pix2pix-tensorflow 实现了利用 Tensorflow 从一种图像转译成另一种图像的生成技术。基于 pix2pix 实现。pix2pix-tensorflow 将 pix2pix 中的 Torch 移植为 Tensorflow,同时包含来自 Torch 移植过来的色彩空间转换代码。 要求:Tensorflow 0.12.1 推荐:Linux with Tensorflow GPU
TensorFlow 是一个端到端开源机器学习平台。它拥有一个全面而灵活的生态系统,其中包含各种工具、库和社区资源,可助力研究人员推动先进机器学习技术的发展,并使开发者能够轻松地构建和部署由机器学习提供支持的应用。 轻松地构建模型 TensorFlow 提供多个抽象级别,因此您可以根据自己的需求选择合适的级别。您可以使用高阶 Keras API 构建和训练模型,该 API 让您能够轻松地开始使用
简介 一个比特币交易机器人基于 Tensorflow LSTM 模型,仅供娱乐。 数据集 数据来自 btctrade ,用 requests 爬取,它包含比特币的 50 个交易记录。get_trades.py 会获取这些交易记录并且用图片的方式展示出来。 模型 rnn_predicter.py 使用 LSMT 模型。截取 10个交易记录作为输入,如果 第 11个加个比第10个高,就把输出设置为 [
tensorflow-ue4 Unreal Engine plugin for TensorFlow. Enables training and implementing state of the art machine learning algorithms for your unreal projects. This plugin contains C++, Blueprint and pyt
stanford-tensorflow-tutorials This repository contains code examples for the course CS 20: TensorFlow for Deep Learning Research. It will be updated as the class progresses. Detailed syllabus and lect
TensorFlow Examples This tutorial was designed for easily diving into TensorFlow, through examples. For readability, it includes both notebooks and source codes with explanation, for both TF v1 & v2.
TensorFlow A wrapper around TensorFlow, a popular open source machine learning framework from Google. ⚠️ Notice ⚠️ Tensorflow.jl is in minimal maintenance mode While it works, it is not receiving new
TensorFlow 2.0 Tutorials Our repo. is the Winner of ⚡ #PoweredByTF 2.0 Challenge!. Timeline: Oct. 1, 2019: TensorFlow 2.0 Stable! Aug. 24, 2019: TensorFlow 2.0 rc0 Jun. 8, 2019: TensorFlow 2.0 Beta Ma
TensorFlow Course This repository aims to provide simple and ready-to-use tutorials for TensorFlow.Each tutorial includes source code and most of them are associated with a documentation. Sponsorship
Tensorflow-101 嗨!在這裡我把Tensorflow 官網教學翻譯成中文以及我自己在 ipython 的實作程式碼記錄在 Jupyter Notebook 裡,歡迎大家取用. Logistic Regression Softmax Regressions with MNIST Convolutional Network with MNIST CNN layer visualizatio
本项目将《动手学深度学习》 原书中MXNet代码实现改为TensorFlow2实现。经过archersama的导师咨询李沐老师,这个项目的实施已得到李沐老师的同意。原书作者:阿斯顿·张、李沐、扎卡里 C. 立顿、亚历山大 J. 斯莫拉以及其他社区贡献者,GitHub地址:https://github.com/d2l-ai/d2l-zh 此书的中、英版本存在一些不同,本项目主要针对此书的中文版进行T
TensorFlow 2深度学习开源书(龙书) 基于TensorFlow 2正式版!!!理论与实战结合,非常适合入门学习!!! 纸质书购买链接:京东 纸质书购买链接:淘宝 本仓库包含pdf电子书、配套源代码、配套课件等。部分代码已替换为Ipython Notebook形式,感谢这位童鞋的整理。 开源电子版pdf还可以从百度网盘下载 提取码:juqs感谢云城不及粒火童鞋提供的书签版pdf。 本书的繁
tensorflow.cr Crystal binding for TensorFlow. This is an early-stage open-source project. You can call functions from bindings directly, but wrappers are not ready yet. Requiments You need to compile
Wasserstein GAN This is a tensorflow implementation of WGAN on mnist and SVHN. Requirement tensorflow==1.0.0+ numpy matplotlib cv2 Usage Train: Use WGAN.ipynb, set the parameters in the second cell an
BEGAN in Tensorflow Tensorflow implementation of BEGAN: Boundary Equilibrium Generative Adversarial Networks. Requirements Python 2.7 or 3.x Pillow tqdm requests (Only used for downloading CelebA data