(this project is looking for a new maintainer)
Analogue is a flexible, easy-to-use ORM for PHP. It is a transposition of the Eloquent ORM that ships with Laravel framework using a Data Mapper pattern instead of the original Active Record approach. it overcomes some of Eloquent's architectural limitations by using a strict separation of concerns; for example, you can use Value Objects or Single-table-inheritance, which are hard/impossible to implement correctly using the native ORM.
As a Laravel package, it integrates flawlessly inside the framework, and provides a more powerfull peristance layer, allowing to build enterprise-grade applications while retaining a simple and enjoyable development experience.
composer require analogue/orm
See Configuration for more information.
The concept is simple; your model layer is defined using 2 classes : one Entity, which can be any PHP class or extends the base Analogue\ORM\Entity class which provides magic getters and setters, and one EntityMap which defines relationships, castings, table name, database column names.
Take this simple domain model :
use Analogue\ORM\Entity;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
class Blog extends Entity
public function __construct()
$this->posts = new Collection;
public function addPost(Post $post)
class Post extends Entity
We can instruct Analogue how these objects are related using these classes :
use Analogue\ORM\EntityMap;
class BlogMap extends EntityMap
public function posts(Blog $blog)
return $this->hasMany($blog, Post::class);
class PostMap extends EntityMap
public function blog(Post $post)
return $this->belongsTo($post, Blog::class);
Now we can create related instance of or object and persist them to the database :
$blog = new Blog;
$blog->title = "My first blog";
$post = new Post;
$post->title->"My first post";
// Only the blog instance need to explicitely stored; Analogue takes care of synchronizing
// related objects behinds the scene.
Once our objects are persisted into the database, we can query them using the fluent query builder :
$blog = mapper(Blog::class)->first();
echo $blog->posts->first()->title; // 'My first post'
Check the Documentation for more details.
, embedsMany()
relationshipsIoC Container
or any PSR-11 compatible container.Check the wiki for full documentation.
This package is licensed under the MIT License.
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HAL是什么我就不解释了,具体可以参考:http://www.zhan5zhan.com/post/6.html 1、何谓短文本 论坛、博客、微博、聊天记录、问答,都可以认为是短文本。虽然博客、论坛也有很多长文本,但是是少数。 2、短文本难点 1)不规范、口语化。比如各种简写、各种错字别字。 2)语境缺失。在专业论坛,各种专有名词,就很难理解。比如暗黑3的“和尚”指代一种角色,“妈咪爱
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