子邮件服务器的名称/ I
import "net/mail" mail包实现了邮件的解析。 本包大部分都遵守RFC 5322规定的语法,值得注意的区别是: * 旧格式地址和嵌入远端信息的地址不会被解析 * 组地址不会被解析 * 不支持全部的间隔符(CFWS语法元素),如分属两行的地址 Variables type Address func ParseAddress(address string) (*Address, er
Mail::send('email.view', $data, function($message){}); Mail::send(array('html.view', 'text.view'), $data, $callback); Mail::queue('email.view', $data, function($message){}); Mail::queueOn('queue-name'
我试图在视图中显示我的降价电子邮件,但是我的邮件视图有问题,它显示为 还有我的降价邮件视图 我的视图上也有供应商,他们有自己的组件。
问题内容: 我想使用laravel发送确认电子邮件。laravel Mail :: send()函数似乎只接受系统上文件的路径。问题是我的邮件模板存储在数据库中,而不存储在系统上的文件中。 如何将纯内容传递给电子邮件? 例: 问题答案: 更新:在 Laravel 5中, 您可以使用: 这是您的操作方式: