
An Enhanced Go Experience For The Atom Editor
授权协议 View license
开发语言 C/C++
所属分类 应用工具、 文档/文本编辑
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 诸葛绍元
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


An Improved Go Experience For The Atom Editor



This package includes the following functionality:

  • Display information about your current go installation, by running go version and go env
  • Autocomplete using gocode
  • Format your code with gofmt, goimports, or goreturns;optionally run one of these tools on save of any .go file
  • Run go install . and go test -c -o {tempdir} . to verify your code compilesand to keep gocode suggestions up to date
  • Run a variety of linters (e.g. golint, vet, etc.) against your code using gometalinter, revive or golangci-lint
  • Run tests, display test output, and display test coverage using go test -coverprofile
  • Display documentation for identifiers in source code usinggogetdoc
  • Rename the symbol under your cursor using gorename
  • Go to definition using guru or godef
  • Highlight occurrences of an identifier using guru
  • Find usages of an identifier using guru

You can add debug functionality to Atom by installing the following package:


How Are The Builds Performed?

The following commands are run for the directory of the current file:

  • go install . (for normal .go files)
  • go test -o {tmpdir} -c . (for _test.go files)

Why Are You Running go install Instead Of go build?

gocode (and a few other tools, like gotype) work on .a files (i.e. the package object archive), and the way to keep these up to date is to run go install periodically. This ensures your autocomplete suggestions are kept up to date.


The package has CI for OS X, Windows and Ubuntu.

Installing Missing Tools

If you are missing any required tools, you may be prompted to install them. You can also manually install the required tools in your terminal:

go get -u golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports
go get -u golang.org/x/tools/cmd/gorename
go get -u github.com/sqs/goreturns
go get -u github.com/mdempsky/gocode
go get -u github.com/alecthomas/gometalinter
go get -u github.com/mgechev/revive
go get -u github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint
go get -u github.com/zmb3/gogetdoc
go get -u github.com/zmb3/goaddimport
go get -u github.com/rogpeppe/godef
go get -u golang.org/x/tools/cmd/guru
go get -u github.com/fatih/gomodifytags
go get -u github.com/tpng/gopkgs
go get -u github.com/ramya-rao-a/go-outline

Having Issues?

Please consult the FAQ prior to opening an issue: https://github.com/joefitzgerald/go-plus/wiki/FAQ

If you have an issue with debugging, file an issue with go-debug here.



A list of contributors can be found at https://github.com/joefitzgerald/go-plus/graphs/contributors. Thank you so much to everyone has contributed to the package ❤️ . You are awesome!


Contributions are greatly appreciated. Please fork this repository, make yourchanges, and open a pull request. See Contributing for detailed instructions.

  •       Atom用了段时间了,用起来还不错。用来开发Go的话,需要安装go-plus这个插件。 没在线安装成功,只好离线安装了,记录一下,说不定别人也需要.       步骤如下:       一。配置node环境         brew update         brew install node           brew reinstall node --with-full-ic

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  • Panic表示的意思就是有些意想不到的错误发生了。通常我们用来表示程序正常运行过程中不应该出现的,或者我们没有处理好的错误。 package main import "os" func main() { // 我们使用panic来检查预期不到的错误 panic("a problem") // Panic的通常使用方法就是如果一个函数 // 返回一个我们不知道怎么处理

  • 使用os.Exit可以给定一个状态,然后立刻退出程序运行。 package main import "fmt" import "os" func main() { // 当使用`os.Exit`的时候defer操作不会被运行, // 所以这里的``fmt.Println`将不会被调用 defer fmt.Println("!") // 退出程序并设置退出状态值

  • Defer 用来保证一个函数调用会在程序执行的最后被调用。通常用于资源清理工作。 package main import "fmt" import "os" // 假设我们想创建一个文件,然后写入数据,最后关闭文件 func main() { // 在使用createFile得到一个文件对象之后,我们使用defer // 来调用关闭文件的方法closeFile,这个方法将在main

  • 11.1. go test go test命令是一个按照一定的约定和组织来测试代码的程序。在包目录内,所有以_test.go为后缀名的源文件在执行go build时不会被构建成包的一部分,它们是go test测试的一部分。 在*_test.go文件中,有三种类型的函数:测试函数、基准测试(benchmark)函数、示例函数。一个测试函数是以Test为函数名前缀的函数,用于测试程序的一些逻辑行为是否