Write LaTeX, push to git, let Travis automatically build your file and release a pdf automatically to GitHub releases when the commit was tagged.
This repository contains an overview of the methods you could use to build your LaTeX on a remote server (continuous integration server).You want that because then every time you push it will automatically check if you pushed valid LaTeX.
If you are looking for instructions to build LaTeX locally, look here.If you are looking for instructions to build LaTeX on GitLab CI, have a look at the GitLab section.If you are looking for instructions to build ConTeXt, have a look at the ConTeXt section.
This repository contains a huge amount of information, and as you can see I have worked with a lot of different options.These are my two favourites:
In 2019 GitHub introduced GitHub Actions, which is essentially an alternative to Travis.
To use it:
For more information, see https://help.github.com/en/actions/automating-your-workflow-with-github-actions
In the following sections we will give an overview and comparison of available GitHub Actions to build LaTeX.Note however, that you can adapt any of the methods for using Travis CI to work with GitHub Actions, because the syntax for the yml configuration files is very similar.
Currently we know the following Actions.
Example in this repo: xu-cheng-docker-full-texlive.yml
Build time example files: 3-4 min.
This is a fork of Github Action for LaTeX by xu-cheng, of which the only changes are now also in the original Action by xu-cheng.
Fork of 'LaTeX compilation by dante-ev' but reads the file to compile from a .fileToCompile
file in your repository so this does not seem to have any advantages.
Uses https://github.com/Paperist/docker-alpine-texlive-ja which installs the TeX Live package collection-langjapanese
by default and otherwise does not seem to have any advantages (or documentation at all).
debian-based Docker image with a full texlive installed using the debian package.Includes pygments and pandoc, for source see https://hub.docker.com/r/aergus/latex/dockerfile.No known advantages currently.
The following Actions use Tectonic, which means they have the advantages and disadvantages of Tectonic as described below
Essentially this just executes docker run --mount src=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/src,target=/usr/src/tex,type=bind dxjoke/tectonic-docker /bin/sh -c "tectonic main.tex"
to compile main.tex
in src
Build time example file: 30s
This Github Action downloads tectonic (and optionally biber) from the latest official releases.It has a significant advantage over using the Docker image directly: it supports caching of installed LaTeX packages so it is significantly faster for documents with many dependencies.For the documentation and more explanation (including one about the cache) see https://github.com/wtfjoke/setup-tectonic
Example in this repo: .github/workflows/setup-tectonic-action.yml
Build time example file: 20s
Uses a fork from https://github.com/WtfJoke/tectonic-docker with no significant changes.
Example in this repo: vinay04010-docker-tectonic.yml
Build time example files: 4-5 min.
You can do basically the same as 4-texlive/.travis.yml for GitHub Actions.The workflow .github/workflows/texlive.yml contains a full example of installing a basic TeX Live installation and using texliveonfly and caching to install the rest.It also contains the steps needed to automatically release a pdf to GitHub if you tag a commit, and also shows that it is easy to extend with other programs like pythontex.The complete time the GitHub Actions needs for an empty LaTeX file is only 20 seconds.
The steps to use this are then:
This actions installs a default set of texlive packages from Ubuntu, at the moment texlive-publishers texlive-latex-recommended texlive-latex-extra texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-fonts-extra
Then it compiles using pdflatex and bibtex, using -shell-escape
By default, you don't specify any options, but for customizations you can copy the source yaml from https://github.com/andycasey/paper-maker/blob/master/action.yml and modify it.
Because it would be so much work figuring out what packages are needed, especially when TeX Live was installed using the Ubuntu packages, no example file is provided with this repository.
Basically see https://github.com/actions/upload-release-asset#example-workflow---upload-a-release-asset, example in this repo in release-pdf-on-tag.yml.
Thanks to Dan Foreman-Mackey for writing about Tectonic.The first two methods do not use the pdflatex engine to compile, but Tectonic which is a fork of XeTeX (thanks to ShreevatsaR for pointing this out).Please leave a comment to vote for adding documentation about using Tectonic at https://github.com/tectonic-typesetting/tectonic/issues/373
Important note: there have been recurring problems with the persistent urls from which the packages are downloaded, if you encounter this (e.g. 'PURL setup link has expired SSL certificate' or 'couldn't probe ...') then you can try the workaround described at https://github.com/tectonic-typesetting/tectonic/issues/131#issuecomment-435792227
flag at the moment (see tectonic/#38), which is required for example by the minted package. The pdflatex way (below) has been tested to work with the minted package.We will quickly compare two methods to use Tectonic, after that we will discuss more conventional methods which can compile with pfdlatex, lualatex etc.
Note that since May 2018 Travis moved open source to travis-ci.com (instead of travis-ci.org). Travis is also now available as GitHub App in the Marketplace, but old repositories (like this one) are still on travis-ci.org.
Thanks to Norbert Pozar (@rekka) for providing the original Docker image.Manuel (@WtfJoke) extended it by integrating biber.Docker provides the ability to download a pre-installed Tectonic and then run it on your LaTeX files.
Build time example file: two minutes
Want this? Instructions below.
Build time example file: 1-2 minutes
Want this? Instructions below.
This method downloads a docker image which contains a small TeX Live installation. Thanks to Andreas Strauman for figuring this out, give his tex.stackexchange.com answer an upvote if you like it!At the moment it uses latexmk
to compile pdfs which is configured to run pdflatex
by default, but it should be easy to configure it for other tex engines.
file is needed..travis.yml
, for example which files to build and which packages to install.latexmk
flags, for example -dvi
to generate a dvi file.Build time example file: 4 minutes (9 minutes when using texliveonfly)
Want this? Instructions below.
Thanks to Joseph Wright who pointed out that they use something based on this setup for LaTeX3 development.
.Build time example file: 1-2 minutes
Want this? Instructions below.
Thanks to Hugh for pointing out this option.
Build time example file: 5-8 minutes
Want this? Instructions below.
and specify the right tex file in the line with docker run
. If your tex file is not in the src/
folder, you also need to change the path in that line after $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR
.tectonic main.tex
by tectonic main.tex; tectonic main2.tex
.tectonic --keep-intermediates --reruns 0 main.tex; biber main; tectonic main.tex
and specify the right tex file in the script
section in .travis.yml
. You can uncomment the makeindex
line and the extra tectonic
call if you want to use an index.This means that your biber (2.xx) and biblatex (3.yy) versions are incompatible
that means that Tectonic has a different biblatex version than the biber version specified in the config. To fix this, open your .travis.yml
and change biber==2.xx
to biber==2.yy
, for example if biblatex 3.11 is present then you need to install biber 2.11. This trick works for any recent version of biblatex, as can be seen in the biber docs.These changes have already been added to the .travis.yml
, but to be clear here are the separate instructions if you already have Miniconda and Tectonic running:
conda install -c malramsay biber==2.xx
tectonic --keep-intermediates --reruns 0 ./main.tex
biber main
tectonic ./main.tex
and specify which tex files you want to build in the build-pattern
option, by checking at https://www.ctan.org/pkg/some-package to see in which TeX Live package it is contained (which may be different than the LaTeX package name). Alternatively, use the texliveonfly images as below.You can also use a docker image which uses texliveonfly, it is based on the above-mentioned docker image.It is somewhat experimental in the sense that sometimes texliveonfly seems to hang (for longer than 10 mins), although usually it seems to work fine.Texliveonfly calls pdflatex by default, but you can change this and more options in arguments.Some documentation can be found at https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/463842/98850 which also includes a little list of packages which texliveonfly does not download.
The only change in the instructions is that you use the docker image as specified in texlive-docker-texliveonfly/.travis.yml
, and that you don't need to specify packages manually in that file.
The docker source file of this image can be found in https://github.com/Strauman/travis-latexbuild/tree/master/docker/texliveonfly
Instead of downloading from Docker Hub, you can also download the image from the Github Package Registry.You can see it at https://github.com/Strauman/travis-latexbuild/packages/92067?version=texliveonfly-2019
This requires you to upload your username and a github token as Travis environment variables.
Just replace the script:
block with
- docker login -u $GH_REGISTRY_USERNAME -p $GH_REGISTRY_TOKEN docker.pkg.github.com
- docker run --mount src=$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/,target=/repo,type=bind docker.pkg.github.com/strauman/travis-latexbuild/texlive-latexbuild:texliveonfly-2019
If for some reason you prefer the pdflatex (or any other) engine with the TeX Live distribution, read on.This is based on the LaTeX3 build file.
This method installs an almost minimal TeX Live installation on Travis, and compiles with pdflatex.This repo contains:
including profile texlive/texlive.profile
(specifies for example the TeX Live scheme)src/
Install the Travis GitHub App by going to the Marketplace, scroll down, select Open Source (also when you want to use private repos) and select 'Install it for free', then 'Complete order and begin installation'.
Now you should be in Personal settings | Applications | Travis CI | Configure and you can allow access to repositories, either select repos or all repos.
Copy the files in the folder 4-texlive
to your repo, so .travis.yml
and the texlive/
Specify the right tex file in the .travis.yml
under the script
section. Possibly you also need to change the folder in before_script
if not using src/
Commit and push, you can view your repositories at travis-ci.com.(Thanks to @jason-neal for improving this)
For deploying to GitHub releases, see the notes below.
If the build fails because some package is missing you have to add it manually in texlive_packages
. This configuration uses the texliveonfly
package which tries to download missing packages but sometimes the error message is non-standard and that fails.
In that case, put the package you want to install in texlive/texlive_packages
, by checking at https://www.ctan.org/pkg/some-package to see in which TeX Live package it is contained (which may be different than the LaTeX package name). If you find a package which is not automatically downloaded, it would be great if you could let us know by submitting an issue.
You can find required LaTeX packages of your document (say main.tex) by installing the snapshot package and then running pdflatex -draftmode -interaction=batchmode "\RequirePackage{snapshot}\input{main}"
(thanks to Pablo Gonzalez for finding this).This will produce a file snapshot.dep
with dependencies. Note this requires that you have all required packages installed on your system.
If you use custom fonts, read on.
Tip from gvacaliuc: In order to maintain the install scripts in a central repo and link to them, you could also just copy .travis.yml
and replace
- source ./texlive/texlive_install.sh
- mkdir ./texlive/
- 4-texlive
- 4-texlive
- 4-texlive
- source ./texlive/texlive_install.sh
Note that sometimes tlmgr
selects a broken mirror to download TeX Live from, so you get an error like Output was gpg: verify signatures failed: eof
. Restarting the build will probably fix this, it will auto-select a different mirror. (Thanks to @jason-neal for testing this.)
You can also read a nice blog post by Jeremy Grifski (@jrg94) about using the setup from this repo including the minted package at https://therenegadecoder.com/code/how-to-build-latex-with-travis-ci-and-minted/
In order to enable Travis to use custom fonts, i.e. those fonts not provided by Ubuntu or TeX Live packages, it is probably easiest to push them with git.An example is in this repo, with the file src/fonts.tex and the fonts in src/fonts.You can do the following to use them on Travis:
file contains the packages collection-fontsrecommended
and luaotfload
, uncomment the following lines (make sure to change src/fonts to your own path if it is different)before_install:
- mkdir $HOME/.fonts
- cp -a $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/src/fonts/. $HOME/.fonts/
- fc-cache -f -v
texliveonfly main.tex
and latexmk -pdf main.tex
in your .travis.yml
, then change them to texliveonfly main.tex --compiler=lualatex
and latexmk -pdflua main.tex
to your repo, so .travis.yml
and install_texlive.R
.We will add a configuration to the .travis.yml
such that a pdf will be automatically uploaded to GitHub releases when you tag a commit, also see the Travis documentation.
gem install travis --no-document
to install the Travis Command-line Tool.travis login --pro --github-token mytoken
where mytoken
is a token from https://github.com/settings/tokens (or leave the --github-token
flag out if you want to use your password).travis setup releases --pro
and leave File to Upload empty.file:
- ./src/nameofmytexfile.pdf
- ./otherfile.pdf
skip_cleanup: true
tags: true
branch: master
[ci skip]
.. image:: https://travis-ci.com/username/reponame.svg?branch=master
:target: https://travis-ci.com/username/reponame
:alt: Build Status
- chmod +x .travis/git-info-2.sh
- ".travis/git-info-2.sh"
Also copy the .travis/git-info-2.sh
to your repository.Then in your LaTeX file add \usepackage{gitinfo2}
Now you can for example get the hash of the commit with \gitHash
.An example can be found in src/git-info-2-mwe.tex
.For more info, see the documentation at http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/gitinfo2/gitinfo2.pdf(Thanks to @shabbychef for mentioning this)
When trying to fix your .travis.yml
, it may be helpful to trigger custom builds instead of creating a new commit every time, as explained in https://blog.travis-ci.com/2017-08-24-trigger-custom-build
If your build doesn't start you should first look at Travis (so on https://travis-ci.com/username/reponame) under More Options | Requests, it might for example be that the .travis.yml
could not be parsed, for example because your indentation is wrong.You can also manually trigger a build there.
If you do not understand why your build is failing, it may help to run the relevant commands on a local Ubuntu system, if you have one.
I also put some of these instructions on the TeX Stackexchange.
Some original thoughts from harshjv's blog, and thanks to jackolney for all his attempts to put it into practice.Also see harshjv's original blog post.
If you want to add/update a method to build LaTeX, look in the contributing guidelines.
At the moment, only the Texlive method explained above was tested in GitLab for this repo.The instructions are similar but with of course a different configuration file, which can be found in gitlab/texlive for now. This still has to be moved to GitLab.The only disadvantage is that the caching of TeX Live does not work, because it is not installed in the project, but artifacts have to be in the project directory for GitLab.The build time for the example file is around four minutes.
A more extensive overview of configurations for GitLab CI will come in the future, either in this or an other repo.Please contribute if you can help with this!Some links to get started:
Following a TeX Stackexchange answer from the TeXnician and the official docs at https://wiki.contextgarden.net/ConTeXt_Standalone#Single_user_installation it is not too difficult to install ConTeXt (and cache the installation).
As an alternative, you could use a Docker image, for example one from https://gitlab.com/islandoftex/images/context
In this repository there is an example for Github Actions, see .github/workflows/context.yml, but it should be easy to extend to other build systems as well.
This actions caches the ConTeXt installation.Build time example file: around 30-40 sec.
博主有一本开源书籍,用 latex 排版,托管在Github上。但用 latex 不像是 Markdown,当tex文本更新时,用于最终浏览的PDF文件很难得到及时的更新, 所以博主一直想找到一套工具,实现以下两点愿望: 自动构建以测试是否可以成功编译生成PDF文件。 始终都能有一个最新版的PDF版本可供下载。 博主之前曾使用过Travis-CI进行单元测试的自动运行,所以猜测它能够实现博主的小心
Overview 平时项目里用的是jenkins,但很难找到好用又免费的jenkins hosting服务,而travis-ci.org免费为github用户提供服务且非常易用,SpringSide的地址为 https://travis-ci.org/springside/springside4 。不过商业的项目就没这么幸运了,两个并发要129美刀/月,十个并发要489美刀,不过其实也不贵。 Qu
在 Travis CI 中使用 Docker 当代码提交到 GitHub 时,Travis CI 会根据项目根目录 .travis.yml 文件设置的指令,执行一系列操作。 本小节介绍如何在 Travis CI 中使用 Docker 进行持续集成/持续部署(CI/CD)。这里以当代码提交到 GitHub 时自动构建 Docker 镜像并推送到 Docker Hub 为例进行介绍。 准备 首先登录
Travis CI 是一个基于云的持续集成项目, 目前已经支持大部分主流语言了,比如:C,PHP,Ruby,Python, Nodejs等等。和Jenkins类似, Travis CI也是开源的,不过Travis和Github集成非常紧密,官方的集成测试托管只支持Github项目, 不过你也可以搭建一套自己的方案。 如果你有开源项目,那么Travis绝对值得一试,目前托管在Github上的大部分
Electron 基于 Chromium,所以需要一个显示驱动使其运转。 如果 Chromium 无法找到一个显示驱动, Electron 会启动失败,因此无论你如何去运行它,Electron 不会执行你的任何测试。 在 Travis,Circle, Jenkins 或者类似的系统上测试基于Electron的应用时,需要进行一些配置。 本质上,我们需要使用一个 虚拟的显示驱动。 Testing o
Electron 基于 Chromium,所以需要一个显示驱动使其运转。 如果 Chromium 无法找到一个显示驱动, Electron 会启动失败,因此无论你如何去运行它,Electron 不会执行你的任何测试。 在 Travis,Circle, Jenkins 或者类似的系统上测试基于Electron的应用时,需要进行一些配置。 本质上,我们需要使用一个 虚拟的显示驱动。 配置虚拟显示服务器
如何简单入门使用Travis-CI持续集成 不知道你们有没有看过这样一个标识,只看文字就可以看出这个项目是否已经构建成功(让大家知道项目没有问题),如果不成功则会显示 Build failing。 如果你的项目还没有使用,那么赶快跟我一起来装13吧。233333 Travis-CI 是什么? Travis-CI是一个开源的持续构建项目,能够测试和部署;Travis-CI会同步你在GitHub上托管