This project is part of the Professional Game Development in C++ and Unreal Engine Course where we build this project step-by-step.
Stanford University CS193U Reference Project (Fall '20) Details: Course Page
Current Engine Version: 4.27
Use Branch "Lecture29-FinishedProject" for Course-only Code. (Made with UE 4.25) ('Main branch' includes additional polish and features)
This project is part of the Professional Game Development in C++ and Unreal Engine Course where we build this project step-by-step.
Game Assets: Licensed for use with the Unreal Engine only. Without a custom license you cannot use to create sequels, remasters, or otherwise emulate the original game or use the original game’s trademarks, character names, or other IP to advertise or name your game. (Unreal Engine EULA applies) (Please note this applies to the Game Assets that refer to Epic's Paragon, you can still use the project code and content to build your own Unreal Engine game)
从知乎迁移到CSDN 原文地址:炉间书客 源码地址:ActionRoguelike Source Git hub 课程地址:Professional Game Development in C++ and Unreal Engine C++源码中SpawnActor中的生成参数配置:SpawnActor中的FActorSpawnParameter附带了生成时的一些额外控制参数,用于精细的控制生成的