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Easy AdminLTE integration with Laravel
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 PHP
所属分类 Web应用开发、 Web框架
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 万俟小林
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Easy AdminLTE integration with Laravel

This package provides an easy way to quickly set up AdminLTE v3 with Laravel (6 or higher). It has no requirements and dependencies besides Laravel, so you can start building your admin panel immediately. The package provides a blade template that you can extend and advanced menu configuration possibilities. Also, and optionally, the package includes a set of AdminLTE styled authentication views that you can use in replacement of the ones that are provided by the laravel/ui authentication scaffolding.

If you want to use an older Laravel or AdminLTE version, review the following package releases:

  • Releases 1.x:These releases supports Laravel 5 and include AdminLTE v2
  • Releases 2.x:These releases supports Laravel 6 or higher and include AdminLTE v2


All documentation is available on the Wiki Pages, we encourage you to read it. If you are new start with the Installation Guide. To update the package consult the Updating Guide.


The current package requirements are:

  • Laravel >= 6.x
  • PHP >= 7.2

Issues, Questions and Pull Requests

You can report issues or ask questions in the issues section. Please, start your issue with [BUG] and your question with [QUESTION] in the subject.

If you have a question, it is recommended to search and check the closed issues first.

To submit a Pull Request, please fork this repository, create a new branch and commit your new/updated code in there. Then open a Pull Request from your new branch. Refer to the contribution guidelines for detailed instructions. When submitting a Pull Request take the next notes into consideration:

  • Check that the Pull Request don't introduce a high downgrade on the code quality.
  • If the Pull Request introduce new features, consider adding the related documentation of this feature on the Wiki documentation.
  • Keep the package focused, don't add special support to other packages or to very particular situations. These changes will make the package more hard to maintain.
  • 是因为有css,js文件加载不到,导致超时响应 解决方式:进入下面文件 vendor/encore/laravel-admin/src/Form/Field/DateMultiple.php 将下面内容注释 // protected static $css = [ // 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/flatpickr/dist/flatpickr

  • 重写内置视图 如果有需要自己修改view,但是不方便直接修改laravel-admin的情况,可以用下面的办法解决 复制vendor/encore/laravel-admin/views到项目的resources/views/admin,然后在app/Admin/bootstrap.php文件中加入代码: app('view')->prependNamespace('admin', resourc

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  • 我需要空间/Laravel权限的帮助。当我试图分配它给我错误哎呀,看起来像出了问题。 错误 Connection.php第761行中的QueryExcema:SQLSTATE[23000]:完整性约束冲突:1048列role_id不能为空(SQL:插入到(,)值(9,))

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  • 简介 Laravel Scout 为 Eloquent 模型 全文搜索提供了简单的,基于驱动的解决方案。通过使用模型观察者,Scout 会自动同步 Eloquent 记录的搜索索引。 目前,Scout 自带一个 Algolia 驱动;不过,编写自定义驱动很简单, 你可以轻松的通过自己的搜索实现来扩展 Scout。 安装 首先,通过 Composer 包管理器来安装 Scout: composer

  • 简介 Laravel 致力于让整个 PHP 开发体验变得愉快, 包括你的本地开发环境。 Vagrant 提供了一种简单,优雅的方式来管理和配置虚拟机。 Laravel Homestead 是一个官方预封装的 Vagrant box,它为你提供了一个完美的开发环境,而无需在本地机器安装 PHP 、Web 服务器和其他服务器软件。不用担心会搞乱你的操作系统!Vagrant boxes 是一次性的。如果

  • WebStack-Laravel 一个开源的网址导航网站项目,具备完整的前后台,您可以拿来制作自己的网址导航。 部署 克隆代码: git clone https://github.com/hui-ho/WebStack-Laravel.git 安装依赖: composer installphp artisan key:generate 编辑配置: cp .env.example .env ...D

  • 百度编辑器 For Laravel 5 支持自定义路由, 默认前后台独立控制器,支持重写方法方便自己的业务逻辑处理,支持扩展图片助手(推荐使用Intervention\Image第三方包) 官网 NinJa911工作室. 疑问讨论 请在issue里new一个. 授权 此Laravel 扩展包基于MIT协议开源MIT license. 安装 1.Composer 安装 composer requir

  • laravel-admin是一个基于laravel的后台管理开发框架,能帮助你使用很少的时间和代码量开发出功能完备的管理后台,另外它作为一个三方包,可以和框架内其它项目并行开发,真正做到前后台开发分离。 功能: RBAC权限管理模块。 菜单管理,和权限系统结合。 模型数据表格,能快速构建数据表格,并支持多种模型关系。 模型表单以及30+种form元素组件,自动实现增、删、改功能。 支持本地和云存储