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所属分类 云计算、 Serverless 系统
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 庾鸿飞
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


The AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) is an open-source framework for building serverless applications.It provides shorthand syntax to express functions, APIs, databases, and event source mappings.With just a few lines of configuration, you can define the application you want and model it.

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Get Started

To get started with building SAM-based applications, use the SAM CLI. SAM CLI provides a Lambda-like executionenvironment that lets you locally build, test, debug, and deploy applications defined by SAM templates.

Next Steps: Learn to build a more complex serverless application.

Detailed References: Explains SAM commands and usage in depth.


  • Single-deployment configuration. SAM makes it easy to organize related components and resources, and operate on a single stack. You can use SAM to share configuration (such as memory and timeouts) between resources, and deploy all related resources together as a single, versioned entity.

  • Local debugging and testing. Use SAM CLI to locally build, test, and debug SAM applications on a Lambda-like execution environment. It tightens the development loop by helping you find & troubleshoot issues locally that you might otherwise identify only after deploying to the cloud.

  • Deep integration with development tools. You can use SAM with a suite of tools you love and use.

  • Built-in best practices. You can use SAM to define and deploy your infrastructure as configuration. This makes it possible for you to use and enforce best practices through code reviews. Also, with a few lines of configuration, you can enable safe deployments through CodeDeploy, and can enable tracing using AWS X-Ray.

  • Extension of AWS CloudFormation. Because SAM is an extension of AWS CloudFormation, you get the reliable deployment capabilities of AWS CloudFormation. You can define resources by using CloudFormation in your SAM template. Also, you can use the full suite of resources, intrinsic functions, and other template features that are available in CloudFormation.

What is this Github repository? ��

This Github Repository contains source code for SAM CLI. Here is the development team talking about this code:

SAM CLI code is written in Python. Source code is well documented, very modular, with 95% unit test coverage.It uses this awesome Python library called Click to manage the command line interaction and uses Docker to run Lambda functions locally.We think you'll like the code base. Clone it and run make pr or ./Make -pr on Windows!

Contribute to SAM

We love our contributors ❤️ We have over 100 contributors who have built various parts of the product.Read this testimonial from @ndobryanskyy to learnmore about what it was like contributing to SAM.

Depending on your interest and skill, you can help build the different parts of the SAM project;

Enhance the SAM Specification

Make pull requests, report bugs, and share ideas to improve the full SAM template specification.Source code is located on Github at awslabs/serverless-application-model.Read the SAM Specification Contributing Guideto get started.

Strengthen SAM CLI

Add new commands or enhance existing ones, report bugs, or request new features for the SAM CLI.Source code is located on Github at awslabs/aws-sam-cli. Read the SAM CLI Contributing Guide toget started.

Update SAM Developer Guide

SAM Developer Guide provides comprehensive getting started guide and reference documentation.Source code is located on Github at awsdocs/aws-sam-developer-guide.Read the SAM Documentation Contribution Guide to getstarted.

Join the SAM Community on Slack

Join the SAM developers channel (#samdev) on Slack to collaborate with fellow community members and the AWS SAM team.

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  • 一、安装 ubuntu: pip3 install awscli --upgrade --user mac os: 官方教程:Install, Update, and Uninstall the AWS CLI version 1 on macOS 二、配置 aws configure AWS Access Key ID [None]: <your assess key> AWS Secret A

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  • 安装 参照: AWS-CLI. 配置AWS CLI 在命令行运行 aws configure 以设置您的证书和设置。 $ aws configure AWS Access Key ID [None]: AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE AWS Secret Access Key [None]: wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY Default

  • AWS 常用CLI命令 对AWS服务操作可以通过管理控制台、各语言SDK、CLI以及API等方式。管理控制台最简单,可以直接通过Web界面操作,但是有些服务或者服务下的某些操作无法直接用控制台调用;API的方式最复杂,需要自己生成哈希值签署请求以及处理请求错误等低级别的操作,AWS 的大部分服务都提供REST的API以及类似于REST的查询API,API提供的服务操作是最新最全面的;SDK 的好处

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  • AWS Command Line Interface是什么? http://docs.aws.amazon.com/zh_cn/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-welcome.html AWS CLI 是一个在 AWS SDK for Python (Boto) 之上构建的开源工具,可提供与 AWS 服务交互的命令。仅需最小的配置,您就可以从您喜爱的终端程序开始使用 A

  • cli,即Command Line Interface,是aws服务常用的命令工具 AWS官网地址 环境:Python 安装 安装起来只需要一条命令: pip install awscli 执行完成之后,输入aws,输出如下,则说明安装成功了: $ aws usage: aws [options] <command> <subcommand> [<subcommand> ...] [paramet

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  • 医生说他们做了完全相同的事情: 本节中描述的sam软件包和sam部署命令分别与其AWS CLI等效命令AWS cloudformation软件包和AWS cloudformation deploy相同。 但我的经验表明这并不完全正确。当我为基于Java的Lambda运行时,会得到一个工件,该工件上载到S3,并具有以下类型的zip结构: META-INF com/form/etc,类文件 logba

  • 我们正在使用AWS SAM构建API。在CodeStar中的Lambda节点模板上构建。事情一直进展顺利,直到我们的模板。yml文件变得太大了。每当推送代码并且CloudFormation开始执行更改集并为SAMendpoint创建堆栈时,它就会失败并回滚到上一次成功构建。 似乎我们有太多的资源超过了每个堆栈的云形成限制。 我尝试拆分模板文件,并编辑构建规范来处理两个模板文件,执行两个AWS云形成

  • 我正在使用AWS SAM(无服务器应用程序模型)在API网关设置中构建Python 3.6 lambda代码。因此,我有一个单独的文件来创建几个Lambda函数。它们与lambda函数一起组织在项目中各自的子目录中。lambda还共享几个我保存在共享文件夹中的常见文件。 问题是,虽然Pycharm可以清楚地看到共享的,SAM无法并拒绝识别共享文件,出现以下错误:文件放入每个lambda目录,Pyc

  • 因此,在生成AWS SAM模板“web后端”lambda后,我的函数不会连接到我的dynamodb docker实例。 这是我正在使用的JavaScript代码: 在我的终端上运行: 命中生成的endpoint终端给出错误信息: 如果我试着通过邮递员打发电机,我会得到: 所以dynamodb服务器正在运行,因为我可以通过noSQL工作台连接到它,但是我的假设是sam本地api的docker容器看不

  • 我正在开发一个SAM应用程序,它有一个lambda函数,API网关是事件源。APIendpoint是一种POST方法,要求在请求体中有一组参数。API网关通过使用AWS控制台指定请求模型,为我们提供了验证请求体的能力。 请参阅以下AWS控制台选项的屏幕截图: 我需要通过SAM模板设置类似的选项,能够将模型与请求主体链接,但无法设置请求验证程序选项,也无法找到任何文档或示例。 下面是我的SAM模板

  • SAM .OpenResty是SAM 隔离框架。 hellow 示例。 local exports=require("sam")local json   =require("cjson")exports.App(exports.cls.Module, "MyModel", function (message)  local data  = message.data;  data.msgId   =