Master | Release |
Pytorch - Py + Nim
A Nim frontend for pytorch, aiming to be mostly auto-generated and internally using ATen.
Because Nim compiles to C++, this is not a wrapper or binding library. It generates 1-to-1 native ATen code.
The only requirement from pytorch is ATen's core tensor library. Because of this, nimtorch is extremely versatile and can compile on any kind of device.
Early stage
, the full ATen APIderivatives.yaml
, gradient procsThe final aim is to be as compatible as possible with the pytorch API.
Ease of use of the python language while keeping fully bare metal native C++ performance
# GRUCell
gi = x.matmul(w_input.t()) + b_input
gh = hidden.matmul(w_recur.t()) + b_recur
i_r, i_i, i_n = gi.chunk(3, 1)
h_r, h_i, h_n = gh.chunk(3, 1)
resetgate = (i_r + h_r).sigmoid()
inputgate = torch.sigmoid(i_i + h_i)
newgate = (i_n + resetgate * h_n).tanh()
hy = newgate + inputgate * (hidden - newgate)
# GRUCell
gi = x.matmul(w_input.t()) + b_input
gh = hidden.matmul(w_recur.t()) + b_recur
(i_r, i_i, i_nn) = gi.chunk(3, 1)
(h_r, h_i, h_n) = gh.chunk(3, 1)
resetgate = (i_r + h_r).sigmoid()
inputgate = torch.sigmoid(i_i + h_i)
newgate = (i_nn + resetgate * h_n).tanh()
hy = newgate + inputgate * (hidden - newgate)
Linux: A recent distribution on par with ubuntu 18.04 in terms of libc and basic libraries, gcc compiler
macOS: We compile with 10.13 min version flags but might work even on lower versions, XCode for the compilers
Windows: Windows 10, Visual Studio Runtime 2017 and Visual Studio 2017 (any edition)
WASM: Latest Emscripten compiler and tools
Linux, macOS and Windows
conda create -n nimtorch -c fragcolor nimtorch
(add cuda10.0
for cuda 10 linux only or add wasm
for wasm version)
source activate nimtorch
or on windows: conda activate nimtorch
This will install: nim and ATen binaries, fragments and nimtorch all in one command, nothing else needed.
Make sure you use a recent version of conda and have a compiler installed in your system, on windows you have to add --cc:vcc
and be on a developer prompt.
Make sure your system is recent (ubuntu 18.04 reference / macOS High Sierra / Windows 10) and you have cuda 9.2 installed (if you need cuda, linux only, more cuda versions coming, please open a issue if you need a specific version).
Test with with something like:
nim cpp -o:test -r $ATEN/dist/pkgs/nimtorch-\#head/tests/test_xor.nim
or on windows... (because dlls need to be side by side)
nim cpp -o:%ATEN%/lib/test.exe -r %ATEN%/dist/pkgs/nimtorch-#head/tests/test_xor.nim
Linux, macOS and Windows
Check what version of ATen/PyTorch we need in conda/nimtorch/meta.yaml
- should be something like aten ==2018.10.10.1089
Note the version as you will need it in the next step
conda create -n aten -c fragcolor aten={version}
conda create -n aten -c fragcolor aten={version} wasm
or Cuda 10.0 (linux only)
conda create -n aten -c fragcolor aten={version} cuda10.0
activate aten environment
source activate aten
or on windows: conda activate aten
choosenim devel
git clone -b release
cd nimtorch
nimble develop
run self test nim cpp -o:test -r torch.nim
(use -o:%ATEN%/lib/test.exe
instead on windows because of dll location)
in the case of WASM:
run self test nim cpp -d:wasm -o:test.js torch.nim && node test.js
(needs node.js)
Build ATEN
pip2 install pyyaml typing
git clone -b fragcolor-devel
cd pytorch
git reset --hard <commit hash> # from torch/commit.txt
git submodule update --init
mkdir build && cd build
make -j4
make install
# also copy derivatives if we want to run generator.nim or nimble test
# notice generator.nim might need python3 and pyyaml
cp ../tools/autograd/derivatives.yaml `pwd`/output/share/
Test the build
cd <nimtorch repo>
ATEN=<installation path of ATEN> nim cpp -r -f -o:/tmp/z01 torch.nim # for eg: ATEN=pathto/pytorch/build/output/
environment variable to PASSIVE
when running on CPU.我有一个数据框我想选择列A的值在[2,3]中的行 为此,我编写了一个简单的for循环: 有没有任何内置函数可以代替使用for循环来实现这一点?
Python Python 诞生之初就被誉为最容易上手的编程语言。进入火热的 AI 人工智能时代后,它也逐渐取代 Java,成为编程界的头牌语言。 Python 是一门新手友好、功能强大、高效灵活的编程语言,学会之后无论是想进入数据分析、人工智能、网站开发这些领域,还是希望掌握第一门编程语言,都可以用 Python 来开启无限未来的无限可能! 语言排行榜 编程之旅 Python 适合谁来学习? 想
一些相关名词 Python 是一门简单的高级动态语言,首次发布于 1991 年。它语法简单,使用缩进来定义代码块。 Python 支持命令式程序设计、面向对象、函数式编程、面向方面的程序设计、泛型等多种编程范式, 是一门优秀的多范式语言。 名词解释 技术名词 名词 解释 Python 通常指 Python 语言本身,并不包括可执行程序,但是在口语中常常与 Python 解释器混用。 CPython
为了在python中运用mongols,我提供了一个pymongols。它包括http_server和web_server。 仓库在pymongols 依赖 mongols python2,3 devel 安装 很简单,cd pymongols && make clean && make && sudo make install 修改Makefile中的PYVERSION变量即可轻松适配开发者版本
Python (发音:[ 'paiθ(ə)n; (US) 'paiθɔn ]n.蟒蛇,巨蛇 ),是一种面向对象的解释性的计算机程序设计语言,也是一种功能强大而完善的通用型语言,已经具有十多年的发展历史,成熟且稳定。Python 具有脚本语言中最丰富和强大的类库,足以支持绝大多数日常应用。 Python 语言的特点: 简单————Python是一种代表简单主义思想的语言。阅读一个良好的Python程
用Python编写的代码看起来与用其他传统编程语言(如C或Pascal)编写的代码非常相似。 还有人说,Python的语法是从C语言中大量借用的。这包括许多类似于C语言的Python关键字。 Python包括条件语句和循环语句,可用于准确提取数据以进行取证。 对于流控制,它提供if/else , while和循环遍历任何“可迭代”对象的高级for语句。 if a < b: max = b
由于我们需要Python用于计算取证的所有活动,让我们一步一步地移动并了解如何安装它。 Step 1 - 转到并根据系统上的操作系统下载Python的安装文件。 Step 2 - 下载软件包/安装程序后,单击exe文件以开始安装过程。 安装完成后,您将看到以下屏幕。 Step 3 - 下一步是在系统中设置Python的环境变量。 S
问题内容: 本来我想问这个问题,但是后来我发现它已经被想到了…… 在谷歌搜索中,我发现了扩展configparser的示例。以下适用于Python 3: 但不支持Python 2: 然后,我读了一些关于Python New Class vs. Old Class样式的信息(例如,在这里。现在我很想知道,我可以这样做: 但是,我不应该叫init吗?这在Python 2中是否等效: 问题答案: (不带