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授权协议 Readme
开发语言 C/C++
所属分类 云计算
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 谭俊
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Learn Something Every Day

My goal is to consistently learn new concepts and ideas that help me grow and enhance my understanding of software. I hope to develop this repository by adding summary notes on new topics throughout my career. The purpose of this repository is to help me retain all the information I have learned, so take a look into my brain and find some topics to delve into!

I take a lot of summary notes here, but I will often also put my learnings into an anki deck which is a wonderful way to do spaced repetition learning for long term retention. Taking summary notes in combination with some form of active recollection has worked really well for me and it would be my recommendation to anyone looking to always be learning in this fast changing industry.

Interested in Forking?

Write notes in Markdown with embedded LaTeX. When you push to develop, get CircleCI to render HTML pages using a small Ruby script and Pandoc, and then push the results to a Github Pages branch. The website build process is based on work by @davepagurek.


File structure

Each folder that contains Markdown files will have its own index in the rendered site. I tend to use one folder per course. Inside a course folder, I also make an img directory that just has images I use in my notes that I then reference with a relative path (e.g. <img src="img/some_image.png" />).

Local editing

I use Vim to edit my files. I use my fork of markdown-preview to create a Markdown preview with MathJax support, only refreshed on save. Here's a snippet from my .vimrc:

" In Vundle setup
Plugin 'iamcco/mathjax-support-for-mkdp'
Plugin 'davepagurek/markdown-preview.vim'
Plugin 'drmingdrmer/vim-syntax-markdown'

" Markdown preview config

" Only refresh preview on save (default is every edit, jumps around too much for my liking
let g:mkdp_refresh_on_save = 1

" Use Safari for preview (feel free to change to Chrome)
let g:mkdp_path_to_chrome = "open -a Safari"

" Use <Leader>mm to launch preview, <Leader>mn to close
nmap <silent> <Leader>mm <Plug>MarkdownPreview
nmap <silent> <Leader>mn <Plug>StopMarkdownPreview

" Enable MathJax
let g:vim_markdown_math = 1


  1. Make a develop branch
  2. Set up Github Pages for master
  3. Set up CircleCI for the project
  4. Authorize CircleCI to push to Github on your behalf: https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/gh-bb-integration/
  5. Add a user key from here: https://circleci.com/gh/youraccount/yourrepo/edit#checkout
  6. Change your Github email in deploy.sh
  • 描述 (Description) Javascript数组every方法都测试数组中的所有元素是否都通过了提供的函数实现的测试。 语法 (Syntax) 其语法如下 - array.every(callback[, thisObject]); 参数细节 (Parameter Details) callback - 测试每个元素的函数。 thisObject - 执行回调时用作this对象的对象。

  • 每个方法都测试数组中的所有元素是否都通过了提供的函数实现的测试。 语法 (Syntax) array.every(callback[, thisObject]); 参数 (Parameters) callback - 测试每个元素的函数。 thisObject - 执行回调时用作此对象的对象。 返回值 (Return Value) 如果此数组中的每个元素都满足提供的测试函数,则返回true 。

  • 如果谓词对于每个值都为true,则返回true,否则返回false。 语法 (Syntax) 以下是语法。 (every? p1 col) Parameters - 'p1'是需要测试的谓词。 'col'是需要测试的值集合。 Return Value - 如果谓词对于每个值都为true,则返回true,否则返回false。 例子 (Example) 以下是每个人的一个例子? 在Clojure。

  • Checks whether every element in this sequence satisfies a given predicate. Signature Sequence.every = function(predicate) { /*...*/ } Sequence.every = function every(predicate) { predicate = createC

  • every 函数签名: every(predicate: function, thisArg: any): Observable 如果完成时所有的值都能通过断言,那么发出 true,否则发出 false 。 示例 示例 1: 一些值不符合条件 ( Stackblitz | jsBin | jsFiddle ) // RxJS v6+ import { every } from 'rxjs/oper

  • 获取一组谓词并返回一个函数'f',如果其所有组合谓词都针对其所有参数返回逻辑真值,则返回true,否则返回false。 语法 (Syntax) 以下是语法。 (every-pred p1 p2 .. pn) Parameters - 'p1 p2 ... pn'是需要测试的所有谓词的列表。 Return Value - 如果所有组合谓词都针对其所有参数返回逻辑真值,则返回true,否则返回fal