
授权协议 View license
开发语言 C/C++
所属分类 游戏/娱乐、 游戏模拟器/工具/引擎
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 魏彦
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Advanced Locomotion System Community


Replicated and optimized community version of Advanced Locomotion System V4 for Unreal Engine 4.27 with additional bug fixes.

Supported Platforms

  • Windows
  • Linux

Mac, Android, IOS, and console builds are not tested and supported at the moment. Use the plugin on those platforms with your own risk.


  • Based on latest marketplace release (V4) of Advanced Locomotion System
  • Fully implemented in C++
  • Full replication support with low bandwidth usage (Ragdoll replication is in experimental state)
  • Plugin structure
  • Highly optimized for production
  • Mantling and debugging features are implemented as a separate plug-in/plug-out type actor component to reduce total overhead on base character class
  • Improved footstep behavior with Niagara particle & decal support.
  • Lots of bug fixes additional to marketplace version

Known Issues & Discussion

  • See Issues section for list of known issues
  • See Discussions section to discuss anything about the plugin, and ask questions. Please do not open an issue for questions.

Setting Up The Plugin

  • C++ project is a requirement. BP projects are currently not supported.
  • Clone the repository inside your project's Plugins folder, or download the latest release and extract it into your project's Plugins folder.
  • Put Config/DefaultInput.ini from the plugin folder inside your project's config folder. If your project already have this .ini file, merge it into yours.
  • Regenerate visual studio project files and build your project.
  • Launch the project, and enable plugin content viewer as seen below. This will show contents of the plugin in your content browser:

Functions To Override In Blueprints

  • There are a few functions you will need to override in blueprints. You will also need to update these functions for every new overlay state you add. These are commented in the C++ code, but are listed here for quick reference as well.
  • In your player character blueprint: GetGetUpAnimation & GetRollAnimation
  • In the MantleComponent: GetMantleAsset

License & Contribution

Source code of the plugin is licensed under MIT license, and other developers are encouraged to fork the repository, open issues & pull requests to help the development.

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