涉及模块:PyQT5 PIL
1:完成窗口设置,利用PyQT5 QWebEngineView加载网页地址,待网页加载完成后,调用check_pag;
class MainWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(MainWindow, self).__init__(parent) self.setWindowTitle('易哈佛') self.temp_height = 0 self.setWindowFlag(Qt.WindowMinMaxButtonsHint, False) # 禁用最大化,最小化 # self.setWindowFlag(Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint, True) # 窗口顶置 self.setWindowFlag(Qt.FramelessWindowHint, True) # 窗口无边框 def urlScreenShot(self, url): self.browser = QWebEngineView() self.browser.load(QUrl(url)) geometry = self.chose_screen() self.setGeometry(geometry) self.browser.loadFinished.connect(self.check_page) self.setCentralWidget(self.browser) def get_page_size(self): size = self.browser.page().contentsSize() self.set_height = size.height() self.set_width = size.width() return size.width(), size.height() def chose_screen(self): width, height = 750, 1370 desktop = QApplication.desktop() screen_count = desktop.screenCount() for i in range(0, screen_count): rect = desktop.availableGeometry(i) s_width, s_height = rect.width(), rect.height() if s_width > width and s_height > height: return QRect(rect.left(), rect.top(), width, height) return QRect(0, 0, width, height) if __name__ == '__main__': app = QApplication(sys.argv) win = MainWindow() win.show() app.exit(app.exec_())
def check_page(self): p_width, p_height = self.get_page_size() self.page, self.over_flow_size = divmod(p_height, self.height()) if self.page == 0: self.page = 1 self.ssm = ScreenShotMerge(self.page, self.over_flow_size) self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.exe_command) self.timer.setInterval(400) self.timer.start()
def exe_command(self): if self.page > 0: self.screen_shot() self.run_js() elif self.page < 0: self.timer.stop() self.ssm.image_merge() self.close() elif self.over_flow_size > 0: self.screen_shot() self.page -= 1 def run_js(self): script = """ var scroll = function (dHeight) { var t = document.documentElement.scrollTop var h = document.documentElement.scrollHeight dHeight = dHeight || 0 var current = t + dHeight if (current > h) { window.scrollTo(0, document.documentElement.clientHeight) } else { window.scrollTo(0, current) } } """ command = script + '\n scroll({})'.format(self.height()) self.browser.page().runJavaScript(command)
def screen_shot(self): screen = QApplication.primaryScreen() winid = self.browser.winId() pix = screen.grabWindow(int(winid)) name = '{}/temp.png'.format(self.ssm.root_path) pix.save(name) self.ssm.add_im(name)
class ScreenShotMerge(): def __init__(self, page, over_flow_size): self.im_list = [] self.page = page self.over_flow_size = over_flow_size self.get_path() def get_path(self): self.root_path = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('temp') if not self.root_path.exists(): self.root_path.mkdir(parents=True) self.save_path = self.root_path.joinpath('merge.png') def add_im(self, path): if len(self.im_list) == self.page: im = self.reedit_image(path) else: im = Image.open(path) im.save('{}/{}.png'.format(self.root_path, len(self.im_list) + 1)) self.im_list.append(im) def get_new_size(self): max_width = 0 total_height = 0 # 计算合成后图片的宽度(以最宽的为准)和高度 for img in self.im_list: width, height = img.size if width > max_width: max_width = width total_height += height return max_width, total_height def image_merge(self, ): if len(self.im_list) > 1: max_width, total_height = self.get_new_size() # 产生一张空白图 new_img = Image.new('RGB', (max_width - 15, total_height), 255) x = y = 0 for img in self.im_list: width, height = img.size new_img.paste(img, (x, y)) y += height new_img.save(self.save_path) print('截图成功:', self.save_path) else: obj = self.im_list[0] width, height = obj.size left, top, right, bottom = 0, 0, width, height box = (left, top, right, bottom) region = obj.crop(box) new_img = Image.new('RGB', (width, height), 255) new_img.paste(region, box) new_img.save(self.save_path) print('截图成功:', self.save_path) def reedit_image(self, path): obj = Image.open(path) width, height = obj.size left, top, right, bottom = 0, height - self.over_flow_size, width, height box = (left, top, right, bottom) region = obj.crop(box) return region
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:UTF-8 -*- # Author:Leslie-x import sys from PyQt5.QtCore import * from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from PyQt5.QtWebEngineWidgets import * from PIL import Image from pathlib import Path class ScreenShotMerge(): def __init__(self, page, over_flow_size): self.im_list = [] self.page = page self.over_flow_size = over_flow_size self.get_path() def get_path(self): self.root_path = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('temp') if not self.root_path.exists(): self.root_path.mkdir(parents=True) self.save_path = self.root_path.joinpath('merge.png') def add_im(self, path): if len(self.im_list) == self.page: im = self.reedit_image(path) else: im = Image.open(path) im.save('{}/{}.png'.format(self.root_path, len(self.im_list) + 1)) self.im_list.append(im) def get_new_size(self): max_width = 0 total_height = 0 # 计算合成后图片的宽度(以最宽的为准)和高度 for img in self.im_list: width, height = img.size if width > max_width: max_width = width total_height += height return max_width, total_height def image_merge(self, ): if len(self.im_list) > 1: max_width, total_height = self.get_new_size() # 产生一张空白图 new_img = Image.new('RGB', (max_width - 15, total_height), 255) x = y = 0 for img in self.im_list: width, height = img.size new_img.paste(img, (x, y)) y += height new_img.save(self.save_path) print('截图成功:', self.save_path) else: obj = self.im_list[0] width, height = obj.size left, top, right, bottom = 0, 0, width, height box = (left, top, right, bottom) region = obj.crop(box) new_img = Image.new('RGB', (width, height), 255) new_img.paste(region, box) new_img.save(self.save_path) print('截图成功:', self.save_path) def reedit_image(self, path): obj = Image.open(path) width, height = obj.size left, top, right, bottom = 0, height - self.over_flow_size, width, height box = (left, top, right, bottom) region = obj.crop(box) return region class MainWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(MainWindow, self).__init__(parent) self.setWindowTitle('易哈佛') self.temp_height = 0 self.setWindowFlag(Qt.WindowMinMaxButtonsHint, False) # 禁用最大化,最小化 # self.setWindowFlag(Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint, True) # 窗口顶置 self.setWindowFlag(Qt.FramelessWindowHint, True) # 窗口无边框 def urlScreenShot(self, url): self.browser = QWebEngineView() self.browser.load(QUrl(url)) geometry = self.chose_screen() self.setGeometry(geometry) self.browser.loadFinished.connect(self.check_page) self.setCentralWidget(self.browser) def get_page_size(self): size = self.browser.page().contentsSize() self.set_height = size.height() self.set_width = size.width() return size.width(), size.height() def chose_screen(self): width, height = 750, 1370 desktop = QApplication.desktop() screen_count = desktop.screenCount() for i in range(0, screen_count): rect = desktop.availableGeometry(i) s_width, s_height = rect.width(), rect.height() if s_width > width and s_height > height: return QRect(rect.left(), rect.top(), width, height) return QRect(0, 0, width, height) def check_page(self): p_width, p_height = self.get_page_size() self.page, self.over_flow_size = divmod(p_height, self.height()) if self.page == 0: self.page = 1 self.ssm = ScreenShotMerge(self.page, self.over_flow_size) self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.exe_command) self.timer.setInterval(400) self.timer.start() def exe_command(self): if self.page > 0: self.screen_shot() self.run_js() elif self.page < 0: self.timer.stop() self.ssm.image_merge() self.close() elif self.over_flow_size > 0: self.screen_shot() self.page -= 1 def run_js(self): script = """ var scroll = function (dHeight) { var t = document.documentElement.scrollTop var h = document.documentElement.scrollHeight dHeight = dHeight || 0 var current = t + dHeight if (current > h) { window.scrollTo(0, document.documentElement.clientHeight) } else { window.scrollTo(0, current) } } """ command = script + '\n scroll({})'.format(self.height()) self.browser.page().runJavaScript(command) def screen_shot(self): screen = QApplication.primaryScreen() winid = self.browser.winId() pix = screen.grabWindow(int(winid)) name = '{}/temp.png'.format(self.ssm.root_path) pix.save(name) self.ssm.add_im(name) if __name__ == '__main__': url = 'http://blog.sina.com.cn/lm/rank/focusbang//' app = QApplication(sys.argv) win = MainWindow() win.urlScreenShot(url) win.show() app.exit(app.exec_())
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