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The Ember web client for Travis CI
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 程序开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 曹乐意
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Travis CI ember web client

Running the app

The app is developed using Ember CLI. It requires nodejswith npm installed.

In order to run the app you need to install dependencies with:

npm ci

And then install ember-cli globally in order to have access to the ember command:

npm install -g ember-cli

Now you can run the server:

ember serve

And open http://localhost:4200 in the browser.

Alternatively you can run ember build --watch and start the server with waiter/script/server

Waiter Workarounds

Should you encounter issues installing Puma while bundling Waiter on a recentOSX version, you need to tinker with Homebrew:

brew install openssl
brew link --force openssl

You should then be able to run bundle install as usual.

Running the app in private repos mode

At the moment Travis CI is available as two separate sites - https://travis-ci.org for Open Sourceprojects and https://travis-ci.com for private projects. travis-web will connectto the Open Source version by default. In order to connect it to the API for private projects you need to setup your .env file.

Copy .env.example to .env

$ cp .env.example .env

Update the .env file to run the app in private repos mode:


After setting up environment variables, you can run the app like so:

ember serve --ssl --ssl-key=ssl/server.key --ssl-cert=ssl/server.crt

One caveat here is that the command will start server with SSL, so the page willbe accessible at https://localhost:4200 (note https part).

Running on SSL in general

Sometimes there is a need to test the app with an SSL connection. This is requiredto make Pusher work when running Travis CI Pro, but it may also be needed in othersituations.

There's already an SSL certificate in the ssl directory, which is set for localhosthost. If you want to use it, you can start the server with:

ember serve --ssl --ssl-key=ssl/server.key --ssl-cert=ssl/server.crt

In case you want your own certificate, you can follow the instructions postedhere: https://gist.github.com/trcarden/3295935 and then point the server to yourcertificate with --ssl-key and --ssl-cert.

Running tests

To run the test suite execute:

ember test

You can also start an interactive test runner for easier development:

ember test --serve


  • npm run lint:hbs
  • npm run lint:js
  • npm run lint:js -- --fix

Feature Flags

travis-web is beginning the transition to use feature flags wherever it makessense. To enable/disable/add/remove a feature flag for the application, you canedit the config/environment.js file. For instance, to enable some-feature, you wouldsimply add/update the file like so:

    featureFlags: {
      'some-feature': true

This uses the awesome ember-feature-flags addon under the hood, so be sure to read its owndocumentation for more information.


Ember's default logging has been disabled in all environments by default andmoved to a feature flag. To enable it, simply edit the debug-logging featureflag as mentioned previously in the Feature Flags section.


ember-cli-deploy is available for deploying pull requests. See after_successin .travis.yaml and associated scripts for details. It uses the “lightningstrategy” of deploying assets to S3 and index.html to a Redis server. You candeploy from your own machine too. First, update your .env file with the following variables:


Then run:

npm run deploy

After success, your deployment will be available at branch.test-deployments.travis-ci.org.

See the documentation for the full list ofdeployment environments and more details.

The Redis server is a modified version of waiter/lib/travis/web/app.rb. We will eventually replacethat with travis-web-index and move to usingember-cli-deploy for all deployments.

Ember beta and canary deployments

Upon a merge to master, the application is built with the latest beta and canary versionsof Ember, running against the production API. This uses the same infrastructure as thepull request deployments. You can visit these deployments at:

These deployments are also performed with the weekly cron build.

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  • Travis CI 是一个基于云的持续集成项目, 目前已经支持大部分主流语言了,比如:C,PHP,Ruby,Python, Nodejs等等。和Jenkins类似, Travis CI也是开源的,不过Travis和Github集成非常紧密,官方的集成测试托管只支持Github项目, 不过你也可以搭建一套自己的方案。  如果你有开源项目,那么Travis绝对值得一试,目前托管在Github上的大部分

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  • 如何简单入门使用Travis-CI持续集成 不知道你们有没有看过这样一个标识,只看文字就可以看出这个项目是否已经构建成功(让大家知道项目没有问题),如果不成功则会显示 Build failing。 如果你的项目还没有使用,那么赶快跟我一起来装13吧。233333 Travis-CI 是什么? Travis-CI是一个开源的持续构建项目,能够测试和部署;Travis-CI会同步你在GitHub上托管

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