go-github 是 Google 对 Github 的开放 API 进行 Go 语言封装的一个项目。 示例代码: import "github.com/google/go-github/github"client := github.NewClient(nil)orgs, _, err := client.Organizations.List("willnorris", nil)opt :=
推荐大家使用 https://gitee.com 速度更快,项目直接部署、Android 自动构建! 私有库永久免费,提供手机客户端,国内首个同时支持 Git 和 SVN 的代码托管平台) 如何一键导入 Github 仓库:https://blog.gitee.com/2018/06/05/github_to_gitee/ GitHub 可以托管各种 git 库,并提供一个 Web 界面,但与
Atom 是 GitHub 专门为程序员推出的一个跨平台文本编辑器。具有简洁和直观的图形用户界面,并有很多有趣的特点:支持 CSS,HTML,JavaScript 等网页编程语言。它支持宏,自动完成分屏功能,集成了文件管理器。
GithubCLI GitHub on your command line. User your terminal, not the browser. Works hand-in-hand with github_api gem. Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'github_cli' And then
gh-md-toc gh-md-toc — is for you if you want to generate TOC (Table Of Content) for a README.md ora GitHub wiki page without installing additional software. It's my try to fix a problem: github/issues
We prepared a dataset from the GH Archive that contains all the events in all GitHub repositories since 2011 in structured format. The dataset was uploaded into ClickHouse, where it contains 3.1 billi
GitHub Community SRM is the foremost student-led community spearheading the Open Source Revolution at SRMIST, Chennai. rendered with ♥ by your friends at GitHub Community SRM. �� Project Description H
IRCv3 Website This is the IRCv3 website. Testing If you want to test your changes to this website locally before submitting a pull request (always a good idea), there are two options: using Bundler, a
官方的 GitHub 服务集成,你可用它来设置资源库管理。
TeXify TeXify is a GitHub App built on top of readme2tex that automatically takes your markdown files and replaces anything enclosed between dollar signs with rendered LaTeX. How it works? Whenever yo
github-changes 是基于 github 的 pull requests 和 commit 来生成更改日志(changelog) 的实用工具。 安装: npm install -g github-changes 用法 Usage: github-changes [options]Options: -o, --owner (required) owner of the
Github Pulse 是 OS X 的状态栏应用,可以帮助你保持每天都记得 commit。 前端第三方库: React Webpack Stylus Octicons react-router Chart.js
GitHub-Ldap 是 GitHub Enterprise 的一部分,是 LDAP 客户端。 GitHub-Ldap 封装了 Net::LDAP,方便易用。
Github-Contributions 是一个 UI 组件,它能在页面上显示你 Github 账户的贡献日历。
GitHubSearch GitHub iOS client with minimum third-party dependencies. The app allows for searching for repositories using GitHub API. �� In the next release will be possible to save info about reposit