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授权协议 Readme
开发语言 SHELL
所属分类 游戏/娱乐
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 蓬意致
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Antsy Alien Attack!

A game, written in Bash, that is a somewhat retro-a-like shoot 'em up. Hopefully.

Made with �� for

Building, Testing, and Installation


You'll need the following dependencies:

  • coreutils for stty
  • joy2key (optional)
  • lolcat
  • mpg123
  • ncurses-bin
  • procps
  • vorbis-tools
sudo apt install coreutils lolcat mpg123 ncurses-bin procps vorbis-tools

Execute ./aaa.sh to run the game.


XBox controller support

This step is optional.

sudo apt install libx11-dev x11-utils
wget -c http://sourceforge.net/projects/joy2key/files/joy2key/1.6.3/joy2key-1.6.3.tar.bz2
wget -c http://sourceforge.net/p/joy2key/patches/_discuss/thread/e73f20a1/33d7/attachment/button_list_segfault.patch
tar xvf joy2key-1.6.3.tar.bz2
patch -p0 -i ../button_list_segfault.patch
cd joy2key-1.6.3
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make install

Steam Controller

Player 1 and Player 2 control profiles for sc-controller can be found in the cfg/ directory.

  • Antsy Alien Attack - P1.sccprofile
  • Antsy Alien Attack - P2.sccprofile


  • Tick
    • Hardware interrupt trap to govern the game loop via a subshell.
  • Input handler
    • Keyboard
    • Xbox360 Controller
  • Graphics
    • Framebuffer
    • Sprite engine
    • Sprite collision detection
    • Sprite overlays
    • Starfield
    • Performance metrics
  • Animators
    • Player thrust
    • Player roll
    • Explosion animations
  • Audio
    • Sound effects engine
    • Music engine
    • Disable audio for remote connections
  • Title screen engine
    • Main screen artwork
    • Game over artwork
    • Victory artwork
  • Enemies
    • Fighters
    • Hunter Fighter AI
    • Sniper Fighter AI
    • Boss ships
    • Boss ship AI
  • Power ups
    • Bonus points
    • Weapon upgrades
    • Shields
    • Smartbomb
    • Extra life
  • Level progression
    • Number of enemies rises
    • Enemy firepower increases
    • Enemy speed increases
    • Bonus spawn rate decreases
    • Bonus value increases
    • Canyon levels, narrow playable area
    • Level progression announcements
    • Level-up skill points
  • 2P
    • Local
    • Network
  • Title screen attract mode
    • High score
    • Configuration
    • Credits
  • Install
    • Script
    • PPA
    • Snap

Title Screens

The title graphics are using toilet and lolcat via tools/render-titles.sh.You can preview of all the toilet font styles using this:

for FONT in /usr/share/figlet/*.tlf; do echo $(basename $FONT) && toilet -t -f $(basename $FONT) --filter border "Antsy Alien Attack!" | lolcat -f -F 0.2; done

Game Assets

I found music and sound effects on Open Game Art.I ended up using Creative Commons licensed music from Patrick de Arteagaand sound effects from Kenney Vleugels and Viktor Hahn.


Terminal fonts




  • subshells and traps.
  • case is twice as fast as if, elif, else, fi.
  • echo -e is faster than tput and tput is faster that printf.
  • Arithmetic comparison are faster than tests
    • For example if ((HUNT_P1 == 1)); then is faster than if [ ${HUNT_P1} -eq 1]; then
  • Bash has C style loops
  • I never knew about ((TOTAL_STARS++)) or ((TOTAL_STARS+=5)) or ((TOTAL_STARS+=MORE_STARS))
  • Px437 IBM VGA Regular at 16px is best font.

Slides from a presentation I gave at FOSS Talk Live 2019 as part of the Ubuntu Podcast live show are also available:

  • Alien 是用来转换包格式的工具,可以转换 rpm,dpkg,stampede slp 和 slackware tgz 文件格式。 当然,Alien 也有写限制,Alien 不能用来替换重要的系统包,比如 sysvinit,共享库或者其他。Red Hat 和 Debian 很多包的设置是不一样的。

  • Alien Swarm曾是颇受欢迎的《虚幻竞技场2004》“Total conversion”Mod(即对原始游戏进行了大幅的改动),开发小组在两年前被Valve雇用,随后将基于虚幻引擎的游戏Mod移植到基于 Source 引擎,并变成一款独立的科幻背景多人合作射击游戏。 游戏可独立运行,没有其它任何限制,不需要玩家安装了现有的Source引擎游戏。 Alien Swarm是一款俯视视角的畅快射击

  • Alien Invasion 是一款模拟外星人入侵的3D游戏,包含多种武器和升级方式。支持Windows、Linux和Mac OS X。 游戏简介        游戏发生在2084年,你控制了一个秘密组织来保卫地球,抵御外来敌人。建立你的基地,准备你的团队。这是一个小队战术策略游戏,结合军事写实与科幻学小说风格来描写外星人侵略。精心建造各种系统,控制你的小队。               两个主要

  • Alien Arena 属于3D模式、第一人称射击类,基于id Software的Quake引擎,id在2001年以GPL许可协议开源。此版本的Alien Arena增加了7个竞技场,拥有更好的武器,新的1vs1决斗模式。系统的需求仍然很低,1Ghz CPU,256MB内存,500M可用硬盘空间。Alien Arena 6.10 是目前最好的开源游戏。之前Tremulous是最棒的,但现在Alie

  • 疫情期间出入人员登记系统。支持出入人员自助扫码填表,支持管理员查看、统计、搜索和导出 excel。 还可根据车次、航班自动识别是否乘坐过确诊人员乘坐的交通工具。登记人员初次填写后,第二次填表将无需重复填写基本信息。 项目预览地址:wlry.m3w.cn。体验账户用户名:admin;密码:12345678。 此地址为测试体验地址,具体某单位上线时,需要单独部署。 本项目已经在几十家社区成功应用。

  • Source Dashboard - Round B APAC Test - Problem A. Password Attacker Problem Passwords are widely used in our lives: for ATMs, online forum logins, mobile device unlock and door access. Everyone cares



