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A core Pluggable framework based on koa.
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 Web框架
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 吕鸿轩
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


A core Pluggable framework based on koa.

Don't use it directly, see egg.


Directory structure

├── package.json
├── app.js (optional)
├── agent.js (optional)
├── app
|   ├── router.js
│   ├── controller
│   │   └── home.js
|   ├── extend (optional)
│   |   ├── helper.js (optional)
│   |   ├── filter.js (optional)
│   |   ├── request.js (optional)
│   |   ├── response.js (optional)
│   |   ├── context.js (optional)
│   |   ├── application.js (optional)
│   |   └── agent.js (optional)
│   ├── service (optional)
│   ├── middleware (optional)
│   │   └── response_time.js
│   └── view (optional)
|       ├── layout.html
│       └── home.html
├── config
|   ├── config.default.js
│   ├── config.prod.js
|   ├── config.test.js (optional)
|   ├── config.local.js (optional)
|   ├── config.unittest.js (optional)
│   └── plugin.js

Then you can start with code below

const Application = require('egg-core').EggCore;
const app = new Application({
  baseDir: '/path/to/app'
app.ready(() => app.listen(3000));


EggLoader can easily load files or directories in your egg project. In addition, you can customize the loader with low level APIs.


  • {String} baseDir - current directory of application
  • {Object} app - instance of egg application
  • {Object} plugins - merge plugins for test
  • {Logger} logger - logger instance,default is console

High Level APIs


Load config/plugin.js


Load config/config.js and config/{serverEnv}.js

If process.env.EGG_APP_CONFIG is exists, then it will be parse and override config.


Load app/controller


Load app/middleware


Load app/extend/application.js


Load app/extend/context.js


Load app/extend/request.js


Load app/extend/response.js


Load app/extend/helper.js


Load app.js, if app.js export boot class, then trigger configDidLoad


Load agent.js, if agent.js export boot class, then trigger configDidLoad


Load app/service

Low Level APIs


Retrieve application environment variable values via serverEnv. You can access directly by calling this.serverEnv after instantiation.

serverEnv description
default default environment
test system integration testing environment
prod production environment
local local environment on your own computer
unittest unit test environment


To get directories of the frameworks. A new framework is created by extending egg, then you can use this function to get all frameworks.


A loadUnit is a directory that can be loaded by EggLoader, cause it has the same structure.

This function will get add loadUnits follow the order:

  1. plugin
  2. framework
  3. app

loadUnit has a path and a type. Type must be one of those values: app, framework, plugin.

  path: 'path/to/application',
  type: 'app'


To get application name from package.json


Get the infomation of the application

  • pkg: package.json
  • name: the application name from package.json
  • baseDir: current directory of application
  • env: equals to serverEnv
  • HOME: home directory of the OS
  • root: baseDir when local and unittest, HOME when other environment


To load a single file. Note: The file must export as a function.

loadToApp(directory, property, LoaderOptions)

To load files from directory in the application.

Invoke this.loadToApp('$baseDir/app/controller', 'controller'), then you can use it by app.controller.

loadToContext(directory, property, LoaderOptions)

To load files from directory, and it will be bound the context.

// define service in app/service/query.js
module.exports = class Query {
  constructor(ctx) {
    // get the ctx

  get() {}

// use the service in app/controller/home.js
module.exports = function*() {
  this.body = this.service.query.get();

loadExtend(name, target)

Loader app/extend/xx.js to target, For example,

this.loadExtend('application', app);


Param Type Description
directory String/Array directories to be loaded
target Object attach the target object from loaded files
match String/Array match the files when load, default to **/*.js(if process.env.EGG_TYPESCRIPT was true, default to `[ '**/*.(js
ignore String/Array ignore the files when load
initializer Function custom file exports, receive two parameters, first is the inject object(if not js file, will be content buffer), second is an options object that contain path
caseStyle String/Function set property's case when converting a filepath to property list.
override Boolean determine whether override the property when get the same name
call Boolean determine whether invoke when exports is function
inject Object an object that be the argument when invoke the function
filter Function a function that filter the exports which can be loaded


EggCore record boot progress with Timing, include:

  • Process start time
  • Script start time(node don't implement an interface like process.uptime to record the script start running time, framework can implement a prestart file used with node --require options to set process.scriptTime)
  • Application start time
  • Load duration
  • require duration


Start record a item. If the item exits, end the old one and start a new one.

  • {String} name - record item name
  • {Number} [start] - record item start time, default is Date.now()


End a item.

  • {String} name - end item name


Generate all record items to json

  • {String} name - record item name
  • {Number} start - item start time
  • {Number} end - item end time
  • {Number} duration - item duration
  • {Number} pid - pid
  • {Number} index - item index

Questions & Suggestions

Please open an issue here.



  • 我们团队现在开发的node项目都是基于koa框架实现的,虽然现在也形成了一套团队内的标准,但是在开发的过程中也遇到了一些问题: 由于没有统一的规范,新人上手和沟通成本比较高,容易出现错误 仅局限于目前需求进行设计,扩展性不高 系统部署及配置信息维护成本较高 业务代码实现起来不是很优雅,比如(1)关于文件的引入,到处的require,经常会出现忘记require或者多余的require问题(2)因为

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  • https://blog.csdn.net/wan_yanyan528/article/details/71787559 https://blog.csdn.net/testcs_dn/article/details/45437903

  • 1.阿里云短信准备 参考阿里云短信 2.安装@alicloud/pop-core npm install @alicloud/pop-core 3.util/SmseCode.ts 根据openAPI的代码来修改 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires const Core = require('@aliclo

  • 一、安装egg-cors npm install egg-cors --save 二、配置plugin.js 'use strict'; /** @type Egg.EggPlugin */ exports.cors = { enable: true, package: 'egg-cors', }; 三、配置config.default.js config.security

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  • Egg 简介 Egg 它一个通用高效的爬虫,希望它能够替大家实现一些需求,更希望能为开源做出自己的贡献。目前,还在成长,在我的构想下,它还需要添加很多功能,我会继续完善。有任何疑问以及需求请以与作者交流:630841816@qq.com Egg是一个通用,多线程的Java爬虫框架。 Egg简单小巧,api非常简单,容易上手。 Egg性能不错,并实现多种请求方式。 能够比较快的响应使用者的需求 速度

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