This repository holds 2 projects:
Sample Giphy App is a test Project that displays paginated trending GIFs from Giphy and also contains search functionality.
Amiga App is a larger feature modularized project aimed at reinventing the todo-calendar-wellbeing concept.
Both projects are under active development & they both share some common modules like Views, Network, Resources and Cache.
My main objective is to achieve with the least amount of code RUDT principles which means that the code must be easy to:
Personal project to try out things:
Refer to the issues section:
Clean Architecture Guide (with tested examples): Data Flow != Dependency Rule
The death of Presenters and the rise of ViewModels (AAC)
Official Kotlin Style Guide with Ktlint
Koin in Feature Modules Project
Detecting Kotlin Code Smells with Detekt
Gradle Dependency Management with Kotlin (buildSrc)
Copyright 2020 Mario Sanoguera de Lorenzo
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this project except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
Clean Architecture on Android: the way! The purpose of this repository is to showcase, with a very simple (but hopefully clear) sample Android project, how we implement Uncle Bob's Clean
Android Clean Architecture Boilerplate Welcome �� We hope this boilerplate is not only helpful to other developers, but also that it helps to educate in the area of architecture. We created this boile
Model-View-ViewModel (ie MVVM) Model-View-ViewModel (ie MVVM) is a template of a client application architecture, proposed by John Gossman as an alternative to MVC and MVP patterns when using Data Bin
我刚刚读了应用程序架构指南。在这篇文章中,google演示了使用新的android架构组件构建健壮的android应用程序的基本指南。如今年的Google I/O所示,一个应用程序应该有4层: 在这种情况下,依赖关系从上到下流动,较高层只知道直接位于它们下面的组件,例如。UI控制器只知道ViewModel,ViewModel只知道存储库等。 因此,我观看了视频,完成了相应的codelabs,然后学
首先,我知道这是StackOverflow之前出现的一个已知的bug,但提供的解决方案对我来说似乎是暂时的,或者只在某些时候起作用。 请参见:无法解析符号“AppCompattivity”并且无法解析AppCompattivity... 这些线程建议的修复为我提供了临时的修复,这些修复似乎在我清理项目的那一刻就被撤消了,然后再推到Github(用于Udacity Nanodegree程序)。 **
我有一些第三方jar依赖。因此,我使用maven-install-plugin将这些第三方jar安装到我的本地存储库(.m2/repository)中。这个插件一定要清理阶段。当我执行“MVN clean Install”时,在运行clean之前,它开始搜索依赖项,最终构建失败,因为它无法找到第三方JAR。但是当我单独运行mvn clean时,它会将文件安装在本地存储库中。随后当我运行mvn cl