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所属分类 云计算、 Serverless 系统
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Author your AWS Lambda functions in Go, effectively.

AWS Lambda lets you run code without thinking about servers. For now, you canauthor your AWS Lambda functions, natively, in C#, Java,Node.js and Python. This project provides a native and full-featuredshim for authoring your AWS Lambda functions in Go.

Table of Contents

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package main

import "github.com/eawsy/aws-lambda-go-core/service/lambda/runtime"

func Handle(evt interface{}, ctx *runtime.Context) (string, error) {
	return "Hello, World!", nil
wget -qO- https://github.com/eawsy/aws-lambda-go-shim/raw/master/src/preview.bash | bash
# "Hello, World!" executed in 0.45 ms

�� If you like the experience, please spread the word!


Serialization Context Logging Exceptions Environment Events API Gateway


DISCLAIMER:We do not intend to compare Go with other languages but to appreciate the overhead of our shim compared to officiallysupported AWS Lambda languages.

�� It is the 2nd fastest way to run an AWS Lambda function and makes the Node.js spawn process techniqueobsolete.

How It Works

Quick Hands-On

  1. Requirements

    docker pull eawsy/aws-lambda-go-shim:latest
    go get -u -d github.com/eawsy/aws-lambda-go-core/...
    wget -O Makefile https://git.io/vytH8
  2. Code

    package main
    import (
    func Handle(evt json.RawMessage, ctx *runtime.Context) (interface{}, error) {
      // ...
  3. Build

  4. Deploy

    You can use your preferred deployment method by providing it the followingconfiguration:

    • Runtime: python2.7
    • Handler: handler.Handle

    For example, if you deploy your function through theAWS Lambda Management Console,you will have to fill a bunch of parameters like:

Under the Hood

Considering for example the above preview section, we have the following structure:

└── preview
    ├── handler.go
    └── Makefile

The handler.go file is where resides the main entrypoint of your AWS Lambda function. There is no restriction on howmany files and dependencies you can have, nor on how you must name your files and functions. Nevertheless however weadvocate to retain the handler name and to use Handle as the name of your entrypoint.

Let's review the content of handler.go:

1 package main
3 import "github.com/eawsy/aws-lambda-go-core/service/lambda/runtime"
5 func Handle(evt interface{}, ctx *runtime.Context) (string, error) {
6 	return "Hello, World!", nil
7 }

Main Package

For a seamless experience we leverage Go 1.8 plugins to separate the shim from your code. At run time,AWS Lambda loads our pre-compiled shim which in turn loads your code (your plugin). A plugin is aGo main package and that is why your entrypoint must be in the main package, as seen at line 1. Notice that thisrestriction only applies to your entrypoint and you are free to organize the rest of your code in different packages.

Runtime Context

While your function is executing, it can interact with AWS Lambda to get useful runtime information such as, how muchtime is remaining before AWS Lambda terminates your function, the AWS request id, etc. This information is passed as thesecond parameter to your function via the runtime.Context object, as seen at line 5.
With eawsy/aws-lambda-go-core we empower you with a full-featured context object to access anyavailable information in the exact same way that official AWS Lambda runtimes do. This is the only dependency you everneed, as seen in line 3.

Get Dependencies

eawsy/aws-lambda-go-core dependency can be retrieved using the well known go get command:

go get -u -d github.com/eawsy/aws-lambda-go-core/...

Go vendoring is also supported out of the box and behaves the same way expected when building usual goprojects:

  • If the preview folder is inside GOPATH, then vendor folder prevails over GOPATH dependencies.
  • If the preview folder is outside GOPATH, then vendor folder is ignored in favor of GOPATH dependencies.

Handler Signature

5 func Handle(evt interface{}, ctx *runtime.Context) (string, error) {
6 	return "Hello, World!", nil
7 }

For AWS Lambda being able to call your handler, you have to make it visible outside your plugin, as seenat line 5. There is no other naming restriction but keep in mind that if you change the name of your function, you mustalso update it in the AWS Lambda configuration.

Tip: Use a variable to expose a handler from the inside of a package:

var Handle = mypackage.MyHandle

For the rest, the handler follows the AWS Lambda programming model by:

  • Taking 2 parameters:

  • Returning 2 values:

    • Result – The first return value is automatically json marshalled and forwarded back to the client.
      You are free to use the well known interface{} type, any other valid Go type or even your own custom type toleverage fine grained json marshalling.
    • Error – The second return value notifies AWS Lambda an error occurred during execution. As expected it prevailsover the first return value. You are free to return native Go errors or custom ones:
      type CustomError struct {
          s string
      func (e *CustomError) Error() string {
          return e.s
      func Handle(evt interface{}, ctx *runtime.Context) (interface{}, error) {
        return nil, &CustomError{"somthing bad happened"}


In line with the AWS Lambda programming model, one should be able to output logs using standardabilities of the language. Your function can contain logging statements using the official Go log packageand AWS Lambda writes theses logs to AWS CloudWatch Logs asynchronously. There is no restriction on howto configure or use the Go log package.

package main

import (


func Handle(evt interface{}, ctx *runtime.Context) (interface{}, error) {
	log.Println("Hello, World!")
	return nil, nil


In the course of a normal and controlled execution flow, you can notify AWS Lambda an error occurred by returning anerror as explained above.
In case of unexpected situations when the ordinary flow of control stops and begins panicking and if you have not anyrecover mechanism in place, then the stack trace is logged in AWS CloudWatch Logs and AWS Lambda isnotified an error occurred.


We provide a Docker image based on Amazon Linux container image to build your binaryin the exact same environment than AWS Lambda. This image embeds our pre-compiled shim along with helper scripts topackage your function. You can use it as such or build your own custom image from it:

docker pull eawsy/aws-lambda-go-shim:latest

Although not strictly required, we also provide an example Makefile to streamline common usecases. You are free to customize, modify and adapt it to your needs. Let's review its content briefly:

HANDLER ?= handler

  @docker run ...

  @go build ...

  @pack ...
  • Customize – The first two environment variables allow you to customize the name of your handler and the generatedpackage:

    └── preview
        ├── handler.go
        ├── handler.so
        ├── handler.zip
        └── Makefile
    HANDLER=myhandler PACKAGE=mypackage make
    └── preview
        ├── handler.go
        ├── Makefile
        ├── myhandler.so
        └── mypackage.zip
  • Dockerize – The docker target runs our Docker image and executes the rest of the build process inside it.

  • Build – The build target builds your code with the plugin build mode. Feel free to customizebuild flags.

  • Package – The pack target is by far the most important one. It packages your previously built plugin and injectour pre-compiled shim, with the correct name, into the package.
    Be careful if you customize the example Makefile or if you build your own custom image, the way the shim is injectedinto the package ensures its correct functioning.


The only intent of this project is to provide the most seamless and effective way to run Go on AWS Lambda. We do notprovide any sugar and you are free to use your tools of predilection for deployment with the following settings in AWSLambda:

  • Runtime: python2.7
  • Handler: handler.Handle (unless customized as explained above)

Known Limitations

  • The behavior of the Go fmt package is non-deterministic in AWS CloudWatch Logs. Please use Go log package instead.

Edge Behaviors

Even if some of these behaviors can be overcome, we mimic the official AWS Lambda runtimes.

  • Log statements are not visible during initialization. If you log anything in the init function, it won't be writtenin AWS CloudWatch Logs.


This project is maintained and funded by Alsanium, SAS.

We ❤️ AWS and open source software. See our other projects, orhire us to help you build modern applications on AWS.


We want to make it easy for you, users and contributers, to talk with us and connect with each others, to share ideas,solve problems and make help this project awesome. Here are the main channels we're running currently and we'd love tohear from you on them.



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This is for all of you. Users, developers and curious. You can find help, links, questions and answers from all thecommunity including the core team.

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pull requests & issues

You are invited to contribute new features, fixes, or updates, large or small; we are always thrilled to receive pullrequests, and do our best to process them as fast as we can.

Before you start to code, we recommend discussing your plans through the eawsy/bavardage channel,especially for more ambitious contributions. This gives other contributors a chance to point you in the right direction,give you feedback on your design, and help you find out if someone else is working on the same thing.

Write code!


This product is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this productexcept in compliance with the License. See LICENSE and NOTICE for more information.


Alsanium, eawsy, the "Created by eawsy" logo, and the "eawsy" logo are trademarks of Alsanium, SAS. or its affiliates inFrance and/or other countries.

Amazon Web Services, the "Powered by Amazon Web Services" logo, and AWS Lambda are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or itsaffiliates in the United States and/or other countries.

  • THIS PROJECT IS DEPRECATED IN FAVOR OF ITS SUCCESSOR eawsy/aws-lambda-go-shim eawsy/aws-lambda-go A fast and clean way to execute Go on AWS Lambda. AWS Lambda lets you run code without provisioning or

  • 问题内容: 我刚刚开始使用aws-sdk-go,并注意到s3请求使用的是http / https而不是s3协议。如何使用aws-sdk- go从vpc中的lambda读取s3中的对象? 而且我不想使用NAT网关。我可以在NodeJS中执行此操作,但是aws-go-sdk是否可以执行相同操作? 谢谢! 问题答案: 要在没有Internet网关的情况下在VPC内访问S3,您需要使用S3端点

  • 问题内容: Go是否支持lambda表达式或类似内容? 我想从使用lambda表达式(Ruby)的另一种语言移植库。 问题答案: 这是一个示例,请仔细复制并粘贴:

  • 问题内容: 我正在尝试执行新的JDK 8函数式编程领域中似乎是相对基本的事情,但是我无法使其工作。我有这个工作代码: 它接受一个数字列表,并产生可以打印出来的功能列表。但是,显式强制转换为Callable似乎是多余的。在我和IntelliJ中看来。我们都同意这也应该起作用: 但是我得到一个错误: 问题答案: 您遇到了Java 8目标类型的限制,该限制适用于方法调用的 接收者 。尽管目标类型在大多数

  • 我正试图做一件在新JDK似乎是相对基本的事情 它获取一个数字列表并生成一个可以将它们打印出来的函数列表。然而,Callable的显式强制执行似乎是多余的。对我和IntelliJ来说似乎是这样。我们都同意这也应该有效: 但是,我收到一个错误:

  • 有时您可能只需要在程序中的一个位置使用一个函数,并且该函数非常简单,您可能不会给它命名,或者可能不想将它存储在符号表中,而宁愿编写一个未命名或匿名的函数。 LISP允许您编写仅在程序中遇到它们时才计算的匿名函数。 这些函数称为Lambda functions. 您可以使用lambda表达式创建此类函数。 lambda表达式的语法如下 - (lambda (parameters) body) 无法