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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 大数据、 数据查询
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 司马璞
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Siler is a set of general purpose high-level abstractions aiming an API for declarative programming in PHP.

  • �� Files and functions as first-class citizens
  • �� Zero dependency, everything is on top of PHP built-in functions
  • Blazing fast, no additional overhead - benchmark 1, benchmark 2 and benchmark 3

Use with Swoole

Flat files and plain-old PHP functions rocking on a production-grade, high-performance, scalable, concurrent and non-blocking HTTP server.

Read the tutorial.

Getting started


$ composer require leocavalcante/siler

That is it. Actually, Siler is a library, not a framework (maybe a micro-framework), the overall program flow of control is dictated by you. So, no hidden configs or predefined directory structures.

Hello, World!

use Siler\Functional as λ; // Just to be cool, don't use non-ASCII identifiers ;)
use Siler\Route;

Route\get('/', λ\puts('Hello, World!'));

Nothing more, nothing less. You don't need even tell Siler to run or something like that (puts works like a lazily evaluated echo).


use Siler\Route;
use Siler\Http\Response;

Route\get('/', fn() => Response\json(['message' => 'Hello, World!']));

The Response\json function will automatically add Content-type: application/json in the response headers.


Siler provides first-class support for Swoole. You can regularly use Route, Request and Response modules for a Swoole HTTP server.

use Siler\Http\Response;
use Siler\Route;
use Siler\Swoole;

$handler = function () {
    Route\get('/', fn() => Response\json('Hello, World!'));

$port = 8000;
echo "Listening on port $port\n";
Swoole\http($handler, $port)->start();


Install peer-dependency:

composer require webonyx/graphql-php


type Query {
    hello: String
use Siler\Route;
use Siler\GraphQL;

$type_defs = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/schema.graphql');
$resolvers = [
    'Query' => [
        'hello' => fn ($root, $args, $context, $info) => 'Hello, World!'

$schema = GraphQL\schema($type_defs, $resolvers);

Route\post('/graphql', fn() => GraphQL\init($schema));


Another peer-dependency:

composer require doctrine/annotations


 * @\Siler\GraphQL\Annotation\ObjectType()
final class Query
     * @\Siler\GraphQL\Annotation\Field()
    static public function hello($root, $args, $context, $info): string
        return 'Hello, World!';
use Siler\GraphQL;
use Siler\Route;

$schema = GraphQL\annotated([Query::class]);

Route\post('/graphql', fn() => GraphQL\init($schema));

Object type name will be guessed from class name, same for field name, and it's return type (i.e.: PHP string scalar === GraphQL String scalar).

What is next?
