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Springer Source Code

This repository accompanies Linear Programming Using MATLAB® by Nikolaos Ploskas and Nikolaos Samaras (Springer, 2018).

Download the files as a zip using the green button, or clone the repository to your machine using Git.


Release v1.0 corresponds to the code in the published book, without corrections or updates.


For corrections to the content in the published book, see the file


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  • Fire up graphlab create import graphlab Load some house value vs. crime rate data Dataset is from Philadelphia, PA and includes average house sales price in a number of neighborhoods. The attributes

  • HacktoberFest'x => where x is any number :-) Anyone can use this project to make their contribution to an open source project on GitHub. Celebrate HacktoberFest by getting involved in the Open Source

  • Linear Regression 线性回归模型(linear regression model)利用最小二乘函数对一个或多个自变量与一个因变量之间的关系进行建模,是一种常见的预测模型。 1. 算法介绍 线性回归模型(linear regression model)是一种回归模型。给一个随机样本 , 一个线性回归模型假设回归子)为一组样本数据。 2. 分布式实现 on Angel Angel ML

  • 什么是 Action Play 应用收到的大部分请求都是由 Action 来处理的。 play.api.mvc.Action 就是一个处理收到的请求然后产生结果发给客户端的函数(play.api.mvc.Request => play.api.mvc.Result)。 val echo = Action { request => Ok("Got request [" + request + "

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  • Python提供了各种用于开发图形用户界面(GUI)的选项。 最重要的是下面列出的。 Tkinter - Tkinter是Python附带的Tk GUI工具包的Python接口。 我们将在本章中看到这个选项。 wxPython - 这是wxWindows http://wxpython.org的开源Python接口。 JPython - JPython是Java的Python端口,它使Python