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授权协议 Unlicense License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 尹辰沛
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

This example illustrates how to use Express 4.x andPassport to sign users in with a username andpassword. Use this example as a starting point for your own web applications.

Quick Start

To get started with this example, clone the repository and install thedependencies.

$ git clone https://github.com/passport/express-4.x-local-example.git
$ cd express-4.x-local-example
$ npm install

Start the server.

$ npm start

Navigate to http://localhost:3000.


This example illustrates how to use Passport andthe passport-localstrategy within an Express application to sign users inwith a username and password.

The example builds upon the scaffolding created by Express generator,and uses EJS as a view engine and plain CSS for styling. Thisscaffolding was generated by executing:

$ express --view ejs express-4.x-local-example

The example uses SQLite for storing user accounts.SQLite is a lightweight database that works well for development, including thisexample.

Added to the scaffolding are files which add authentication to the application.

  • boot/db.js

    This file initializes the database by creating the tables used to store useraccounts and credentials.

  • boot/auth.js

    This file initializes Passport. It configures the password strategy with averify callback. The callback verifies the password by finding the useraccount in the database. If the account is found, the callback hashes thepassword entered and compares it to the hashed password stored in thedatabase. If the comparison is equal, the user is authenticated.

    This file also supplies the serialization functions used for sessionmanagement.

  • routes/auth.js

    This file defines the routes used for authentication. In particular, thereare two routes used to authenticate with a username and password:

    • GET /login

      This route renders a page that prompts the user to enter their username andpassword.

    • POST /login/password

      This route authenticates the user using their username and password.

  • routes/users.js

    This file defines the routes used for registration. In particular, there aretwo routes used to create an account:

    • GET /users/new

      This route renders a page that prompts the user to enter the informationneeded to register an acccount. This information consists of their name,preferred username, and password.

    • POST /users

      This route creates a new account using the information entered by the user.The password is first hashed and stored in hashed format.


The Unlicense

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