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Team communication optimized for deep work
授权协议 View license
开发语言 Java
所属分类 大数据、 数据查询
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 薛兴德
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Project Status

Level began with the ambitious idea of solving the problems caused by real-time communication tools. After pouring thousands of hours effort into the cause, I made the tough decision to move on from the project.

Read the full story here →

This codebase is a full-scale Elixir/Phoenix SaaS application with a single-page app Elm front-end. I hope it will live on as a helpful resource for the community.

— Derrick Reimer, Founder

Developer Setup

You'll need to install the following dependencies first:

Run the bootstrap script to install the remaining dependencies and create yourdevelopment database:

cd level

If your local PostgreSQL install does not have a default postgres user, open the config/dev.secret.exs file and update the credentials. Then, run the bootstrap script again.

Use the script/server command to start up your local server and visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Installing Node.js

This repository includes a .nvmrc file targeting a specific version of Nodethat is known to be compatible with all current node dependencies. Things might workwith a newer version of Node, but the most guaranteed route is to installNode Version Manager and run nvm install fromthe project root.

Then, be sure to run script/bootstrap to install node dependencies with thecorrect version of node.

Running tests and analyses

We have a handful of helper scripts available:

  • script/elixir-test: runs the Elixir test suite with coveralls
  • script/elm-test: runs the Elm test suite
  • script/test: runs the Elixir and Elm test suites
  • script/static-analysis: runs Credo (Elixir linting), Dialyzer, and Elixir formatter verification
  • script/build: runs all the test suites and static analysis


The following environment variables must be set in production:

Variable Description
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID The AWS access key id for your account (with access to S3).
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY The AWS secret access key corresponding to the access key id.
LEVEL_ASSET_STORE_BUCKET The name of the S3 bucket in which to store uploaded assets.
PORT The port on which to host the application (typically 80).
LEVEL_HOST The domain on which you are serving the app (used for generating URLs).
LEVEL_CDN_HOST The host for the CDN for serving static assets (like Level's CSS and application JS).
LEVEL_MAILER_HOST The domain via which to send transaction emails (usually same as LEVEL_HOST).
LEVEL_SECRET_KEY_BASE A secret key for verifying the integrity of signed cookies.
LEVEL_DATABASE_URL The URL for the PostgreSQL database.
LEVEL_POOL_SIZE The maximum number of database connections each process may consume.
Transactional Email
POSTMARK_API_KEY The API key for Postmark.
Web Push Notifications
See instructions here: https://github.com/web-push-libs/web-push#command-line

The following variables are for non-essential external services.

Variable Description
Exception Monitoring
HONEYBADGER_API_KEY The API key for Honeybadger.io exception monitoring (Elixir).
HONEYBADGER_JS_API_KEY The API key for Honeybadger.io exception monitoring (JavaScript).
FATHOM_SITE_ID The site ID for Fathom Analytics.
FULLSTORY_ORG The organization ID for FullStory.
HEAP_ANALYTICS_APP_ID The app ID for Heap Analytics.
Email Marketing
DRIP_ACCOUNT_ID The account ID for Drip.
DRIP_API_KEY The personal api key for Drip.
HELPSCOUT_BEACON_ID The Beacon ID for Help Scout.


Run the script/docs to generate and view the project ExDocs locally.

Heroku Deployment (Experimental)

One of our goals is to make self-installation as painless as possible for those who are interested in hosting their own instance.

The relevant configuration files for Heroku live here:

We are aiming to keep seamless Heroku deployment up-to-date, with a few important "alpha software" notes:

  • It's possible you may find it broken on master. If you do, please file an issue.
  • As deployment needs grow more complex, it may become no longer feasible to support Heroku deploys. Caveat emptor.

Required additional services

In addition to a Heroku account, you'll need the following services to get your Heroku install up and running:

  • An AWS account and an S3 bucket for storing file uploads. You'll be asked for AWS API keys and bucket name environment variables during setup.
  • A transactional email provider (we recommend Postmark). You'll be asked for SMTP host, port, username, and password environment variables during setup.



© 2019 Level Technologies, LLC

Level is source-available software. (license | readme)

  • Profile是对视频压缩特性的描述(CABAC呀、颜色采样数等等)。Level是对视频本身特性的描述(码率、分辨率、fps)。 简单来说,Profile越高,就说明采用了越高级的压缩特性。Level越高,视频的码率、分辨率、fps越高。 一些移动设备(手机、游戏机、PMP)由于性能有限,不支持全部高级视频压缩特性和高分辨率图像,只支持基础压缩特性和分辨率低一些的图像。为了让这个限制更加清晰明了,

  • Low-level feature: 通常是指图像中的一些小的细节信息,例如边缘(edge),角(corner),颜色(color),像素(pixeles), 梯度(gradients)等,这些信息可以通过滤波器、SIFT或HOG获取; High level feature:是建立在low level feature之上的,可以用于图像中目标或物体形状的识别和检测,具有更丰富的语义信息。 通常卷积

  • A股中的level1跟Level2究竟有什么区别呢?L2行情市场是上海证券交易所推出的实时市场信息收费服务产品,主要提供在上海证券交易所上市交易的证券产品的实时交易数据。包括十档行情,买卖队列,逐笔成交,委托总量和加权价格等多种新式数据。 level2与标准行情的区别: 1、表现速度不同 level2数据发送比普通level1要快3到10秒,行情显示速度更快,投资者更及时地获得交易信息。 2、报价

  • (本篇文章不仅仅对程序化交易有用,也对个人手动交易有用,而且没什么限制,所以属于老少皆宜的文章;但是从投资策略而言,其实Level1 和Level2对价值投资而言,意义并不是很大,所以如果你走的是价投,那其实对于这部分内容可以仅仅做一个了解) 直接进入正题,Level 1、Level 2这两个是大家经常听到的内容,不过我估计大家其实对其中的区别仅仅停留在“Level 1 是五档行情”“Level

  • Low-level任务:常见的包括 Super-Resolution,denoise, deblur, dehze, low-light enhancement, deartifacts等。简单来说,是把特定降质下的图片还原成好看的图像,现在基本上用end-to-end的模型来学习这类 ill-posed问题的求解过程,客观指标主要是PSNR,SSIM,大家指标都刷的很高。目前面临以下几点问题:

  • API Level Android版本 正式名称 首次发布日期 后续Android版本 备注 13 Tiramisu 2022-02-11 1.将支持在锁屏界面添加 QR 扫描器,更方便地扫描二维码。 2.点击流转媒体的功能。 3.将拥有更多改进,比如为单个 App 指定语言、蓝牙 LE Audi。 4.增加了一个系统照片选择器。 5.为通过 Wi-Fi 管理设备与附近接入点连接的应用程序引入了

  • inux日志级别(loglevel)详解   前几天,我在想printk中到底是哪些信息会打印到console上,哪些东西可以通过dmesg来查看。参考了网上一些资料以及自己做的一些实,总结一下Linux中的console loglevel以及printk, dmesg知识。   只有当printk打印信息时的loglevel小于console loglevel的值(优先级高于console lo

  • 在计算机行业里面,low-level与high-level代表的含义并不是字面意思上的“低级”和“高级”。例如:低级语言、高级语言,并不是语言“低级”或“高级”,而是代表层次。 low-level: 接近原始,最初的那层东西,描述起来比较繁琐,但是非常细节的东西。就好比我们敲一行一行的代码去实现一个窗口操作; high-level: 是建立在low-level的基础上的,这一点非常重要,并不是另辟