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Run docker-compose with Maven
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 云计算
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 海翔宇
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Docker Compose Maven Plugin


Available on Maven Central.



Maven plugin for running basic docker-compose commands with Maven.

This can be used as part of the Maven lifecycle or as a utility to bring docker-compose commands to your Maven toolkit.

This plugin is designed to be light, fast and with minimum dependencies (only those required by Maven).



  • up - runs docker-compose up
  • down - runs docker-compose down
  • build - runs docker-compose build
  • push - runs docker-compose push
  • pull - runs docker-compose pull
  • stop - runs docker-compose stop
  • restart - runs docker-compose restart



composeFile - Location of the compose file e.g. ${project.basedir}/docker-compose.yml

The Plugin assumes your docker file is in ${project.basedir}/src/main/resources/docker-compose.yml

This can be changed in the configuration section of the plugin:


If the property composeFiles which allows multiple compose files is present then the value of this composeFile property is ignored.


composeFiles - Location of multiple compose files. If this property is present then the value of the composeFile is ignored.

This can be configured in the configuration section of the plugin:



envFile - Location of a file containing environment variables for docker-compose in key=value format, one pair per line.

This can be configured in the configuration section of the plugin:



envVars - Environment variables to be set when running docker-compose. Values set here override those set in a configured envFile.

This can be configured in the configuration section of the plugin:


This allows you to parameterize your docker-compose.yml:

version: '3.2'
    image: busybox
    container_name: ${serviceName}-1


services - Names of services.

This property configures the plugin to only execute the commands on the services specified.

This can be configured in the configuration section of the plugin:


The following example will only start services: test-1 and test-2:


Against the following docker-compose file:

version: '3.2'
    image: busybox
    container_name: container-1
    image: busybox
    container_name: container-2
    image: busybox
    container_name: container-3

Equivalent docker-compose command:

docker-compose up service-1 service-2


detachedMode - Run in detached mode

This adds -d to the up command.

The plugin will not run in detached mode by default.

This can be changed in the configuration section of the plugin:



removeVolumes - Delete volumes

This adds -v to the down command.

The plugin will not remove any volumes you create when using the down goal.

This can be changed in the configuration section of the plugin:



apiVersion - Specify compose API version



verbose - Enable verbose output



skip - Skip execution



projectName - Specify project name



host - Specify host



build - Build images before starting containers

This adds --build to the up command.

The plugin will not build images first by default.

This can be changed in the configuration section of the plugin:



removeOrphans - Remove containers for services not defined in the Compose file

This adds --remove-orphans to the down command.

The plugin will not remove orphans by default.

This can be changed in the configuration section of the plugin:



removeImages - Remove images when executing down

This adds --rmi to the down command.

The plugin will not remove images by default.

This can be changed in the configuration section of the plugin:


Additional option removeImagesType allows to specify type parameter of --rmi docker compose flag.all is the default value.local is the second supported type.



ignorePullFailures - Ignores failures when executing the pull goal

This adds --ignore-pull-failures to the pull command.

The plugin will not ignore pull failures by default.

This can be changed in the configuration section of the plugin:


Environment variables

You can add env vars to your docker-compose call via


This will add jdkImageType=openjdk and dockerImageTag=0.1.1 to the environment.

Build arguments

The build arguments for the build goal have there own section in the configuration.


Adds --force-rm to the docker-compose build call.


Adds --no-cache to the docker-compose build call.


Adds --pull to the docker-compose build call.


Adds --build-arg to the docker-compose build call.


This will add --build-arg foo=bar and --build-arg far=boor to the docker-compose build call.



Below will allow use of the plugin from the mvn command line:


This assumes the compose file is in the default location and will not run in any phase of the build.


Below has customised the location of the docker-compose.yml file and has three executions defined:


This will run the following as part of the verify phase:

  1. docker-compose pull --ignore-pull-failures using a docker-compose.yml file in a custom location
  2. docker-compose up -d using a docker-compose.yml file in a custom location
  3. docker-compose down -v using a docker-compose.yml file in a custom location
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  • 主要内容:实例,Compose 安装,使用,composetest/app.py 文件代码,docker-compose.yml 配置文件,yml 配置指令参考Compose 简介 Compose 是用于定义和运行多容器 Docker 应用程序的工具。通过 Compose,您可以使用 YML 文件来配置应用程序需要的所有服务。然后,使用一个命令,就可以从 YML 文件配置中创建并启动所有服务。 如果你还不了解 YML 文件配置,可以先阅读 YAML 入门教程。 Compose 使用的三个步骤:

  • 使用 Docker Compose,您可以使用一个命令启动本地测试网络。 需求 安装 tendermint 安装 docker 安装 docker-compose 构建 构建 tendermint 二进制文件和可选 tendermint/localnode docker 映像。 注意,二进制文件将被挂载到容器中,因此可以在不重新构建镜像的情况下更新它。 cd $GOPATH/src/github.

  • Docker Compose 是 Docker 官方编排(Orchestration)项目之一,负责快速的部署分布式应用。 本章将介绍 Compose 项目情况以及安装和使用。

  • 在安装 Compose之前,你需要先安装好 Docker 。然后你需要使用 curl 指令来安装 Compose 安装 Docker 首先,你需要安装大于或者等于1compose/.6版本的 Docker 。 MAC OSX 安装指南 Ubuntu 安装指南 其它系统安装指南 安装 Compose 运行下边的命令来安装 Compose: curl -L https://githubcompose/

  • 解决多容器的 APP 部署问题。 要从 Dockerfile build image 或从 Dockerhub 拉取或从 Tar export iamge。 要创建多个 container。 要管理多个 container。(启动停止删除) 介绍Docker Compose 通过一个 yml 文件定义多容器的 docker 应用,通过一条命令就可以根据 yml 文件的定义去创建或管理这些容器。 版