A Laravel package that switch default Laravel scaffolding / boilerplate to AdminLTE template with Bootstrap 3.0 and Pratt Landing Page
See demo here:
If you are looking for the Laravel 4 version, use 0.1.5 version/tag and see OLD-README.md
composer require "acacha/admin-lte-template-laravel"
Finally publish files with:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=adminlte --force
This packages use (no need to install):
brew install gnu-sed --with-default-names
This package assumes that you have in path your composer bin folder:
For example adding this line:
export PATH=${PATH}:~/.composer/vendor/bin
to your ~/.bashrc file
Note: in some systems the path coul be diferent for example:
export PATH=${PATH}:~/.config/composer/vendor/bin
Please be sure to check you environment.
This package installs Laravel routes that you will not find them at routes.php file. The routes installed by package would be find at file:
A file included by AdminLTETemplateServiceProvider:
You can override this routes by changing order of ServiceProviders in config/app.php file so if you put:
Your routes in routes.php file will override default adminlte-laravel routes.
Also you can install manually the routes in routes.php file. Adminlte-laravel use same routes as Laravel make:auth command use, see:
so you can add this lines to routes.php file:
Route::get('/home', 'HomeController@index');
And disable AdminLTETemplateServiceProvider in config/app.php file ( take into account that Adminte-laravel Facades andcustom commands will not be available).
See issue https://github.com/acacha/adminlte-laravel/issues/69 for more info
Once package installed you have to follow the usual steps of any laravel project to Login to the admin interface:
AdminLTE is a Free Premium Admin control Panel Theme That Is Based On Bootstrap 3.x created by Abdullah Almsaeed. See:
Adminlte-laravel supports global recognized avatar (http://gravatar.com) using package creativeorange/gravatar (https://github.com/creativeorange/gravatar).
This commands adds a view to resources/views folder using default adminlte layout:
php artisan make:view about
This commands adds a menu entry to file config/menu.php:
php artisan make:menu link menuname
php artisan make:menu /contact
This commands adds a route to routes file using:
php artisan make:route linkname
For example you can add a route routes/web.php file with URI /about using:
php artisan make:route about
This commands add this entry to routes/web.php
You can create 3 types of routes with option type:
php artisan make:route about --type=controller
this adds the following:
Route::get('about', 'AboutController@index');
to file routes/web.php. You can choose the controller name and method with:
php artisan make:route about MyController@method --type=controller
If you want to create a resource controller:
php artisan make:route about --type=resource
this adds the following:
Route::resource('about', 'About@index');
to file routes/web.php.
You can also create routes with other HTTP methods using option method:
php artisan make:route save --method=post
You can also add routes to api using option api:
php artisan make:route save --api
Then the routes will be added to routes/api.php.
Finally use option -a to add actions after route creation:
php artisan make:route about -a
Last command also create a view with name about.blade.php. Using:
php artisan make:route about -a --type=controller
Will create a Controller file with name AboutController and method index.
You can consult all options with:
php artisan make:route --help
This command is already executed during installation you can (re)execute manually with:
php artisan adminlte:publish
Publish all necessary files from package to Laravel project.
Only publish package sidebar to Laravel project allowing to customize sidebar:
php artisan adminlte:sidebar
Note: sidebar is already published when you use adminlte-laravel install command.
Replaces sidebar view with a sidebar using spatie/laravel-menu:
php artisan adminlte:menu
This command also installs spatie/laravel-menu package and creates a default menu located config/menu.php.
IMPORTANT: Spatie Laravel Menu required PHP7.0 or superior to work
Executes make:adminUserSeeder artisan command (see next section) an executes seed. This command adds a default admin user to database.
php artisan adminlte:admin
File /home/sergi/Code/AdminLTE/acacha/adminlte-laravel_test/database/seeds/AdminUserSeeder.php created
User Sergi Tur Badenas(sergiturbadenas@gmail.com) with the environemnt password (env var ADMIN_PWD) created succesfully!
This command use (if exists) environment variables (.env file) ADMIN_USER, ADMIN_EMAIL and ADMIN_PWD. If this env variables does not exists thenuser git config (~/.gitconfig) to obtain data and if this info does not exists use Admin (admin@example.com) and password 123456 as default.
Create a new seed to add admin user to database. Use:
php artisan make:adminUserSeeder
File /home/sergi/Code/AdminLTE/acacha/adminlte-laravel_test/database/seeds/AdminUserSeeder.php created
It's a cinch to add (optional) Social Login/Register support to Laravel Adminlte using acacha/laravel-social package. Execute in your project root folder:
adminlte-laravel social
Follow the wizard to configure your social providers Oauth data and enjoy!
More info at https://github.com/acacha/laravel-social.
Remove line
in files resources/views/auth/login.blade.php
and register.blade.php
Use phpunit on run composer script test:
$ composer test
Once this package is installed in a Laravel project some tests are installed to test package features. There are two kind of tests Feature/Unit tests and Browser tests. To execute Feature/Unit tests execute:
In a new created laravel project with acacha-admintle.laravel installed to test that package is installed correctly. You can also execute Browser tests with Laravel Dusk (please install first manually Dusk package following https://laravel.com/docs/master/dusk):
php artisan dusk:install
touch database/testing.database.sqlite
php artisan serve --env=dusk.local &
php artisan dusk
You can also test this package in a sandbox without need to install. Run script:
All strings are localized using Laravel localization support: https://laravel.com/docs/master/localization
In your config/app.php file you can change locale to change language. You can install only localized files using tag adminlte_lang:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=adminlte_lang --force
The following languages are supported by default on this package: English, Catalan, Spanish, Dutch and Brazilian Portuguese. Please feel free to submit a new pull request with another languages if you wish.
NOTA: not needed in Laravel 5.5+
Acacha llum need GNU sed to work so replace BSD sed with GNU sed using:
brew install gnu-sed --with-default-names
Check you version of sed with:
man sed
sed GNU version path is:
$ which sed
Instead of default path of BSD sed (installed by default on MAC OS):
More info at https://github.com/acacha/adminlte-laravel/issues/58
Execute command:
php artisan adminlte:username
And then you can use username instead of email for login.
NOTE: when we are using login by username if login by usernames fails thensystem try to use the introduced username as an email for login. So userscan also login using email.
To come back to email login remove field option from config/auth.php file:
'providers' => [
'users' => [
'driver' => 'eloquent',
'model' => App\User::class,
'field' => 'username' // Adminlte laravel. Valid values: 'email' or 'username'
NOTE: Migration required to add username field to users table requires:
composer require doctrine/dbal
Optionally you can define a default domain name for username login. Add domain option:
'defaults' => [
'guard' => 'web',
'passwords' => 'users',
'domain' => 'defaultdomain.com',
to file config/auth.php. Then if an user tries to login with no domain the default domain will be appended whe logging.
So with previous example you can type at login:
and system/javascript will replace that with:
Laravel adminlte package by default publish Laravel translations into Javascript/Vue.js adding to HTML header the following script:
//See https://laracasts.com/discuss/channels/vue/use-trans-in-vuejs
window.trans = @php
// copy all translations from /resources/lang/CURRENT_LOCALE/* to global JS variable
$lang_files = File::files(resource_path() . '/lang/' . App::getLocale());
$trans = [];
foreach ($lang_files as $f) {
$filename = pathinfo($f)['filename'];
$trans[$filename] = trans($filename);
$trans['adminlte_lang_message'] = trans('adminlte_lang::message');
echo json_encode($trans);
This script is located in partial blade file (vendor/acacha/admin-lte-template-laravel/resources/views/layouts/partials/htmlheader.blade.php)
So global variable window.trans contains all Laravel translations at can be used in any Javascript file.
Also in file resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js code section:
Vue.prototype.trans = (key) => {
return _.get(window.trans, key, key);
Allows using directly the trans function in vue templates:
{{ trans('auth.failed') }}
Also you can use inside Vue components code:
Laravel Adminlte messages ara available using prefix adminlte_lang_message:
{{ trans('adminlte_lang_message.username') }}
Feel free to remove/adapt this file to your needs.
Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.
Please see CONTRIBUTING and CONDUCT for details.
If you discover any security related issues, please email sergiturbadenas@gmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
Easy AdminLTE integration with Laravel This package provides an easy way to quickly set up AdminLTE v3 with Laravel (6 or higher). It has no requirements and dependencies besides Laravel, so you can s
AdminLTE 是受欢迎的开源的管理仪表盘和控制面板的WebApp模板。它是基于Bootstrap 3的CSS框架,反应灵敏的HTML模板。利用所有Bootstrap的组件对大部分使用插件进行设计和调整风格,创建出可以用作后端应用程序的用户界面一致性设计。AdminLTE是基于模块化设计,很容易在其之上定制和重制。 浏览器支持: IE 9+ Firefox (latest) Chrome (la
简介 RonCoo AdminLTE --是一个完全响应式的免费开源后台管理模板。基于 AdminLTE 框架(后续会随着版本更新而更新);使用jQuery 2.2.3版本,并引入很多优秀的第三方jQuery插件,开发者也可以改用自己熟悉的第三方插件,易于使用,并高度可定制,适合许多屏幕分辨率从小型移动设备到大型台式机,这是国内的开源模板未支持的。 在线预览:demo.adminlte.roncoo.com
django-adminlte-ui,基于 adminlte 的 django 后台模板,页面基本全部兼容,欢迎测试。 安装 pip install django-adminlte-ui 设置 INSTALLED_APPS = [ 'adminlteui', 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.con
龙果开源-后台管理系统 项目介绍 框架完全是基于Spring IO platform,绝对拥抱Spring,版本的依赖关系再不用担心。 前端基于 龙果开源-后台管理UI Roncoo AdminLTE,高端大气上档次。 实现了邮件发送功能,邮件增删改查功能 代码自动生成工具使用了龙果开源-Mybatis代码自动生成工具 项目愿景 根据实际项目的需求,实现一个适合由单应用扩展到多应用的架构。在项目的
AdminLTE是一个完全响应管理模板。基于Bootstrap3,jQuery 3.3.1 这两个框架框架,易定制模板。 适合多种屏幕分辨率,从小型移动设备到大型台式机。内置了多个页面,包括仪表盘、邮箱、日历、锁屏、登录及注册、404错误、500错误等页面。对于后台站点的模板渲染,有很大的作用。