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Swagger to GraphQL API adapter
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 大数据、 数据查询
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 龙浩博
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Swagger-to-GraphQL converts your existing Swagger schema to an executableGraphQL schema where resolvers perform HTTP calls to certain real endpoints. Itallows you to move your API to GraphQL with nearly zero effort and maintain bothREST and GraphQL APIs. Our CLI tool also allows you get the GraphQL schema inSchema Definition Language.

Try it online! You can paste inthe url to your own Swagger schema. There are also public OpenAPI schemasavailable in the APIs.guru OpenAPI directory.


  • Swagger (OpenAPI 2) and OpenAPI 3 support
  • Bring you own HTTP client
  • Typescript types included
  • Runs in the browser
  • Formdata request body
  • Custom request headers


Basic server

This library will fetch your swagger schema, convert it to a GraphQL schema andconvert GraphQL parameters to REST parameters. From there you are control ofmaking the actual REST call. This means you can reuse your existing HTTP client,use existing authentication schemes and override any part of the REST call. Youcan override the REST host, proxy incoming request headers along to your RESTbackend, add caching etc.

import express, { Request } from 'express';
import graphqlHTTP from 'express-graphql';
import { createSchema, CallBackendArguments } from 'swagger-to-graphql';

const app = express();

// Define your own http client here
async function callBackend({
}: CallBackendArguments<Request>) {
  return 'Not implemented';

  swaggerSchema: `./petstore.yaml`,
  .then(schema => {
      graphqlHTTP(() => {
        return {
          graphiql: true,

    app.listen(3009, 'localhost', () => {
  .catch(e => {

Constructor (graphQLSchema) arguments:

export interface Options<TContext> {
  swaggerSchema: string | JSONSchema;
  callBackend: (args: CallBackendArguments<TContext>) => Promise<any>;
  • swaggerUrl (string) is a path or URL to your swagger schema file. required
  • callBackend (async function) is called with all parameters needed to make aREST call as well as the GraphQL context.

CLI usage

You can use the library just to convert schemas without actually running server

npx swagger-to-graphql --swagger-schema=/path/to/swagger_schema.json > ./types.graphql

Apollo Federation

Apollo federation support can be added by usinggraphql-transform-federation.You can extend your swagger-to-graphql schema with other federated schemas orthe other way around. See thedemo with a transformed schemafor a working example.

Defining your HTTP client

This repository has:

To get started install node-fetch and copy thenode-fetch example into your server.

npm install node-fetch --save

Implementing your own HTTP client

There a unit test for our HTTP client example,it might be useful when implementing your own client as well.

The function callBackend is called with 2 parameters:

  • context is your GraphQL context. For express-graphql this is the incomingrequest object by default.Read more. Use this ifyou want to proxy headers like authorization. For exampleconst authorizationHeader = context.get('authorization').
  • requestOptions includes everything you need to make a REST call.
export interface CallBackendArguments<TContext> {
  context: TContext;
  requestOptions: RequestOptions;


export interface RequestOptions {
  baseUrl?: string;
  path: string;
  method: string;
  headers?: {
    [key: string]: string;
  query?: {
    [key: string]: string | string[];
  body?: any;
  bodyType: 'json' | 'formData';
  • baseUrl like defined in your swagger schema: http://my-backend/v2
  • path the next part of the url: /widgets
  • method HTTP verb: get
  • headers HTTP headers which are filled using GraphQL parameters:{ api_key: 'xxxx-xxxx' }. Note these are not the http headers sent to theGraphQL server itself. Those will be on the context parameter
  • query Query parameters for this calls: { id: 123 }. Note this can be anarray. You can find some examples on how to deal with arrays in queryparameters in theqs documentation.
  • body the request payload to send with this REST call.
  • bodyType how to encode your request payload. When the bodyType isformData the request should be URL encoded form data. Ensure your HTTPclient sends the right Content-Type headers.


  • 反射与动态代理实践 简介 代码只是例子,具体看GitHub。有收获的请为GitHub的项目点个赞。 因为可能存在潜在的性能问题,本方案不推荐拥有大并发的接口采用,并且GitHub仓库已经更新为更加自动化/高效的实现。 禁止转载!本文已经发布在微信公众号ScalaCoder,以及个人博客https://dreamylost.cn https://github.com/growingio/growin

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