As of ~April 2020, I stopped working on this project for several reasons.
The way I created this was quite "over done" to the point it got hard to work out how to add new features, perhaps due to trying to be an engine rather than a game. However, I am interested in one day revisiting this concept, however perhaps in a different repository rather than this one.
Open source Minecraft-like voxel sandbox game with multiplayer support.
More information about the project can be found in the Open Builder Wiki
This was made mostly for a YouTube series which can be found here: Lets Code A Multiplayer Voxel Game
A quick overview of the code and project structure can be found in the wiki article:
Please see main article here:
Terrain gen:
This project was heavily influenced by the following projects:
Another open source voxel sandbox game, one of the original ones. Also created using C++, and also has multiplayer support.
Open source multiplayer voxel sandbox game created using Java like the original minecraft.
Minecraft clone created by Fogleman in C.
D3PSI - Added GitHub actions, and created the file to automate the installation process on Linux systems
CalvinSpace - Created a lot of the textures for the blocks
Originally, this was going to be a Zombie game, but I got very bored of that very quickly, and so changed the project to be a voxel game instead.
As a result of this, the code was created for the zombie game, so when I decided to switch over, the code got messy very quickly.
To combat this, I did a massive refactor in just over 2 weeks, re-creating large parts of the project.
The before-refactor-project can be found here
The commit that adds the refactored code can be found here
### 该问题是怎么引起的? @ Jason 18:14 > openEuler上面的图片logo和软件包中的[vender](信息都可以二次定制。 > 目前没有开源的好用的工具,需要大家手动改,openEuler社区也在开发相关的工具集,有兴趣的话可以参与到OS-Builder sig参与这个工具集
【练习代码git】: dev分支 提交:fea:拦截, 自定义窗口 【说明】: 为了引入VUE,使用了electron-forge,使得 electron-webpack跑起来会报错,因为我的目的是学习各个功能,还不是系统性的,所以暂时不理会这种错误,
基本流程 编译与配置GDAL 编译与配置Zlib 编译与配置Cesium Terrain Builder 软件 CMake 3.16.3 visual studio 2015 资源(全部公开免费) Cesium Terrain Builder 源码下载地址 GDAL-2.4.4 源码下载地址 zlib1.2.11 源码下载地址 编译与配置GDAL GDAL的编译
描述 (Description) 此函数使用指定的文件句柄打开文件。 文件句柄可以是表达式,结果值用作句柄。 如果没有指定文件名,则使用与所使用的文件句柄同名的变量(这应该是一个标量变量,其字符串值引用文件名)。 特殊文件名' - '表示STDIN,'> - '表示STDOUT。 语法 (Syntax) 以下是此函数的简单语法 - open FILEHANDLE, EXPR, LIST open
open(打开文件) 相关函数 read,write,fcntl,close,link,stat,umask,unlink,fopen 表头文件 #include<sys/types.h> #include<sys/stat.h> #include<fcntl.h> 定义函数 int open( const char * pathname, int flags); int open( const
open 打开文件 相关函数 read,write,fcntl,close,link,stat,umask,unlink,fopen 表头文件 #include<sys/types.h> #include<sys/stat.h> #include<fcntl.h> 定义函数 int open( const char *pathname, int flags); int open( const c
主要内容:open()是否需要缓冲区,open()文件对象常用的属性在Python 中,如果想要操作文件,首先需要创建或者打开指定的文件,并创建一个文件对象,而这些工作可以通过内置的 open() 函数实现。 open() 函数用于创建或打开指定文件,该函数的常用语法格式如下: file = open(file_name [, mode='r' [ , buffering=-1 [ , encoding = None ]]]) 此格式中,用 [] 括起来的部分为
因为智能合约往往涉及金钱,保证Soldity代码没有错误,以及足够的安全是非常根本的。Zeppelin Solutions,一个智能合约审查服务商,已经意识到相关的需求。建立在他们的合约审查经验之上,他们把一些最佳实践整理到了OpenZeppelin。
基于文件描述符的文件打开方式 函数原型 #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> int open(const char* pathname,int flags); int open(const char* pathname,int flags,mode_t mode); int creat(const char