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Table of Contents
Agen - Cross-Platform framework for making 2D games with Lua, compatible iOS, Mac and Windows devices.
Allegro - Allegro 4 & 5 are cross-platform, open source, game programming libraries, primarily for C and C++ developers.
AndEngine - 2D Android Game Engine
Bacon2D - A framework to ease 2D game development, providing ready-to-use QML elements representing basic game entities needed by most of games.
Bladecoder - Classic point and click adventure game engine and editor.
Box2D - A 2D Physics Engine for Games.
projectchrono An Open Source Multi-physics Simulation Engine
Chipmunk C# - C# implementation of the Chipmunk2D lib.
Chipmunk2D - A fast and lightweight 2D game physics library.
Cocos2D - graphic library for games and multimedia, for python language
Cocos2d-x - a C++ OpenGL 2D and 3D game engine. Uses C++ but has JS and Lua bindings.
Construct 2 - an HTML5 game maker, meaning you are not actually writing JavaScript. Instead, you use actions, events and conditions to do the heavy lifting.
Coquette - A micro framework for JavaScript games. Handles collision detection, the game update loop, canvas rendering, and keyboard and mouse input.
Corona SDK - A Cross-Platform Mobile App Development for iOS and Android.
Defold 2D game engine by King
Duality - C# / OpenGL 2D Game Engine that comes with visual editor.
neoaxis NeoAxis Engine is an integrated development environment with built-in 3D, 2D game engine
EasyRPG - role playing game creation tool compatible with RPG Maker 2000/2003 games
ENGi - A multi-platform 2D game library for Go.
Ejecta - A Fast, Open Source JavaScript, Canvas & Audio Implementation for iOS.
EnchantJS - A simple JavaScript framework for creating games and apps.
Farseer - a collision detection system with realistic physics responses.
FlashPunk - free ActionScript 3 library designed for developing 2D Flash games.
Flixel - an open source game-making written in ActionScript3.
GameMaker - 2D Game Engine
GameSalad - Game Creation Engine for Mac and Windows.
Gideros - Mobile Cross-Platform framework using Lua programming language.
Glide Engine - Game engine for making 2d games on iOS, macOS and tvOS, with practical examples.
Gosu - 2D game development library for Ruby and C++
HaxeFlixel - Create cross-platform games easier and free.
iio.js - A javascript library that speeds the creation and deployment of HTML5 Canvas applications
ImpactJS - Impact is a JavaScript Game Engine that allows you to develop stunning HTML5 Games for desktop and mobile browsers.
Juno Lua - Framework for making 2D games with chunky pixels in Lua
Juno TypeScript - Clean and lightweight 2D game framework written in TypeScript
Kivent - A 2D game framework for Kivy.
Kivy - Cross platform Python framework for creating apps and games for Linux, Windows, OS X, Android and iOS
KiwiJS - a fun and friendly Open Source HTML5 Game Engine. Some people call it the WordPress of HTML5 game engines
LibGDX - Powerful (totally free) library for Java, code once and run the game on desktop, Android, Web, and iOS.
LimeJS - HTML5 game framework for building fast, native-experience games for all modern touchscreens and
Lums - A 2D / 3D framework written in C++11. Very efficient and modern. Still under heavy development.
LÖVE - Lua 2D Game Engine.
MINX - Open Source 2D game framework written in C++ (to the style of XNA)
MOAI - Cross-Platform framework designed for pro game developers to create iOS, Android, Windows, Linux, Chrome and OSX games using C++, OpenGL and Lua scripting.
Matter.js - a 2D physics engine for the web.
MelonJS - open source light-weight HTML5 game engine.
Monkey X - Multi-platform programming language and cross-compiler, aimed at fast game programming.
Monogame - Open Source implementation of the Microsoft XNA 4 Framework.
NodeBox - a family of Python tools to create generative design.
OpenFL - Open Source Haxe Engine for making multi-platform games.
OpenRA - OpenRA is a Libre/Free Real Time Strategy Game Engine.
PICO-8 - A fantasy console for making, sharing and playing tiny games and other computer programs.
PandaJS - Open Source HTML5 Engine.
Phaser - free and fast 2D game framework for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile web browsers, supporting Canvas and WebGL rendering.
PixiJS - is a newcomer HTML5 game renderer - first released in early 2013. A main appeal of the engine is its use of WebGL for faster performance. If WebGL isn't supported, the engine falls back to standard canvas.
PuzzleScript - open-source HTML5 puzzle game engine.
PyGame - a 2D game engine in Python.
RPGMaker - series of programs for the development of role-playing games.
Ren'Py - visual novel engine using the Python language in simplified form. It supports Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Android and iOS
Rpgboss - A 2d rpg game engine and editor based on scala and libgdx. Ease of use, with no programming knowledge.
SDL - SDL is a cross-platform library designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and graphics hardware via OpenGL and Direct3D.
SFML - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library.
Solarus a free and open-source Action-RPG (Zelda) game engine
SpriteBuilder - Open Source Game Development Suite for MacOS
SpriteKit - iOS/Mac 2D Game Engine.
Stage.js - Lightweight and fast 2D HTML5 rendering and layout engine for cross-platform game development.
Starling - The GPU powered 2D Flash API
Stencyl - a game creation platform that allows users to create 2D video games for computers, mobile devices, and the web.
Tilengine - C Engine with wrappers for C#, Python and Java
Tiny Computer - a tiny computer where you can make, play and share tiny games.
https://github.com/vurtun/nuklear nuklear-A single-header ANSI C gui library
bgfx - Cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, "Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style library. [github ]
bs::framework - Modern C++14 library for the development of real-time graphical applications [github ]
Diligent Engine - Modern cross-platform low-level graphics library. [github ]
Falcor - Real-time rendering framework designed specifically for rapid prototyping. [github ]
Magnum - Lightweight and modular graphics middleware for games and data visualization. [github ]
OGRE3D - Scene-oriented flexible 3D engine written in C++. [bitbucket]
OpenSceneGraph - High performance 3D graphics toolkit. [github ]
OptiX - Application framework for achieving optimal ray tracing performance on the GPU
OSPRay - Ray tracing based rendering engine for high-fidelity visualization. [github ]
Polyscope - Prototyping-oriented UI for geometric algorithms. [github ]
The Forge - Cross-platform rendering framework. [github ]
VulkanSceneGraph - Vulkan & C++17 based Scene Graph Project [github ]
C Algorithms:一个常用算法和数据结构的集合。官网
CPL:The Common Pipeline Library;一系列详尽,高效和强壮的软件工具包。GNU GPL2.1。官网
GLib:一个便携,高效和强大的实用函数和数据结构库。GNU LGPL2.1。官网
GObject:一个 C 的面向对象系统和对象模型。GNU LGPL2.1。官网
libnih:一个轻量级的 C 函数和数据结构库。GNU GPL2.1。官网
PBL:一个包括实用函数,特色数据结构等的大型库。GNU LGPL2.1及更高版本(库),GNU GPL2.1及更高版本(测试代码)。官网
qlibc:一个简单且强大的 C 库,当我们想要小且轻的库时,可作为 Glib 的替代品。qLib license (类似于 FreeBSD)。官网
stb:一系列单文件 C 库。公共领域。官网
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