1.1 kotlin简史 1.1.1 Kotlin概述 科特林岛(Котлин)是一座俄罗斯的岛屿,位于圣彼得堡以西约30公里处,形状狭长,东西长度约14公里,南北宽度约2公里,面积有16平方公里,扼守俄国进入芬兰湾的水道。科特林岛上建有喀琅施塔得市,为圣彼得堡下辖的城市。 我们这里讲的Kotlin,就是一门以这个Котлин岛命名的现代程序设计语言。它是一门静态类型编程语言,支持JVM平台,An
Kotlin 教程
Kotlin是一种针对JVM(和其他平台)的静态类型语言,它允许编写简洁而优雅的代码,同时提供与Java编写的现有库的互操作性。 Spring Boot通过利用其他Spring项目(如Spring Framework,Spring Data和Reactor)的支持来提供Kotlin支持。 有关更多信息,请参阅Spring Framework Kotlin支持文档。 从Spring Boot和Kot
KotlinMvp 是仿着“开眼Eyepetizer”之前版本并加上自己的想法,开发的一款的短视频小应用,每日为你推荐精选视频,让你大开眼界。本项目采用 Kotlin 语言编写,结合 MVP+RxJava2+Retrofit2+Glide等的架构设计,学习 Kotlin 利用空余时间开发的一款小项目,代码结构清晰有详细注释。 前言 前段时间学习了 Kotlin 的一些语法,然后就写了这个项目熟悉一
Kotlin/Native The development of Kotlin/Native was moved to https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin.Because of that, this repository was archived. Instead of creating new issues in this repository or comm
kotlin-frontend-plugin THIS PLUGIN IS DEPRECATED Kotlin/JS plugin contains features of kotlin-frontend-plugin. For setting up project with Kotlin/JS Gradle Plugin, please follow https://kotlinlang.org
GraphQL Kotlin GraphQL Kotlin is a collection of libraries, built on top of graphql-java, that simplify running GraphQL clients and servers in Kotlin. Visit our documentation site for more details. ��
Lets-Plot for Kotlin Latest Lets-Plot Kotlin API Version Latest Lets-Plot Version License Overview Lets-Plot in Jupyter with Kotlin Kernel Installation "Line Magics" Quick start with Jupyter Example n
Pokedex app built with Kotlin Download Go to the releases page to download the latest available apk. Screenshots Development Roadmap Kotlin LiveData Navigation ViewModel Room Coroutines Gradle Kotlin
This repository holds 2 projects: Sample Giphy App is a test Project that displays paginated trending GIFs from Giphy and also contains search functionality. This small project is a good starting poin
Android - Clean Architecture - Kotlin The purpose of this repo is to follow up Clean Architecture principles by bringing them to Android. It is worth saying that the idea is to take advantage of the K
Kotlin-Multiplatform (Android, iOS, JS & JVM Desktop App) This example shows how to create a simple Android/iOS/JVM/JS project sharing some Kotlin code. This app saves on a local database your favouri
KotlinExtensions Utility extensions, properties and useful methods to boost your programming with Kotlin. How to install Maven Add the following repository to your pom.xml: <repositories> <reposito