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开发语言 PHP
所属分类 Web应用开发、 Web框架
软件类型 开源软件
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投 递 者 唐涛
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DECK is powerful and high performant local web development studio unlike any other, install & try out more than 40+ open source stacks with editable Docker compose files

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DECK Automatic HTTPS

DECK's inbuilt SSL engine powered by LetsEncrypt and a supercharged proxy layer enables full HTTPS on localhost apps.

Unlimited projects, multiple server configurations

DECK Marketplace

Easily spin-up Laravel, Codeigniter, Node JS, Django, WordPress, Magentoand many more apps right on your localhost with the click of a buttonand let DECK do the heavy lifting for you.

Built-in terminal

DECK Terminal

Get shell access to your apps and run commands to make changes in file permissions, server configurations, etc

DECK Flights

Easily share your local app with co-workers remotely by using Flights

Ready to go configurations

Focus on your web app and let DECK handle the server configurations for you.


Download the app here: https://github.com/sfx101/docker-stacks/releases (Follow the instructions on the Release page)



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Creating and starting stacks


Opening codes and connecting to a stack


  • http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=1330 Deck Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 1437    Accepted Submission(s): 833 Problem

  • 制造业了解:http://www.btcwbo.com/5224.html 我花了一个下午在网上看Yugalabs的deck。90页的deck,70页或80页的deck都在凡尔赛。不愧为苹果、谷歌、HBO等公司高管团队的核心高管。我好像看过一个精彩的新Apple产品发布会。除了震撼或震撼,不得不感叹元宇宙内卷的速度,不给新人留路。 首先,分析团队配置。与许多Web3创业团队不同,Yugalabs已

  • You have a card deck of n cards, numbered from top to bottom, i. e. the top card has index 1 and bottom card — index n. Each card has its color: the i-th card has color ai. You should process q querie

  • D. Unshuffling a Deck (构造) 思路:构造。 考虑每次操作都对一个数排到对应的位置,这样最多操作 n n n次。 当 n n n为偶数时,按照 n , 1 , n − 1 , 2 … n,1,n-1,2\dots n,1,n−1,2…的顺序操作。 当 n n n为奇数时,按照 1 , n , 2 , n − 1 … 1,n,2,n-1\dots 1,n,2,n−1…的顺序操作

  • imagine we’re designing the objects for a deck of cards. Consider the following approach: 1.  What are you trying to do with the deck of cards? Ask your interviewer.  Let’s assume  we want a general p

  • B. Card Deck time limit per test1 second memory limit per test512 megabytes inputstandard input outputstandard output You have a deck of n cards, and you’d like to reorder it to a new one. Each card h

  •  E - Yet Another Card Deck You have a card deck of nn cards, numbered from top to bottom, i. e. the top card has index 11 and bottom card — index nn. Each card has its color: the ii-th card has color 

  • 在我们的测试环境中,我们的solr搜索引擎遇到了许多问题。我们在4.6版上有一个solr云设置,单个分片,4个节点。我们看到CPU在领导节点上的平行线达到100%几个小时,然后服务器开始抛出OutOfMemory错误,“性能警告:重叠onDeckSearcher”开始出现在日志中,领导进入恢复模式,过滤器缓存和查询缓存预热时间达到60秒左右(通常不到2秒),领导节点关闭,我们在整个集群恢复并选举新

  • 我在使用std::result_of、decltype和std::function时遇到了很多麻烦 使用可变模板。 我有以下功能- 下一节课呢 我希望类中有一个成员保存lambda表达式, 为此我需要一个d::f。 我的问题是我如何正确地定义d::f。 这个类的用例如下所示- 现在我有了T=int u-cdecl(int,int,int)和Args=(int-1,int-2,int-3) 因此,我

  • 介绍 (Introduction) DeckPanel小部件表示一个面板,它在“平台”中显示其所有子小部件,其中一次只能看到一个。 它由TabPanel使用。 Class 声明 (Class Declaration) 以下是com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.DeckPanel类的声明 - public class DeckPanel extends ComplexP

  • 有了Deck对象之后,把所有从属于Deck的函数放入其结构定义中也是情理之中的事了。看一下到目前为止我们定义的函数,很明显12.7节的printDeck函数可以作为候选加进来。下面将printDeck重写为成员函数: void Deck::print () const { for (int i = 0; i < cards.length(); i++) { cards[i].print

  • deck.gl,是由 Uber 开源的基于 WebGL 的可视化图层。 用于React 的 WebGL 遮罩套件,提供了一组高性能的数据可视化叠加层。为数据可视化用例提供测试、高性能的图层,如 2 维和 3 维的散点图、choropleths 等。 运行效果 示例代码 import DeckGL from 'deck.gl/react';import {ArcLayer} from 'deck.g

  • Angular deckgrid 是轻量级的 AngularJS 网格,该指令不依赖于视觉展示,所有的响应和美观都依赖于你的 CSS 文件。



